Crisis Core: Farming Thick Chocobo Feathers [BEST Ways]
gave Thick chocobo feathers one Item Used in Crisis Core Reunion. Materia Fusion This item increases. HP by the 10 percent Up to the max 999 percent That is why they know how to farm. Thick chocobo feathers Important in the production of endgame content.
Key highlights
- gave Thick chocobo feathers is used in Materia Fusion As it grows HP 10 percent up to a A maximum of 999 percent.
- It can be cultivated. Mission 9-2-6: Material Signs, 2-4-4: Excavation Site Survey, And 6-6-6: Twilight of the Dawn.
- In these missions, two Behemoth Enemies will be faced.
- Strategy has to be implemented. theft or The mug Materials to obtain Thick chocobo feathers Away from them
- Once these wings are obtained, kill the Behemoths.
- now, repeat Actions after completing the mission.
How to Grow Thick Chocobo Feathers
There are two enemies that allow you to farm. Thick chocobo feathers. Of coursethey all need it theft or Cup material.
- gave theft The contents can be found in a chest Mission 7-5-1: First Contact.
- gave The mug Can be achieved by completing the content. Mission 1-1-6: 1000 Shinra Troops.
Once you have these materials, you are now ready to farm. Thick chocobo feathers.

Jabberwock in Mission 9-2-6 and 2-4-4
Jabberwock One is Behemoth Enemy found in both Mission 9-2-6: Signs of Materia And Mission 2-4-4: Survey the Excavation Site. This is the enemy. extremely Powerful, so we recommend you break yours. Limitation of damages Before attempting this fight. Be sure to silence Content too.
Also, be a decent one High level is also recommended. Once this is done, you will use SThe blue or The mug Frequent content to get Thick chocobo feathers. After a while, you’ll stop getting wings. Now, kill the Jabberwock and keep it Repeat this process until you get the desired number of thick chocobo feathers.
Also, keep a steady supply of Phoenix Downs Ready. Once you defeat the Jabberwock, it will use a SSpecial ability As a last resort to kill you. It can be fatal if you don’t successfully disrupt it, so be prepared. Alternatively, you can use a Limit Break to cancel this attack.
Humba in Mission 6-6-6
Hamba One is Behemoth Enemy found Mission 6-6-6: Twilight of Dawn. Like its brethren, it’s no pushover. It has several powerful casts that make it up. invincible To Physical, magicalor All Attacks are important because a silence Content with you. Can be purchased from Sector 5 Materia Shop of the 1,000 gil.
Also, if you have a high level, this shouldn’t be a problem for you. Here farming method will be used. Steal or mug to gain Thick chocobo feathers. After receiving 3 wings, kill Hamba. Killing this enemy for the first time will give you a reward. 2 thick chocobo feathers.
Like Jabberwock, Hamba will also cast. Special ability Once it is about to die. We recommend having one. Phoenix Down To avoid unnecessary death, as this ability is a bit harder to disrupt. Alternatively, you can also use a break the bounds, Provided you have saved one.
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion is the latest addition to the Final Fantasy VII series, with a variety of new additions, such as revamped combat, improved visuals, and updated voiceovers. This is a perfect remaster of the legendary and famous prequel. The cutest Final Fantasy game ever And a must play for every Final Fantasy fan. The enhancements make it a whole new experience to enjoy for years.
And there you have it; With our guide on Farming Fat Chocobo Feathers in Crisis Core Reunion, you’ll have no problem breaking through your HP limits.
Check out our detailed guide on how to get all the summons in Crisis Core Reunion. Along with summoning, mastery of the buster sword is also important to combat. Also, good content knowledge is the key to a good game and allows you to complete all missions with ease. If you want to get the best accessories, check out our guide. Finally, if you want to beat Minerva, you can check out our detailed guide.
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