Skyrim: 30 Potential Wives & How To Marry Them
Skyrim allows the player to pick wives from a select variety of NPCs. It is required to either complete or progress to a certain level in the NPC’s questline in order to marry them.
Key Highlights
- Players can marry wives in Skyrim.
- They can be married after doing a favor for them.
- To get married, players have to speak to a priest called Maramell at the Temple of Mara.
- Once done, speaking to any of your potential wives with the Amulet of Mara allows you to marry them.
- The marriage ceremony takes place 24 hours later at the Temple of Mara.
How To Marry In Skyrim
Marriage has to be unlocked by the player in order to have wives. This can be done by speaking to the priest called Maramel at the Bee and Barb or The Temple of Mara in Riften. Pick the dialogue option that inquires about marriage, and you will unlock the ability to marry in Skyrim.

To marry an NPC in Skyrim, you need the Amulet of Mara. This can be bought from Maramel for 200 gold. Alternatively, you can also obtain it by completing the quest called The Book Of Love.
After proposing to an NPC, the marriage ceremony will occur exactly 24 hours later. You can skip the waiting time by meditating for 24 hours and then heading straight to your ceremony.

A benefit of marrying is that if your character sleeps in the same home as your spouse, they attain a 15 percent increase in experience points gained that lasts for 8 hours. Your wives can also cook you a homemade meal that increases the regeneration of your Health, Stamina, and Magicka.
Wives In Skyrim
There are quite a lot of female NPCs you can marry in Skyrim. We will be going through each NPC and how to initiate marriage with them.
Anwen is a priestess who is from the race of Redguards. She is found in the Temple of Dibella or Markarth. She can be married if the player interacts with her while wearing the Amulet of Mara and if the side quest The Heart of Dibella is completed.

After the marriage ceremony, she will open up a shop. Also, she will give the player 100 gold from the daily profits. Her place of residence will either be the Temple of Dibella or the player’s residence, provided they have one.
Other than that, she cannot fight with you as she is a priestess, so we do not recommend marrying Anwen.
Aeri is a Nord who works as a Lumberjack. She can be found in Anga’s Mill. In order to marry Aeri, players are required to bring her firewood. After she purchases the firewood from your character, she can be married through the use of the Amulet of Mara.

Her place of residence will be her cottage in Anga’s Mill or the player character’s personal estate.
She cannot fight alongside the player as she is old, nor are there any major monetary benefits from marrying her. That is why we do not recommend marrying Aeri.
Aela The Huntress
Aela the Huntress is a Nord thief and one of The Companions who resides in Jorrvaskr. She can also transform into a Werewolf. In order to marry Aela, you have to follow these steps.

Join The Companions
You are required to join The Companions and become a werewolf in order to marry Aela. Follow these steps for this endeavor.
- Head to The Companion’s base in Jorrvaskr. It is near the skyforge on the eastern side of Whiterun.
- Interact with the companions there until they tell you about Kodlak Whitename.
- Now, you have to seek Kodlak Whitename. After talking to him, he will test your skills in a training session.
- He will tell you to complete some additional tasks after wrapping up your training.
- After completing this, you will finally become a member of The Companions and a werewolf.
Complete The Companion’s Storyline
Now you must complete The Companion’s side quest storyline. This questline starts from Blood’s Honor and ends at Glory of the Dead. Once that last quest is done, you are ready to marry Aela.
Marrying Aela The Huntress
Now, you are required to speak with Aela The Huntress, with the amulet of mara in your possession. If you have followed the steps mentioned above, you will notice a dialogue option related to marriage. Select this, and your marriage will take place in 24 hours at the Temple of Mara.
Aela the Huntress is very popular amongst the fandom because of her looks and the fact that she can follow you into battle. Alongside that, she is also very strong and can easily hold her own against strong enemies.
Avrusa Sarethi
Avrusa Sarethi is a Dunmer in Sarethi Farm who works as an apothecary. She will ask you to collect 20 jazbay grapes in her quest Smooth Jazbay. You can easily purchase these grapes from any alchemist shop.

Now, you have to return these grapes to her to complete this quest. After that, equip the Amulet of Mara and interact with Avrusa Sarethi to talk about marriage. If you have given her the grapes, she will agree, and the ceremony will take place after 24 hours at Maramel’s temple.
The only attractive thing about Avrusa is her brash and blunt style of talking. Other than that, you have better options. She also cannot follow you into battle, so her usefulness is limited.
Borgakh The Steel Heart
Borgakh the Steel Heart is an Orc warrior who can be found in Mor Khazgur. In order to marry her, speak to her, and she will tell you that an orc chieftain is about to marry her. Now, you can either pay off her dowry or pass a test to acquire her as a follower.

Once she is your follower, you can talk to her about marriage, provided you have an Amulet of Mara. Once this is done, wait 24 hours and head to The Temple of Mara.
Borgakh, the Steel Heart, is a warrior and incredibly tanky, so she is well fit for battle. She also has high stealth, making her very versatile. If you can set aside her looks, she can prove to be quite useful.
Brelyna Maryon is from the race of Dunmers (Dark Elves). She is an apprentice mystic at the College of Winterhold. Follow these steps in order to marry her.
- Complete the quest called Under Saarthal in the College of Winterhold questline. This is the second quest in the quest line.
- Speak with Brelyna after completing the quest mentioned above to unlock Brelyna’s Practice.
- Completing this quest will unlock Brelyna as a follower.

Now, you can ask her hand in marriage if you have an Amulet of Mara. If you have followed all of these steps, the ceremony will commence in 24 hours at the Temple of Mara.
Brelyma Maryon is a powerful mage capable of obliterating your enemies with magic spells. Alongside this, she is also adept at stealth. She is capable of providing you with aid in every fighting situation.
Camilla Valerius
Camilla Valerius is from the race of Imperials. She works as a pawnbroker in Riverwood with her brother. In order to marry Camila, speak with her brother Lucan Valerius to unlock the quest The Golden Claw. Finish this quest and then talk to Camila with the Amulet of Mara equipped.

As is the way she will accept marriage, and the ceremony will take place 24 hours later at the Temple of Mara. Camilla Valerius will open up her shop and give the player 100 gold from the profits every day. She can also move in with the player in their estate.
Dravynea The Stoneweaver
Dravynea the Stoneweaver belongs to the race of Dunmers (Dark Elves). She is an Alteration Trainer in Kynesgrove, in Eastmarch. Interact with her to initiate the quest for Dravynea’s Frozen Salts.

This quest requires you to attain 1 Frozen Salt for Dravynea. Buy it from an Alchemist and then interact with her with an Amulet of Mara in your possession. If you have given her the frozen salt, there will be an option to talk to her about marriage. Now, go to the Temple of Mara after 24 hours for your wedding ceremony.
Dravynea the Stoneweave is not a follower, nor does she have her own shop. However, she can teach you alteration magic which can prove to be very useful in combat. That is why it is not a bad choice to marry her.
Ghorza gra-Bagol
Ghorza gra-Bagol is an orc blacksmith who can be found in Markarth. In order to marry her, you must interact with her and complete her quest called Skilled Apprenticeship. Once this quest is done, speak with her with an Amulet of Mara to marry her. Travel to the Temple of Mara after 24 hours for your wedding ceremony.

Ghorza gra-Bagol is no warrior. However, she can teach the player the art of smithing. This can prove to be very useful for your journey, so it is a good choice to marry her, provided you can put up with orcs.
Gilfre is from the race of Imperials. She works as a lumberjack at the Mixwater Mill in Eastmarch Hold. It is relatively easy to marry Gilfre compared to other NPCs. All you have to do is interact with her. She will ask for some firewood. Attain some firewood, and she will agree to marry you through the Amulet of Mara. The ceremony will take place 24 hours later at the Temple of Mara.

Gilfre is not a fighter. She cannot teach magic to you, nor can she give you profits. That is why we do not recommend marrying Gilfre.
Hilund is from the race of Nords. She can be found in the Thirsk Mead Hall, which is located in Solstheim. She is part of the Dragonborn DLC. In order to marry her, you must first complete the main quest called Retaking Thirsk. After completing that quest, speak with Hilund to undertake Hilund’s Spears side quest.

You will have to attain 50 Riekling Spears for Hilund in this quest. These can be attained by killing Rieklings found in the world. After giving her these spears, she will be available for marriage through the use of the Amulet of Mara. After this, the ceremony will occur 24 hours later at the Temple of Mara.
Iona belongs to the race of Nords. She is part of an elite bodyguard group called housecarls in Riften, located in The Rift. In order to marry her, you must complete the side quest, The Raid, given to you by Wujeeta. Once that is done, you must get a high reputation in the rift by aiding the common folk. This will give you the Thane title.

Finally, you must purchase the Honeyside estate from Anuriel. Iona will be at this estate and can be married with the use of the Amulet of Mara. The ceremony will take place 24 hours later at the Temple of Mara.
Iona is a skilled follower and can use both a sword and a bow with great skill. She can prove to be very useful in the heat of battle, so it is a good choice to marry her.
Jenassa is from the race of Dunmers (Dark Elves). She is a mercenary who can be found in The Drunken Huntsman tavern, located in Whiterun. It is incredibly easy to marry her. Simply talk to her and pay her 500 gold to be your follower. Now, she can be married with the use of the Amulet of Mara. Head to the Temple of Mara in 24 hours for your marriage ceremony.

As Jenassa is a mercenary, she is skilled at close-quarters combat and stealth. Out of all of the wives in Skyrim, she also has no moral compass and aids you in killing anyone, even innocents. If that appeals to you, then Jenassa is the bride for you.
Jordis The Sword-Maiden
Jordis the Sword-Maiden is from the race of Nords. She belongs to an elite bodyguard group called the housecarls in Solitude. In order to marry her, you must first head to The Blue Palace and talk to Falk Firebeard to attain the quest The Man Who Cried, Wolf.

After completing this quest, speak to Jarl Elisif The Fair to attain the quest Elisif’s Tribute. Once this is done, aid the common folk to get a high reputation and be granted the title of Thane. Now, purchase the Proudspire Manor from Falk Firebeard.
Jordis the Sword-Maiden will be a housecarl in this manor and can be married with the Amulet of Mara. The ceremony will take place in 24 hours in the Temple of Mara.
She is much the same as Iona, skilled at combat and archery. Overall, a good pick from the wives in Skyrim.
Lydia is from the race of Nords. She is from a group of elite bodyguards called housecarls in Dragonsreach keep, located in Whiterun. In order to marry her, speak with Jarl Balgruuf to attain the quest, Dragon Rising. This quest requires you to slay your very first Dragon. If you want to take a look at all dragon locations in Skyrim, check out our guide.

Completing this quest will make you the Thane of Whiterun and give you Lydia as a follower. Now, Lydia can be married through the Amulet of Mara. The wedding ceremony will occur 24 hours later at the Temple of Mara.
She is almost the same as Jordis, the Shield-Maiden, and Iona, skilled at combat. However, she is poor at stealth which can be a problem for you if you prefer a stealthy approach.
Mjoll The Lioness
Mjoll the Lioness is from the race of Nords. She is a warrior who can be found in Riften, in The Rift. In order to marry her, speak to her to attain the quest Grimsever’s Return. Finish this quest, and she will become available as a marriage candidate. Speak with her while possessing the Amulet of Mara, and you will be able to marry her.

The marriage ceremony will occur in the Temple of Mara in 24 hours.
Mjoll The Lioness can both open up a shop and give you profits, or she can be a follower and aid you in combat. While also being good-looking, she is adept at both of these things, so nothing can go wrong with marrying her.
Morwen belongs to the race of Nords. She lives in Solstheim as a member of the Skaal Tribe in the Dragonborn DLC. In order to marry her, players must first complete the main quest called The Fate of the Skaal. Once this is over, speak with Morwen to attain the side quest called Morwen’s Request.

She will ask you to deliver her mother’s necklace to Runil in Falkreath. Completing this quest will unlock Morwen as a candidate for marriage with the use of the Amulet of Mara. The wedding ceremony will occur 24 hours later at the Temple of Mara.
Muiri is from the race Bretons. She works as an apothecary’s assistant at The Hag’s Cure in Markath. In order to marry her, players must first join the Dark Brotherhood.

Joining The Dark Brotherhood
- In order to join the Dark Brotherhood, head to any inn in the world and talk to the innkeeper about any gossip in town. The innkeeper will tell you about a young boy in Windhelm practicing a Dark Brotherhood ritual called Black Sacrament.
- Find and speak to the young boy in Windhelm, and he will give you the Innocence Lost side quest.
- After completing this quest, a courier will bring a message to you after 24 hours.
- Once you have received this note, head to any bed and sleep.
- The player character will get abducted by the Dark Brotherhood and be offered a chance to join.
Marrying Muiri
Now that you have joined the Dark Brotherhood, you must progress and rise up in their ranks until you reach the quest Mourning Never Comes, given to you by Muiri. Complete this quest and kill the optional target, and Muiri will be available as a candidate for marriage with the use of the Amulet of Mara. After this, head to the Temple of Mara in 24 hours for your wedding ceremony.
Muiri is no fighter, but she is an expert Alchemist. In fact, she is the only female marriable Alchemist in the game. Plus, she is attractive to boot, so Muiri is a good choice, provided you are willing to kill some innocents.
Njanda Stonearm
Njanda Stonearm is from the race of Nords. She is also a member of The Companions like Aela the Huntress. In order to marry her, players must join The Companions and progress their questline by speaking to Kodlak Whitemane.

After completing the Glory of the Dead side quest and finishing this questline, Njanda will be available as a candidate for marriage through the Amulet of Mara. As usual, head to the Temple of Mara 24 hours later for your ceremony.
Njanda Stonearm is an expert in blocking, hence the name Stonearm. She can train players to be better at blocking. Njanda is also skilled at pickpocketing, speech, and stealth which can prove to be very useful in battle and other situations. She also has a sailor’s mouth, so if that is your thing, Njanda is the choice for you.
Orla belongs to the race of Nords. She is a priestess at the Temple of Dibella, located in Markath. In order to marry her, head to the Temple of Dibella. Now, make your way into the Inner Sanctum and get caught by Hamal.

Getting caught by Hamal will give you the side quest, The Heart of Dibella. Wrap this quest up and return to the Inner Sanctum. Now, Orla will be available as a candidate for marriage with the use of the Amulet of Mara. As is the way, your ceremony will take place in 24 hours in the Temple of Mara.
Marrying Orla only grants the player some daily profits. She cannot fight as she is a priestess and is a little bit hard on the eyes. She also does not move to the player’s own estate and instead chooses to stay at the Temple of Dibella.
Rayya is from the race of Redguards. She is from an elite bodyguard group called housecarls in Falkreath. In order to marry her, players must speak to Jarl Siddgeir and do his quests. After that, players must get a high reputation by aiding the common folk and be appointed as Thane.

When this is done, purchase the Lakeview Manor, and Rayya will be there as a housecarl. She can also be married with the use of the Amulet of Mara if all of the requirements mentioned above are completed. The marriage will take place at the Temple of Mara in 24 hours.
Raya, like the other housecarl wives in Skyrim, is adept at combat and very sturdy, so she is a good choice for a companion.
Ria is from the race of Imperials. She is a member of The Companions, located in Whiterun. In order to marry her, speak to Kodlak Whitemane and join The Companions. Now, Progress the Companions’ side questline until the final quest, Glory of the Dead, is completed.

Once this quest is done, Ria will be available as a candidate for marriage with the use of the Amulet of Mara. The ceremony, as usual, takes place 24 hours later in the Temple of Mara.
Ria is a warrior, so naturally, she is a decent pick for combat. She can follow you into battle, so it is a good choice to bring her along. Her specialty is the ability to dual-wield weapons.
Senna belongs to the race of Bretons. She is a priestess at the Temple of Dibella, located in Markath. In order to marry her, head to the Temple of Dibella. Now, make your way into the Inner Sanctum and get caught by Hamal.

Getting caught by Hamal will give you the side quest, The Heart of Dibella. Wrap this quest up and return to the Inner Sanctum. Now, Senna will be available as a candidate for marriage with the use of the Amulet of Mara. As is the way, your ceremony will take place in 24 hours in the Temple of Mara.
Marrying Senna only grants the player some daily profits. She cannot fight as she is a priestess and is a little bit hard on the eyes. She also does not move to the player’s own estate and instead chooses to stay at the Temple of Dibella.
Shahvee is from the race of Argonians. She is located at the Windhelm Docks and is the only marriable Argonian in the entire game. In order to marry her, speak with her to attain the quest Shahvee’s Amulet.

The quest will require you to retrieve her amulet. Complete this quest, and she will be available as a candidate for marriage through the use of the Amulet of Mara. If you have done everything correctly, your marriage will take place 24 hours later in the Temple of Mara.
Shahvee will give you 100 gold every day from her profits. She is also a walking lizard, albeit a kind-hearted walking lizard. If that is somehow your thing, we do not judge.
Slygja is from the race of Nords. She can be found in Shor’s Stone, near the Velothi Moutains in The Rift. In order to marry her, players must complete the side quest Mine or Yours. This quest is given by Filnjar in Shor’s Stone. After this quest is done, wait a few days and then return to the Redbelly Mine.

Now, speak with Slygja to undertake the side quest Special Delivery. When this quest is completed, Slygja will be ready for marriage with the use of the Amulet of Mara. If you follow all of the steps above, your ceremony will occur in the Temple of Mara after 24 hours.
Slygja cannot fight, but she can give you 100 gold daily from her profits. She is also popular because she is one of the most attractive wives in Skyrim. If that appeals to you, then Slygja is the pick for you.
Taarie is from the race of Altmers (High Elves). She runs the Radiant Raiment clothing store located in Solitude. In order to marry Taarie, you need to level your Speech to 70. Now, talk to her about what you should wear to the blue palace.

This will unlock the quest Fit for a Jarl. Once this is done, return to Taarie and then invest in the Radiant Raiment. After this, Taarie can be married with the use of the Amulet of Mara. If you have done everything properly, then you will get married in the Temple of Mara after 24 hours.
Taarie is no fighter, but she can give you 100 gold daily from her profits. She is also a little bit hard on the eyes, and there are also much better options than Taarie in Skyrim.
Temba Wide-Arm
Temba Wide-Arm belongs to the race of Nords. She owns a mill in Ivarstead, located in The Rift. In order to marry her, sell her some firewood or complete her side quest called Grin and Bear it. Once any one of these things is done, she can be married with the use of the Amulet of Mara, and the ceremony will take place at the Temple of Mara in 24 hours.

Temba Wide-Arm cannot train you in some skill, is not a fighter, and does not give you any profits whatsoever. Due to her brash way of talking and lack of benefits, it is not recommended to marry her.
Uthgerd The Unbroken
Uthgerd the Unbroken is from the race of Nords. She is a warrior and can be found in The Bannered Mare inn, located in Whiterun. In order to marry her, players must locate her and defeat her in a duel. When she is beaten, she will be available as a candidate for marriage through the use of the Amulet of Mara. The ceremony will take place 24 hours later in the Temple of Mara.

Uthgerd the Unbroken is a strong warrior who uses a two-handed sword. However, she is more adept at using a one-handed weapon. She can prove to be quite helpful in battle.
Viola Giordano
Viola Giordano is from the race of Imperials. She can be found in Windhelm, located in Eastmarch. In order to marry Viola Giordano, players must first visit Revyn Sadri at his shop Sadri’s Used Wares. He will give you the quest That Was Always There.

The quest involves returning a ring to Viola Giordano in secret. Instead, players must find and talk to Viola and then give her a ring. This will make her a candidate for marriage with the use of the Amulet of Mara. If you do everything correctly, the ceremony will occur 24 hours later at the Temple of Mara.
Viola Giordano is an old, racist, and paranoid woman. She cannot fight, cannot train you, nor can she give you any profits. It is highly recommended that you do not marry her.
Ysolda belongs to the race of Nords. She can be found near the Dragonsreach keep of Whiterun. In order to marry her, interact with her to attain the quest Rare Gifts. Players will have to bring her a Mammoth Tusk in this quest.

This Mammoth Tusk can be purchased from Lucan Valerius in Riverwood. After giving this Mammoth Tusk to Ysolda, she will be available as a candidate for marriage with the use of the Amulet of Mara. The ceremony will take place in the Temple of Mara after 24 hours.
There is no real incentive to marry Ysolda. She cannot fight, nor can she train you. However, if you are fine with no benefits for your character, then you can marry her.
Skyrim is an open-world RPG released by Bethesda in 2011. It is hailed as one of the best games ever made because, during 2011, no other game accomplished what Skyrim did. It boasts a vast open world, various builds, and detailed well written NPC characters. Skyrim has aged like a fine wine, which is why it is played and beloved to this day.
And there you have it; with our guide on all marriable women in Skyrim, you will be able to pick the spouse of your dreams from Skyrim’s unique catalog of wives.
Check out our best builds of all time in Skyrim if you wish to blitz the game. If you wish to find the bound bow, check out our guide. Also, if you are looking to download some mods, check out our best Skyrim mods guide
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