One Piece Tower Defense Trello Link, Wiki, Discord Invite & FAQ
Thinking that One piece tower defense Featuring an official Trello board, we’re here to help you with a link to the official One Piece Tower Defense Trello and answers to all your frequently asked questions.
One Piece Tower Defense is a Roblox tower defense game in which the tower units you control are heroes inspired by the popular anime and manga series One Piece.
One Piece Tower Defense Studios The game was created on 7/8/2022.
One Piece Tower Defense Discord Invite Link
You can also join the official One Piece Tower Defense community Discord server For more information about the game.
One Piece Tower Defense Twitter
There is currently no Twitter account for One Piece Tower Defense.
Is there a one piece tower defense wiki?
No, there is currently no One Piece Tower Defense Wiki and there is unlikely to be one.
One Piece Tower Defense Trello Link (OPTD Trello)
Below you will find a link to the official One Piece Tower Defense Trello:
In One Piece Tower Defense Trello, you will find information and guides about the game. Here’s some information you can still find there:
- Game Information: Updates, Social Links, Codes, Summon Guide, Boss Battle Guide and details about Story Mode and Infinite Mode.
- Tier Lists: Story Mode Tier List, Infinite Mode Tier List, Boss Battle Tier List.
- Every unit in OPTD: Myth, Legendary, Ultra-Rare, Rare, Uncommon and Common units.
- Every gamepass available.
While you’re here, check out the rest of our Trello link database for popular Roblox games! Don’t forget to check for the latest One Piece Tower Defense codes while you’re here.
One Piece Tower Defense Trello FAQ
How do summons work in One Piece Tower Defense?
Walking into the summon or using the button on the left of your screen will take you to the banners.
At Banner, you can get towers to help your gameplay.
Tower unit rarities are classified as:
1 star: Normal = 50% chance to get while summoning;
2 Star: Uncommon = 24% chance to get while summoning;
3 stars: Rare = 15% chance to get while summoning;
4 stars: Ultra-rare = 10% chance to get while summoning;
5 stars: Legendary = 1% chance to get while summoning;
6 Star: Myth = 0.05% chance to summon;
At first, the rates may scare you, but there is a system to make it so you can get legendary or myth towers with 100% guarantee; It is called pity.
Above the banner, you can see “Myth Petey” and “Legendary Petey”; As mentioned, they are here to help you secure these low-rate towers.
Each time you summon a tower, this count increases, meaning that for every 100 summons, you’ll get a guaranteed Legendary, and also, for every 1001 summons, you’ll get a guaranteed Legendary. The count does not decrease if you get a Legendary or Myth Tower before maxing it out.
The amount of gems required for Legendary Pity is 4500
Amount of Gems required for Myth Jali is 45050
The banner pulls random units every 1 hour to every rarity in its respective locale, so if you want something that isn’t in the banner, you can always wait for the next one until it finally arrives.
What is Trello?
Trello, a project management and collaboration tool, organizes your projects into boards. Trello is a collaboration tool that shows you at a glance what’s being done, who’s doing what, and where. Imagine a whiteboard with sticky notes. Each note is a task for you or your team. Imagine each sticky note containing photos, attachments and documents from Salesforce or Jira. There is also a place for you to comment and contribute. Imagine that you can now take your whiteboard with you wherever you go, on your smartphone and access it from anywhere via the internet. That’s Trello!
Many Roblox developer groups use Trello to provide guides, tutorials, tier lists, update logs, FAQs, and other information to players about Roblox games.