Summoners War Chronicles Tier List [April 2023]


With our Summoners War Chronicles Tier List, you can easily identify the strongest monsters and strategize accordingly. Our comprehensive list covers all the essential factors that affect a monster’s overall strength, including their skills, stats, and rarity. Get ready to elevate your game with the ultimate monster lineup!

Key Takeaways

  • The latest version of Summoner Wars features a total of 1,107 characters, each with its unique abilities and strengths.
  • There are around 56 characters ranked in this Summoners War Chronicles tier list based on their skills, stats, and rarity.
  • In this tier list, I’ll rank the top 5 characters from S to D tier, with a brief description of each tier.
  • The S-Tier characters in this tier are the most powerful and versatile in the game. They excel in all aspects, from attack to defense and utility, and can easily carry a team to victory.
  • A-Tier characters are also very strong but may have some limitations in terms of their abilities or roles in the team.
  • The characters of B-Tier are good but may not be as versatile or as strong as those in higher tiers. However, they are still useful in certain situations.
  • The characters in C-Tier are average in terms of overall strength and utility.
  • In D-Tier, the weakest characters in the game are present, and experts generally do not recommend using them in battles.

Comparison of All Characters

Character Name HP ATK DEF SPD
Beast Monk 13500 637 604 96
Mermaid 10050 615 692 110
Valkyrja 12345 823 494 99
Vampire 9885 812 505 99
Sylph 10875 725 527 105
Archangel 10050 681 790 95
Occult Girl 10875 549 703 96
Undine 9555 703 637 96
Panda Warrior 12345 681 637 96
Ifrit 10545 780 659 100
Jack-o’-lantern 9720 692 637 101
Chimera 10710 790 637 95
Sky Dancer 10710 823 604 101
Pirate Captain 12840 670 615 103
Pioneer 11700 549 648 111
Epikion Priest 12015 615 560 96
Lich 11040 692 714 111
Polar Queen 11850 725 626 96
Mystic Witch 9720 812 681 103
High Elemental 11370 549 670 104
Hell Lady 9885 834 648 98
Griffon 11700 483 549 111
Oracle 10545 780 659 100
Amazon 12015 615 725 113
Inferno 7740 911 384 95
Cow Girl 8895 703 516 102
Imp Champion 9225 747 615 103
Harpu 9390 747 604 103
Fairy 9720 692 637 101
Imp 7410 725 428 112
Pixie 9225 549 483 111
Hellhound 8235 725 373 111
Garuda 9555 571 604 95
Warbear 9885 549 439 102
Penguin Knight 8720 615 549 105
Vagabond 8885 494 659 113
Mystic Witch 8555 692 483 97
Living Armor 9008 483 670 98
Golem 8785 384 769 104
Grim Reaper 8215 823 307 91
Serpent 8270 560 604 115
Salamander 8400 505 582 99
Charger Shark 8060 714 494 105
Mummy 8215 538 593 97
Elemental 8565 747 494 122
Yeti 8895 560 494 101
Lizardman 8895 560 659 103
Low Elemental 6420 659 395 100

Summary of Summoners War Chronicles Tier List

S-Tier Beast Monk, Mermaid, Valkyrja, Vampire, Sylph, Archangel, Occult Girl, Undine, Panda Warrior, Ifrit, Jack-o’-lantern, Chimera, Sky Dancer, Pirate Captain, Pioneer, Epikion Priest, Lich, Polar Queen
A-Tier Mystic Witch, High Elemental, Hell Lady, Griffon, Oracle, Amazon, Inferno, Cow Girl, Imp Champion, Harpu
B-Tier Fairy, Imp, Pixie, Hellhound, Garuda, Warbear, Penguin Knight, Vagabond, Mystic Witch
C-Tier Living Armor, Golem, Grim Reaper, Serpent, Salamander, Charger Shark, Mummy, Elemental, Yeti, Lizardman
D-Tier Low Elemental


S Tier
S Tier

Beast Monk

Beast Monk is the best character of our summoner war chronicles tier list. it can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark element. 


  • Beast Monk has “Trick of Darkness” and is a very incredible defense.
  • Has a leadership skill that increases ally HP by 33%.


  • However, Beast Monk lacks versatility in its abilities.
Role Class Attack Type
Support/Tank HP-Type Melee


Mermaid can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements. 


  • Mermaid has abilities that can heal and protect allies, making them a great support option.
  • It is also capable of burning hearts.
  • It has an ability that can prevent enemy healing.


  • Mermaid lacks damage-dealing abilities, making it less effective in some situations.
Role Class Attack Type
Support/Healer HP-Type Ranged


Valkyrja can be found in fire and dark elements.


  • Valkyrja has strong healing capabilities, making it a great support option.
  • It’s really good for continuous recovery.
  • Has a leadership skill that increases ally defense by 44%.


  • However, Valkyrja lacks diversity in its abilities.
Role Class Attack Type
Knight/Tank DMG Melee


Vampire can be found in fire, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • It is incredible in speeding up attacks.
  • Vampire has a leadership skill that increases ally attack power by 33%.
  • Has strong damage-dealing abilities, making it a good option for offense.


  • Vampire lacks defense capabilities, making it vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Role Class Attack Type
Support DMG, ATK SPD Up Melee


  • Sylph can be found in fire and light elements.


  • It provides flexibility in team composition.
  • Slyph has strong damage-dealing abilities, making it a good option for offense.
  • Has an ability that can weaken enemy defense.


  • Sylph lacks defense capabilities, making it vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Role Class Attack Type
Support/Damage Dealer ATK DMG Ranged


Archangel can be found in dark elements.


  • Has strong healing and support abilities, making it a great support option.
  • Archangel has a leadership skill that increases ally HP by 44%.
  • Has the ability that can cleanse harmful effects.


  • Archangel lacks strong offensive capabilities, making it less effective in some situations.
Role Class Attack-Type
Support DMG Ranged

Occult Girl

Occult Girl can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Occult Girl provides flexibility in team composition.
  • It has strong utility abilities, including removing harmful effects and stunning enemies.
  • It has an ability that can increase ally attack power.


  • However, Occult Girl lacks defense capabilities, making it vulnerable to enemy attacks.
  • Additionally, it requires skill-ups to reach their full potential.
Role Class Attack Type
Support DMG HP Recovery Ranged


Undine can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Undine has strong healing and support abilities, including a leadership skill that increases ally defense by 33%.
  • It has an ability that can prevent enemy healing.


  • Undine lacks strong offensive capabilities.
  • It also requires skill-ups to reach their full potential.
Role Class Attack Type
Tank HP-Recovery Ranged

Panda Warrior

Panda Warrior can be found in the fire element.


  • It has strong utility abilities, including removing harmful effects and stunning enemies.
  • Panda Warrior has a leadership skill that increases ally critical rate by 33%.
  • It has an ability that can increase ally attack power.


  • However, it lacks diversity in its abilities.
Role Class Attack Type
Support Defense Sequential


Ifrit can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Ifrit has strong offensive capabilities, including stealing beneficial effects and freezing enemies.
  • It has a leadership skill that increases ally accuracy.


  • Ifrit lacks defense capabilities.
  • It also requires skill-ups to reach their full potential.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer Attack Multi-hit


Jack-o’-lantern can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Jack-o’-lantern is good at defense, blocking beneficial effects, removing harmful effects, and stealing the beneficial effects of enemies.
  • It is useful in PvE.


  • However, it is not particularly strong in PvP.
Role Class Attack Type
Support Defense Control


Chimera can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Chimera is an amazing damage output based on its max HP.
  • It has a variety of useful abilities.


  • However, it can be a bit squishy, making it vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer HP Multi-hit

Sky Dancer

It can be found in elements like fire, water, wind, light, and dark.


  • Sky Dancer is a versatile healer that can heal.
  • It boosts attack power and removes harmful effects.


  • However, it is not particularly strong in damage output.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer HP Multi-hit

Pirate Captain

It can be found in elements like fire, water, wind, light, and dark.


  • Pirate Captain is a strong damage dealer with single-target and AoE attacks.
  • It has a useful attack buff


  • However, is not particularly strong in defense.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer Attack AoE/Single Target


The elements it can be found with are fire, water, wind, light, and dark.


  • Pioneer is a support unit that provides utility through its skill set, including a cleanse and a defense break.
  • It has a leadership skill that increases the accuracy of all allies.


  • However, it is not particularly strong in damage output.
Role Class Attack Type
Support Support Debuff

Epikion Priest

It’s found in the elements like fire, water, wind, light, and dark.


  • Epikion is a support unit that can revive allies and grant invincibility to the team.
  • It has a leadership skill that increases resistance.


  • However, is not particularly strong in damage output.  
Role Class Attack Type
Support Defense Healing/Debuff


It’s found in the elements fire, water, wind, light, and dark.


  • Lich is a durable damage dealer that can also self-heal and revive allies.
  • It has a leadership skill that increases critical damage. 


  • It is not particularly strong in defense.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer Defense Multi-hit/Healing

Polar Queen

It’s found in the elements fire, water, wind, light, and dark.


  • Polar Queen is a damage dealer with strong single-target and AoE attacks.
  • It has a leadership skill that increases attack power.


  • However, other damage dealers in certain situations can outshine it.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer HP AoE/Single Target/Control


A Tier
A Tier

Mystic Witch

It is available in wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Mystic Witch support unit that can increase the attack bar and grant beneficial effects to allies.
  • It can strip harmful effects from enemies. 


  • However, is not particularly strong in damage output.
Role Class Attack Type
Support Support Buff/Debuff

High Elemental

It is found with fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • High Elemental is a damage dealer with strong single-target attacks and the ability to ignore defense.
  • It has leadership skill that increases accuracy. 


  • However, it can be a bit squishy, making it vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer Attack Single Target

Hell Lady

It is found with fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Hell Lady is a versatile damage dealer with both strong single-target and AoE attacks.
  • It has the ability to reduce the enemy’s attack bar, which can be useful for disrupting enemy strategies.


  • Hell Lady may not be as effective against enemies with high defense or resistance.
  • Its skills can have a long cooldown, which may limit its effectiveness in prolonged battles.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer Attack AoE/Single Target/Control


It is available in fire, water, wind, and light elements.


  • Griffon is a very fast unit that can quickly reduce the enemy’s attack bar and increase the ally’s attack bar.
  • It can deal with damage while also providing utility, making it a versatile unit in battles.


  • Griffon may not be as effective against enemies with high defense or resistance.
  • Its skills can have a long cooldown, which may limit its effectiveness in prolonged battles. 
Role Class Attack Type
Support Support Debuff/Control


Oracle is a support unit that can increase the ally attack bars.


  • Oracle is a valuable support unit that can increase the ally’s attack bar, grant beneficial effects, and strip harmful effects from enemies.
  • It has a leadership skill that increases resistance, making it useful in battles where enemies use debuffs.


  • Its skills can have a long cooldown, which may limit its effectiveness in prolonged battles.
  • It may be more vulnerable to attacks due to its focus on support rather than offense or defense.
Role Class Attack Type
Support Support Buff/Debuff/Healing


It is available in water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Amazon is a powerful damage dealer with strong single-target and AoE attacks/
  • It has the ability to ignore defense.
  • It has a leadership skill that increases critical rate, which can be very useful in battles.


  • Amazon may not be as effective against enemies with high defense or resistance.
  • Its skills can have a long cooldown, which may limit its effectiveness in prolonged battles. 
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer Attack Single Target


It is available in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Inferno is a damage dealer with strong AoE attacks and the ability to decrease enemy defense.
  • Its skills can be very effective against enemies with high defense or resistance.


  • It may not be as effective against enemies with high HP.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer Attack AoE

Cow Girl

It is found in fire and dark elements.


  • Cow Girl is a powerful damage dealer with strong single-target attacks and the ability to ignore defense.
  • Its skills can be very effective against enemies with low defense.


  • Its skills can have a long cooldown, which may limit its effectiveness in prolonged battles.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer Attack Single Target

Imp Champion

It is available in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Imp Champion is a speedy damage dealer with strong single-target and AoE attacks
  • It is effective in both PvE and PvP battles.
  • Its ability to decrease the enemy attack bars can be useful in disrupting enemy strategies.


  • However, its attacks may not hit as hard as some other damage dealers in the game.
  • It is relatively squishy and can be taken down quickly if not properly protected or supported.
Role Class Attack Type
Damage Dealer Attack AoE/Single Target/Control


It is available in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Harpu is a versatile support unit that can increase the ally attack bar and provide healing.


  • Its skills are not as impactful as some other support units in the game.
Role Class Attack Type
Support Support Healing/Buff


B Tier
B Tier


Fairy can be found in fire, light, and dark elements.


  • Fairy’s fire hurricane, double arrow, and awakened arrow skills can deal significant damage to enemies.


  • Its relatively low HP and defense stats make it vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Role Class Attack Type
Support HP-Type Ranged


Imp can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Imp’s fiery spear, heart-piercing and awakened triple-attack abilities.
  • It has good HP recovery.


  • Its relatively low-speed stats make it vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Role Class Attack Type
Support HP-Type Ranged


Pixies can be found in fire, water, and dark elements.


  • Pixies’ abilities, such as ignite and incinerate, are useful for dealing damage and providing status effects.
  • Additionally, its spirit ball ability allows Pixie to heal itself and its allies.


  • It can counter their abilities with immunity or resistance to status effects.
Role Class Attack-Type
Support Support-Type Ranged


Hellhounds can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Hellhound double attack ability allows it to deal damage quickly, while its begin-hunt ability provides an attack boost.
  • Additionally, its awakened ability, begin-hunt, increases its critical hit rate.


  • Hellhound has low health and defense, making them vulnerable to attacks.
Role Class Attack-Type
Attack Attack-Type Melee


Garuda can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Garuda’s abilities, such as fireball and rapidity, provide damage and speed boosts.


  • Garuda has low health and defense, making it vulnerable to attacks.
  • Its damage output is not high.
Role Class Attack-Type
Support Support-Type Ranged


Warbear can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Warbear’s abilities, such as thrash and counterblow, provide high damage output and a chance to counterattack.


  • Its low accuracy can also make it difficult to land critical hits or hit enemies with high evasion.
Role Class Attack-Type
Defense Defense-Type Melee

Penguin Knight

Penguin Knight can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Penguin Knight abilities, such as honorable attack and request battle, provide damage output and crowd control.
  • Additionally, its leadership skill provides a boost to its allies’ defense.


  • Its abilities can be countered by monsters with immunity or resistance to status effects.
Role Class Attack-Type
Support Support-Type Ranged


Vagabonds can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Vagabond’s abilities, such as slash rocks and slash waves, provide high damage output and crowd control.
  • Additionally, its leadership skill provides a boost to its allies’ defense.


  • Its low accuracy can also make it difficult to land critical hits or hit enemies with high evasion.
Role Class Attack Type
Defense Defense-Type Melee

Mystic Witch

Mystic Witch can be found in fire and water elements.


  • Witch’s abilities, such as jealousy and spell of removal, provide crowd control and debuff removal.
  • Additionally, its crow summoning ability can summon additional monsters to assist in battle.


  • Its damage output may not be as high as other monsters in the game and its abilities.
Role Class Attack-Type
Support Support-Type Ranged

Tier C

C Tier
C Tier

Living Armor

Living Armor can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Living Armor’s powerful smash and pulverization abilities make it a good option for dealing with heavy damage.


  • However, It is quite slow and lacks versatility in terms of its skills, limiting its overall usefulness.
Role Class Attack-Type
Defense Defense-Type Melee


Golems can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Golems’s lava blow ability deals significant damage to multiple enemies.


  • Golem’s lack of offensive capabilities makes it less useful in certain situations.
  • It also has a slow speed, which can be a disadvantage in battles.
Role Class Attack-Type
Defense Defense-Type Melee

Grim Reaper

Grim Reaper can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Grim Reaper has a powerful leadership skill that increases the attack power of allied monsters.
  • It’s a grim scythe and deadly swing abilities deal high damage.


  • Its skills lack utility or defensive abilities.
Role Class Attack-Type
Attack Attack-Type Melee


Serpents can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Serpent’s leadership skill increases the critical rate of allied monsters, making it a good option for a critical-focused team.
  • Its sonic boom ability deals damage and lowers enemy defense.


  • It also has low HP and defense.
Role Class Attack-Type
Attack HP-Type Ranged


Salamander is available in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Salamander flame shock ability can deal damage to all enemies.
  • It can also awaken its stomp ability to cause earthquakes that deal additional damage.


  • It lacks defensive or utility abilities. 
Role Class Attack-Type
Defense Defense-Type Ranged

Charger Shark

Charger Shark is available in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Mummy’s wave harpoon ability deals damage and lowers enemy defense.
  • Its lunging wave ability can deal damage to multiple enemies.


  • It also has low HP and defense.
Role Class Attack-Type
Attack Attack-Type Melee


Mummy is available in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Mummy’s burning the body’s ability and can deal damage over time.


  • It also has low HP and defense, making it vulnerable to attacks.
Role Class Attack Type
Defense Defense-Type Ranged


Elemental is available in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Elemental has a deathblow ability that deals significant damage to a single enemy.


  • However, Elemental lacks defensive or utility abilities.
  • It also has low HP making it vulnerable to attacks.
Role Class Attack Type
Attack Attack-Type


Yeti is available in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Yeti’s slash hook ability can deal damage.
  •  Its ancestor’s blessing ability can heal allies and increase their defense.


  • Yeti’s skills lack defensive or utility abilities.
Role Class Attack-Type
Attack HP-Type Ranged


Lizardman is available in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Lizardman’s poisonous teeth ability can inflict harmful effects.
  • Its brutal skin passive ability increases its own defense.


  • Lizardman’s skills lack utility abilities.
  • It also has low HP, making it vulnerable to attacks.
Role Class Attack-Type
Defense Defense-Type Melee


D Tier
D Tier

Low Elemental

Low Elemental can be found in fire, water, wind, light, and dark elements.


  • Low Elemental is easy to obtain and use in battles.


  • Low Elemental is generally weak in terms of stats.
  • Its skills have long cooldowns.
Role Class Attack Type
Attack Attack-Type

Summoners War Chronicles Tier List Ranking Criteria

We have ranked the characters based on their stats, skills, and rarity. Our comprehensive list covers all the essential factors that affect a character’s overall strength, including their performance in attack, defense, and utility. The characters’ roles and limitations are also considered while ranking them.

  • Attack refers to a character’s offensive capabilities, such as their ability to deal damage to enemies.
  • Defense refers to a character’s ability to withstand damage from enemies.
  • Utility refers to a character’s non-offensive or defensive abilities, such as healing, buffing, or debuffing.

The characters have been ranked from S to D tier, which will help you determine which characters are the most powerful and which ones are less effective in battle. Overall, our ranking system provides a useful tool for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of different characters, allowing players to choose the best ones for their team and strategy.


In conclusion, Summoners War: Chronicles is a popular mobile RPG developed by Com2us. It has a vast collection of over 1,000 characters that players can collect and upgrade. It has just received a delightful update to its latest version, V7.2.2!

Our Summoners War Chronicles tier list is an amazing help for players looking to build the strongest possible team. While the characters in the S tier are the most powerful, it’s essential to remember that team composition and strategy also play a significant role in achieving victory. Players should consider using our summoner war chronicles tier list for their playstyle and preferences when deciding which characters to prioritize.

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