Forspoken: Trophies & Achievements –


In Forspoken, the players will be able to collect around 24 trophies on the PlayStation. On PC, there are 23 main trophies to collect, as the PC players will not be able to unlock the platinum trophy for the game. There are hidden trophies except for the main 24 trophies as well. The trophies can be unlocked by progressing through the main campaign and completing side missions. You will also be able to unlock a lot of trophies by simply collecting items and exploring Althia. 

Key Highlights

  • In Forspoken, there are 24 trophies to collect on PlayStation 5. On PC, the players will be able to collect 53 achievements. 
  • These players will be able to unlock the platinum trophy only on PlayStation five, and the PC players won’t be able to get the completionist title. 
  • There are a lot of hidden bronze, silver, and golden trophies as well. 
  • Most of the trophies will require you to get certain collectibles in the game. 
  • Others will require you to learn spells and use them. 
  • There are many trophies where you will have to visit points of interest to unlock the achievement. 
  • In order to get the completionist title, the players will have to spend at least 40 to 60 hours in the game. 

All Trophies In Forspoken 

Forspoken the players will be able to explore an open world while casting spells in their battles and collecting rare items in different regions.

Forspoken Trophies & Achievements and how to get them
Collecting the trophies [Image by eXputer]

Some of the trophies are quite easy to unlock, and the players won’t have to change their difficulty level to unlock a specific trophy in the game. Furthermore, the accessibility settings while unlocking different achievements can be enabled.

Platinum Trophy 

The platinum trophy called Forspoken can be unlocked by obtaining all trophies in the game. 

Bronze Trophies 

Following are all the collectible bronze trophies in the game. 

  • A Roaring Trade: The achievement will be unlocked if the player trades poppets to get all the available items in the game. 
  • Moves: To unlock the trophy the players will have to dance in order to earn the praise of the mighty Pilo in Forspoken. 
  • Outdoors Person: The trophy will be unlocked by setting up a Camp outside. 
  • Remembrance: The Trophy will be unlocked when the players will say some words of remembrance in the game to the departed souls. 
  • Explorer Seeker: By visiting ten different points of interest in the world, the players will be able to unlock this achievement. 
  • Pilgrimage Initiate: The achievement will be unlocked when the players will visit their very first monument in the game. 
  • Call Of The Fount Baptized: In order to allow the achievement, the players will have to visit the Fount Of Blessing. After that, they will have to unlock and access all their magical powers. 
  • Unlocked Potential: By learning a spell for the very first time the players will be able to unlock this achievement. The spell can be learned by spending mana in the game. 
  • Endless Runner: By using magic parkour to cover a total of 100 kilometers in the game, the players will be able to unlock this achievement. 
  • Tinkerer: By crafting any item for the first time, the players will be able to unlock the tinkerer bronze trophy. 
  • Hell Of A Run: The bronze achievement can be allowed when the players will use the magic parkour for 20 seconds without any break. 
  • Hop, Step, Jump: The players will be able to unlock the bronze achievement by performing five consecutive shimmies in the game. 
  • Shocker: By using the necessary achievement to electrocute 3 enemies at the same time, the players will be able to unlock this bronze achievement. 
  • I Can Fly: To get this achievement, the players will have to stay in the air for a minimum of 10 seconds. They will have to use a float in order to stay in the air. 
  • Help Me Out Here: The players will be able to allow this achievement by using a spell called Disperse in a single battle three times in a row. 
  • Leap Frogger: The players will be able to get the achievement by performing a jump over ten enemies in the game. 
  • Knock Em Dead: The players will be able to unlock this trophy after using the Surge magic spell on their enemies and killing at least three or more enemies with a single Attack. 
  • No Mercy: The achievement will be unlocked after performing Killer Blows in the game. The players will have to perform at least 30 of the killer blows if they want to unlock the achievement. 
  • Tit For Tat: The bronze achievement can be unlocked by performing ten precision counters in the game. 
  • Above And Beyond: By upgrading all of your Spells in the game, the players will be able to unlock this bronze achievement. 
  • Through The Eyes Of Another Empath: For the achievement, the players will have to visit the Monument To Wisdom and complete a flashback challenge. 
  • Happy Snapper: For the trophy, the players will have to show all their photos taken at different spots to the children in the game. 
  • Cat Person: The bronze achievement will be unlocked when the players have made Tanta’s Familiars their friends. 

Hidden Bronze Trophies 

There are a lot of hidden trophies in the game as well that the players will be able to unlock by simply progressing through the game. However, some of these trophies will also require you to complete certain side missions in the game.

Hidden Trophies
Hidden Trophies [Image by eXputer]

Furthermore, some of these trophies can be unlocked by exploring the world. Below is a detailed list of all hidden trophies and achievements in the game. 

  • The Hue Of The Blue: The bronze achievement will be unlocked when the players will retreat and submit themselves to the otherworldly justice in Forspoken. 
  • Attachments: This achievement will be allowed as soon as you collect one of the rarest items in the game which is a Mysterious Golden Bracelet. 
  • Damned If You Do: The bronze achievement can be unlocked after the players taste the bitterness of disaster as well as the sweetness of peace In the game.
  • Stuck: The players will have to travel through another world in order to unlock the achievement. The other world is beautiful yet deadly but will allow you to unlock the hidden achievement. 
  • Might And Main: For the achievement, the players will have to win a showdown in a great fortress and defeat their opposing enemy. 
  • What Must Be Done: After surviving a certain event, the players would be able to unlock the achievement. The players will have to go through a Nightmarish Ordeal in order to allow the bronze hidden achievement. 
  • The Interloper: The hidden bronze achievement will be allowed when the players will seek vengeance on a powerful enemy. 
  • Craftsperson: The trophy will be unlocked after the players have successfully crafted a healing item in the game. Furthermore, the players will also have to craft original pieces of Frey’s equipment in the game. The place would have to craft two items in order to unlock the achievement. 
  • The Truth Will Be Out: The achievement will be unlocked by finishing the last trial in the game. 
  • Wildfire: For the achievement, the players will have to use Sila’s magic on an enemy who has a status effect called Tangled. They will have to defeat the enemy in order to allow the hidden achievement. 
  • Breaking Point: The in-game description of the trophy states that the achievement can be unlocked after learning a hard truth and accepting an even harder one. 
  • Realized Potential: For achievement, the players will have to learn all the spells in the game. 
  • Forspoken: For the bronze achievement, the fate of a world lies in the player’s hand. 
  • Pilgrimage Novice: For the bronze achievement, the players will have to visit at least 20 monuments in a game. 
  • Explorer Pathfinder: By visiting at least 50 points of interest in the game, the players will be able to allow the hidden achievement. 
  • Promises: For the achievement, the players will have to make a promise to someone very special in their game. 
  • Rebirth: For the bronze achievement, the players will have to attend to the needs of all people in Cipal. 
  • Through The Eyes Of Another Seer: For the achievement, the players will have to complete flashback challenges at any ten monuments to wisdom in the game. 
  • From Every Angle: For the achievement, the players will have to use all four types of Tanta magic. They will have to use the four types of this magic in a single battle. 
  • Barely There: For the achievement, the players will have to hide for a total of 10 seconds in the game. 
  • Hidden Silver Trophies 
  • Following are the hidden silver trophies in the game that the players will be able to unlock. 
  • Through The Eyes Of Another Visionary: The players will be able to unlock the achievement after completing every single flashback challenge available at the monument to wisdom. 
  • Pilgrimage Adapt: The players will be able to unlock the achievement by visiting 50 monuments in the game. 
  • Kit And Caboodle: In order to allow the achievement, the players will have to obtain all the pieces of equipment in the game. However, this equipment will not include any sub-quest items. 
  • Awakening: The players will be able to allow the silver hidden achievement by laying waste to a great evil for the sake of the world. 
  • Paragon: The players will be able to unlock the silver achievement by learning every single spell available in the game. 
  • Explorer Trailblazer: In order to unlock the achievement, the players would have to visit 100 points of interest in the game. 
  • Call Of The Fount Beatified: For the achievement, the players will have to acquire all the magical powers from the founts Of Blessing in the game. 

Hidden Gold Trophies 

there are only two gold trophies that are available for the players to collect in the game. 

  • Archivist: For the hidden gold achievement, the players will have to unlock 80% of the archive in the game. 
  • Abominizer: After successfully defeating all four abominations, the players will be able to unlock the gold trophy. 

Tips For Collecting The Achievements 

Fortunately, the players will be able to get all the achievements while playing for just 40 hours in the game. In normal difficulty, especially the players won’t require much time to get the completionist title. Most of the trophies in Forspoken that involve getting all the collectibles will take a lot of time.

Collecting the trophies
Explore The World [Image by eXputer]

To get these collectible items, the players will have to go through a lot of enemies as well. A great tip is to change the difficulty level whenever you are completing a quest that requires you to get certain items in the game. Many of the collectibles that you will find in the game will also allow you to learn a particular skill.

Keep in mind that not all of the collectibles are required to finish the game. The players will be able to skip some of the caves, ruins, fortresses, villages, legendary chests, traces, and guilds in the game. 

Story And Side Quests 

After completing the main story, which will be able to allow the full map to explore, furthermore, by the end of it, the players will have collected a lot of items and unlocked a lot of skills to use in the side missions. 

It is important to complete the events and side quests that are marked yellow on the map in order to unlock some of the hidden trophies in Forspoken. By doing so, the players would be able to unlock the 80% archive completion trophy.

Forspoken Trophies & Achievements
Main Trophies [Image by eXputer]

Some of these achievements might not be available after you have completed the story. So it is important to complete them as soon as they become available in the game. Even if you miss some, don’t worry, as you will only need to complete 80% archives to unlock the trophy for it.

Side Quests

While you can ignore all the events and quests in the game to get the 80% archive completion if you just solely focus on the story, it is still recommended that you try to complete as many of them as possible. Most of the archive completion can be allowed by simply crafting some resources and defeating enemies in the game. The players can also complete it by visiting points of interest and collecting equipment. 

For the trophy-relevant side missions, the players will have to complete the main campaign first. If you feel lost, then make sure to check out your map to get an idea of the objective you need to complete. 

There are some areas in the game that you might not be able to access when you first start Forspoken. So if you cannot seem to access a certain area, then it might be due to the reason that you haven’t progressed enough. Make sure to collect any money you find along your journey. This is because you will need them to buy all the spells in the game and unlock a relevant trophy for them. 

Collectables And Archive Completion 

These might require 20-30 hours of gameplay. Many of the collectibles will allow you to allow certain abilities in the game as well. After completing the story will be able to access all of the collectibles in the game. You can see the location of these collectibles by opening the map.

You can see the progress for the collectibles by opening the PS5 Trophy Tracker. The progress can also be seen in the in-game map. You can access it by hovering your mouse over the top right corner of the screen. Any collectibles that you have not found so far will be marked as purple.

The collectibles that you have found will be marked as golden on the map. It is important to avoid backtracking and focus on collecting only the trophy-relevant items in the game.

The players will need to collect all of the monuments, photo spots, flashbacks, abominations, the fountain of blessing, and Tanta’s familiars to unlock the Relevant achievements tied to them. They will also have to collect all 70 pieces of equipment in the game.

Archive Completion

For the archive completion, you will have to visit any hundred points of interest. Most of these places of interest you will already be able to visit after you collect all the equipment. in order to complete the 80% archive completion you will need to visit places like locked labyrinths, fortresses, caves, Bridges, ruins, traces, and villages. 

There are some collectibles in the game that can be skipped as well as they are not tied to any achievement. These include mutants, pilgrims’ refuges, legendary chests, and belfries. 

Spell And Craft Challenges 

After that, the only achievements that you will need to unlock will be from spellcraft challenges. After you have successfully completed the main story, you will be able to exceed all four skill trees in the game. You will be only able to collect 12 spells in the game.

The rest of them will be unlocked by spending mana in the game. After unlocking the spell in the game, you will have to complete a spellcraft challenge for the spell as well. To complete the challenge, you will have to interact with a bookshelf located in the Pilgrims Refuge.

After completing the mission, you will be able to level up the spell. In order to level up the spell, you need to visit the Magic Menu in the game. You will have to repeat the process for all 105 spells in the game. All of the challenges will require you around 5 hours to complete them.

Important Trophies

The players will be able to unlock the majority of trophies and the 12 chapters of the game just by progressing. However, the players will be able to free roam after they have completed the main story and will be able to explore several different elements that the game has to offer.

Also, any of the side quests which offer unlockable achievements will become available after completing the main story. In case you missed any side quest, then don’t worry, as it will spawn again after you have completed the main story.

So you can choose to complete the side missions after going through the 12 chapters of the game. However, there is a certain trophy called Cat Chases in which you will have to collect nine poppets. It is recommended that this trophy should be unlocked during the main progression. 

Summing It Up 

With this, we conclude our detailed guide on all trophies and achievements and how to unlock them in Forspoken. Make sure to check out our detailed guide on all voice actors and cast as well as the beginner’s guide for Forspoken. Also, check out our detailed guide on all skills and how to get them in the game.

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