Fire Emblem Include all the romantic options. [Explained]


Like other Fire Emblem games, you have a number of romance options with your supporting characters as you reach S-Rank, but Fire Emblem Engage has a catch. You can actually have same-sex relationships in the game, and this is the first in the series.

Key highlights

  • List of characters you can romance in FE Engage.
  • You can have one too Same-sex relationships With some characters.
  • Some characters in the game will just flirt with you and not engage in a relationship any further.
  • Oh Contract color And a Support Rank A Need to start a romantic relationship.
  • When you reach the end of the story you get a packet ring.

How to romance characters in Fire Emblem Engage

A fire sign indulges in romance.
In-game Covenant Ring (Image courtesy of Xporter)

You have to reach. Support Rank A First with the character you are trying to romance in the game. Additionally, you have to get your hands on it. contract color, Which is a very important factor in creating a romantic relationship in Fire Emblem Engagement.

The Pact Ring can only be obtained near the end of the story. You have to complete a paralogue that unfolds during Chapter 22 of the game. Once you complete this paralogue, you’ll get your hands on the Packet Ring. After you get the packet ring, give it to the character you’re building your support rank with.

Giving a Packet Ring to a Support Rank A character will increase that character’s rank to S, creating a romantic relationship with that character. Once you reach S rank and form a romantic relationship with your favorite character, you’ll also unlock a special cutscene where the character confesses his feelings for the player.

It should be noted that not all characters in Fire Emblem Engage can be romanced. And not all characters will be involved in same-sex relationships. Twitter user @FeEngage has differentiated between the characters you can romance in the game, which has helped us create the following list of romance options.

Characters that can be romanced.

Here is a list of all characters in Fire Emblem Engage that can be romanced.

  • Alfred
  • Bennett
  • Citrine
  • Goldmary
  • Diamant
  • Ivy
  • Jade
  • Lapis
  • Lois
  • Mover
  • Meren
  • Pandero
  • Punnett
  • Saddle
  • Kagetsu

Now, these are the characters that can be romanced in the Eller game. However, not all of these roles can be involved in a same-sex relationship.

Male characters who can be romanced as a male.

Fire Emblem Engage also has same-sex relationship options, and here are the characters you can romance as a man in the game.

  • Alfred
  • Bennett
  • Diamant
  • Lois
  • Mover
  • Saddle
  • Kagetsu

These are the only characters in the game that will reciprocate your feelings if you try to romance them as a male protagonist.

Female characters who can be romanced as females.

If you are a woman looking to romance female characters, try your luck with the following female characters in the game;

  • let’s go
  • Citrine
  • Goldmary
  • Ivy
  • Jade
  • Lapis
  • Meren
  • Punnett

Characters that cannot be romanced

There are actually two types of characters in the game that cannot be romanced. The first type will have a platonic relationship with the main character, while the second type includes characters who flirt with Allaire but do not become romantically involved.

Characters with platonic relationships

If you confess to any of the following characters, you’ll probably be friend-zoned because these characters don’t reciprocate feelings of love for Allaire. The following characters in the game can only form a platonic relationship with you and not a romantic one.

  • ego
  • Jain
  • Boucheron
  • Celine
  • Clean
  • Alchrist
  • Well
  • Zelkov
  • Linden
  • Sapphire
  • Amber
  • Atty

Characters who just flirt.

These are characters that you can flirt with, but you can’t actually have a romantic relationship with in the game. It looks like they can be made to fall in love, but they can’t actually be used to make a love bond in the game. The following are characters who only flirt without romantic feelings.

  • Timera
  • Yonaka
  • Wander
  • Rosado
  • The frame
  • Fugado
  • Hortensia


Fire Emblem Engage is the latest entry in the Fire Emblem series, and is a strategy JRPG that you can play as an add-on. You play as Alire, the main character, and you can also choose your gender in the game. Fire Emblem Engage also has a weapon triangle system that adds variety to the overall combat.

This concludes our guide to the romance options available in Fire Emblem Engage. We have not only included how to get into a romantic relationship, but also the characters you can confess to in the game. Characters who fall into same-sex relationships are also mentioned. We hope the guide helped you romance your favorite character in the game. Let us know what you think of Fire Emblem Engage in the comments below!


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