Dead Island 2 Jacob [Skills, Stats & Tips]


The release of Dead Island 2 has left its fans reeling. The game comes with six new Slayers you can choose from. Each of these slayers has their own characteristics, innate skills, and a few selectable skills. Among those killers of Dead Island 2 is Jacob. He is a middleweight slayer.

Important: When using Jacob make sure you stay away from him Elemental effects As he is sensitive to them.

Key takeaways

  • Jacob is one of the six killers in Dead Island 2.
  • He is the one Middleweight Slayer.
  • Jacob is a handsome assassin who has A lot of damage And stability.
  • his innate abilities”Farrell“And”Critical benefitsAllow him to deal more damage consistently.
  • Jacob has three unique talentsSerial killer“”Group therapy“And”Hack and dash


Jacob is one of the six killers in Dead Island 2. You can select him as a playable character at the beginning of the game. We will briefly go into more detail about Yaqoob’s attributes, his skills, and more. In other words, we’ll discuss why you should choose Jacob over all the other assassins.

But before we start with that, let’s talk about the history of Jacob. He was born in London where he was a stockbroker. When his mother died, he moved there. Los Angeles. Before going there, he became a stuntman. He was in LA when the outbreak broke out.

Jacob’s Stats

Jacob has charm and ‘Rock star attitude‘Attitude. His attitude may be necessary to survive in such a gloomy world of Dead Island 2. He is more of an anti-hero than a savior. Anyway, here are all his stats.

statistics Jacob’s score
Toughness. ★★★☆☆
Stamina ★★★★☆
Restoration of health ★★☆☆☆
Critical damage ★★★☆☆
Agility ★★★☆☆
Peak health ★★★★★
flexibility ★☆☆☆☆

Now that we know his stats, we’ll go over each of them and explain what they mean when you’re fighting enemies in the game.

  • Hardness: Jacob’s toughness gets 3 out of 5 points. He will be normal in taking damage where he can hold his own during a fight even if he is killed. You can expect him to stick around quite a bit during combat.
  • Endurance: He has 4 out of 5 points for stamina. You can expect him to have a few power attacks before he runs out of breath.
  • Health maintenance: Jacob’s health restoration received 2 out of 5 points. It’s below average so you can’t expect it to heal itself when out of combat. You’ll have to rely on energy bars, energy drinks, and med kits to fix it.
  • Severe Damage: Jacob’s critical damage is 3 out of 5 points. He gets an extra critical damage boost on his already low stamina, so the low critical damage on Jacob is negligible.
  • Agility: As one of the middleweight slayers, Jacob has an average agility of 3 out of 5 points. This allows him to pass as an average Joe. This gives you the possibilities of how you can play as Jacob.
  • Peak Health: Jacob has the highest peak health of 5 points out of 5. This means he has the highest health in the game. This makes it durable, and you can expect it to last longer in every fight.
  • Flexibility: Finally, it has the lowest elasticity at 1 out of 5 points. He will be quite weak against elemental damage.

Innate talent

All the killers in Dead Island 2 have their own innate skills. They are natural abilities that they already have. Like the perk system, you won’t have to go and unlock them yourself. They will always be with him said Slayer. Well then, here are Jacob’s innate skills.

Innate talent.
Jacob’s two innate skills. [Image Credit: eXputer]
  • Farrell: Jacob gets Stackable. Promote minor damage When attacking one after the other.
  • Critical benefits: Jacob’s critical hit when stamina is low, gain a Moderate critical damage boost And regain stamina.

OK, so innate skills”Farrell” allows Jacob’s damage to increase with each successful hit within a short time. Feral Skill will stack up to five times, increasing its damage. You can check the stacks in the top left, under his health bar. However, if you’re doing 20 damage with each hit, it can go up to 30 on the fifth stack and stay there until you stop attacking.

While Jacob’s Another innate skill,”Critical benefitsAllows him to deal extra critical damage when his stamina is low. Now that he has the second highest stamina in the game, it will take a few hits before he runs out of stamina. And when it does, it will deal more damage to enemies.

Jacob unique talent

Each of these characters can now have up to 15 custom skills. These 15 skills can be chosen by the player however they like to use their characters. And they explain how the player wants to play this Slayer. Here’s how these 15 skills are broken down:

  • Skills for 5 abilities
  • 4 Skills for Survivors
  • 4 talents for the assassin
  • 2 talent for no
Unique Jacob cards.
Jacob has three unique cards. [Image Credit: eXputer]

A variety of skills are available for players to choose from. But, when we talk about unique skills, we only mean skills that the player can use. Jacob now has a few unique cards that he shares with Dani. As they are Jacob’s Cards, be sure to include them in your build. Let’s take a brief look at them.

  • Serial killer: Unique skill will give Jacob a minor damage boost after killing a zombie.
  • Group therapy: When you kill zombies in a row, you will recover your ability. This will solve Jacob’s stamina problem.
  • Hack and dash: When you manage to kill a zombie, it will increase your attack speed for a short period of time.

Dead Island 2 has a lot of tasks for players to accomplish. One of them is to collect safe keys throughout the game, and open the safe. Or you have to find fuses in different places to supply electricity to the houses. Overall, these tasks make it a long-to-beat game. The game is supported, but it’s a brilliant plot.

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