Dead Island 2 Voice Commands [Definitive Guide]


Dead Island 2 has a feature called Alexa Game Control, which allows players to use Amazon’s AI assistant Alexa to perform in-game actions with voice commands.

Key takeaways

  • Dead Island 2 features Alexa Game Control, which allows players to perform. Actions in the game with Voice commands Using Amazon’s AI Assistant Alexa
  • To use Alexa Game Control, players only need one. Amazon account And a Microphone. It is not necessary to own a device with Alexa built-in.
  • The setup process is straightforward and involves gaining access. Setting menu, linking Dead Island 2 to one. Amazon Account, activation Voice commandsand making preferred choices Voice capture method
  • Players can. Taunting zombies, Create waypoints, Change weaponsAnd Activate the emotions With Alexa Game Control.
  • Alexa Game Control is not unusual. helper But it’s worth a try to see if players enjoy using it.
  • Currently, Alexa Game Control is only available on PC And Xbox Versions of Dead Island 2 and Not on PlayStation. Consoles

How to Use Alexa Voice Control

To use the Alexa Game Control feature in Dead Island 2, players only need to have one. Amazon account And a Microphone. Although Dead Island 2 recommends using a headset, owning an Alexa built-in device, such as an Amazon Echo, is not necessary as this feature is already included in Dead Island 2.

To establish

Setting up Dead Island 2 Voice Commands
Setting up Alexa Voice Commands in Dead Island 2 – [Image by eXputer]

Setting up the Alexa game control feature in Dead Island 2 is easy and does not require having an Amazon Echo or Alexa product nearby. To set it up, players should follow these steps:

  1. Get access to Setting menu.
  2. Scroll down to find out. Alexa game control option.
  3. Connect Dead Island 2 to one. Amazon account.
  4. Make sure that Voice commands are active
  5. Choose a favorite. Voice capture Method, either Sound activity, push to To talkor Tap to talk..
  6. Adjust the Audio Threshold Where Alexa detects the audio of the player’s voice.
  7. Confirm the Microphone It is correct to use.

After completing the setup, the Alexa game control feature will be available to use. Based on experiences, Push to talk. This is the recommended method because Voice Activity can be activated unintentionally when players make sudden noises out of fear.

Using Voice Control

Alexa Voice Controls Tutorials
Alexa Voice Controls Tutorial – [Image by eXputer]

Once players have set the basic options for Alexa Game Control in Dead Island 2, they can start using it in the game by following these steps.

  • When Alexa is used, players will hear ‘Ping‘ to indicate that Alexa is listening to their commands.
  • Oh Blue circles will appear. Bottom left of the player’s screen, and the light blue areas will fill in as they speak.
  • After the player finishes speaking, Alexa will immediately process the command and execute it if possible.

However, it’s important to note that this version of Alexa has some limitations, including:

  • It cannot be accessed Amazon Music, could be heardor Communicationamong other systems.
  • This is a less powerful version of Alexa that you might find in an Amazon Echo or other device.

Despite these limitations, there are still many things players can do with Alexa in Dead Island 2, and they don’t even have to be related to Dead Island 2 itself.

Dead Island 2 Voice Commands for Alexa

Zombie sarcasm
Taunt Zombies Using Voice Commands – [Image by eXputer]

The Tutorials section of Dead Island 2’s pause menu includes several tabs that cover all the different voice commands that Alexa can use with the game controls, as well as the different terms used to achieve the same result. can go Here’s a rundown of what players can do with Alexa:

  • use the “NameA specific type of zombie to taunt nearby zombies or a specific zombie in a group.
  • to create ways At various places, viz Nearest point of interest, Merchantor safe Home.
  • Depending on the command given, change the player. next weapon or a Special weapons.
  • Enable multiple. Emotions For fun or to chat with an online multiplayer friend (available after meeting Samb).

These commands have several variations, such as changing the player’s ‘fastest’ weapon, targeting the ‘slobber’ zombies in the group, or making a path to the nearest Fusebox.

Non-game voice commands

This version of Alexa in Dead Island 2 can be used to do some common comical things that people like to mess with, such as:

  • Creating Alexa fart noise Continuously while the player is fighting zombie hordes.
  • Ask Alexa Make a recommendation local Pizza places While in game (streamers should be careful with this).
  • While playing Dead Island 2, I had Alexa narrate a Choose your own adventure. version of Skyrim.
  • Asking Alexa to recite a string Knock Jokes.
  • And many other possibilities.

Is it able to use Alexa voice control?

  • This is the feature. Not exceptionally helpful But ok.
  • It allows players to switch. Special weapons With a sentence and a sign Nearby routes.
  • The most helpful options include: Ridiculous zombies Pulling aggro and quickly switching to a specific weapon.
  • Alexa does not control the game A revolution in gaming Or make Dead Island 2 easier.
  • it is Worth a try Test it out to see if players enjoy using it.

Availability on other platforms.

  • Alexa is the game control. Not Available On every platform.
  • Players who own Dead Island 2. PlayStation Consolation Cannot access This characteristic.
  • Currently, Alexa is Game Control only. available On PC And Xbox Versions of Dead Island 2.
  • If this feature is ever implemented on PlayStation consoles, the setup process should be identical.

Dead Island 2 features Alexa Game Control, allowing players to use Amazon’s AI assistant Alexa to perform in-game actions with voice commands. Read our guide to Jacob, an all-rounder whose abilities make him the best. There are six different characters, learn about Dead Island 2 classes, characters and stats and choose the best fit for you. We have also listed the best weapons in Dead Island 2.


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