Dead Island 2 Zombie Types [Weakness & How To Kill]
There are 31 Dead Island 2 zombie types that players will encounter in the vast world of the game. Each undead creature comes with unique traits thanks to the flesh system by Dambuster Studios. This gives each zombie a personality, altering their behavior because of various strengths, and weaknesses. It also makes them hard to kill because all zombie types are not just chunks of meat for players to hack and slash.
Key Takeaways
- Players can find 31 Dead Island 2 zombie types, each having unique strengths & weaknesses.
- All zombies have unique traits that make each one of them a threat requiring a different strategy to kill.
- The button-mashing and swinging best weapons at zombies are not 100% effective in killing as each zombie requires a unique method to kill.
- If you pause the game and go to Collectibles/Zompedia, you can discover the strengths and weaknesses of all zombie types in Dead Island 2.
- However, you will need to kill a certain number of particular zombie types first to discover the information, using Dead Island 2 cheats could speed up the process though.

Shambler zombies are a unique and terrifying type of undead creature, characterized by their decaying appearance and sluggish movements. They are commonly found in various environments, from dark forests to abandoned urban areas.
Shambler | Description |
Speed | Slow-moving, easy to outrun |
Appearance | Decayed, rotting flesh |
Strength | Weak, frail |
Weaknesses | Blunt and explosive damage, brittle bones |
Resistances | Bleed damage due to lack of blood |
Threat Level | Low individually, higher in large numbers |
Their potential weaknesses lie in their slow speed and overall frailty. They are unable to move quickly or chase down their prey, allowing survivors to outmaneuver them. Additionally, their bones are so brittle that they may inadvertently damage themselves while attempting to attack. This self-inflicted harm can result in limbs breaking off or even total disintegration.
- Under the skin of a Shambler lies a brittle skeletal structure and decomposed organs.
- This makes them relatively easy to kill compared to other zombie types, as their fragile bones can be shattered with blunt or explosive damage.
- However, attempting to kill them with bleeding attacks is futile, as Shamblers lack a functioning circulatory system.
How To Kill
The perfect opportunity to kill a Shambler zombie is when it is isolated from other zombies or when they are in small groups. Due to their slow speed and general weakness, they are easy targets for survivors armed with blunt or explosive weapons. However, survivors should remain cautious, as Shamblers can still pose a significant threat when gathered in large numbers. In such situations, their collective strength can overwhelm even the most skilled survivor.

Walker, one of the foot soldier Dead Island 2 zombie types, is driven by an insatiable hunger for human flesh, spreading infection through bites and scratches. Encountering a pack of Walkers can be a harrowing experience as they can quickly consume their prey.
Category | Description |
Speed | Moderate, faster than Shamblers |
Appearance | Human-like with visible decay |
Strength | Moderate, dangerous in packs |
Weaknesses | Maiming limbs, vulnerable to all weapon types |
Resistances | None |
Threat Level | Moderate, higher in packs |
Walkers have no specific weaknesses or resistances, making them susceptible to any weapon type. Their limbs can be maimed to reduce their threat level:
- Maiming their arms weakens their attacks
- Maiming their legs turns them into Crawlers
Under the skin, Walkers are relatively easy to defeat in one-on-one combat, as they lack any resistance or weaknesses to specific weapon types. Players can utilize a variety of strategies to dispatch Walkers, making them versatile foes.
How To Kill
I believe that the best time to kill Walker zombies arises when they gather to feast on corpses. In these situations, players can take advantage of their clustered positions to eliminate them efficiently using area-of-effect weapons, such as a large explosion or a Molotov cocktail. By targeting the Walkers while they are preoccupied, players can quickly reduce their numbers and minimize the threat they pose.

Runner zombies are known for their speed and attraction to loud noises, such as gunfire, explosions, and alarms. Their agility allows them to cover large distances quickly, making them a formidable foe.
Category | Description |
Speed | Fast, easily covers ground |
Appearance | Agile, human-like with decay |
Strength | Push attack, interrupts special moves |
Weaknesses | Sharp and bleed damage, maiming legs |
Resistances | None |
Threat Level | High, especially in groups |
Runners are weak to sharp and bleed damage, and their legs are particularly susceptible to maiming. Targeting their legs can reduce their mobility, making them easier to deal with.
Under the skin, Runners possess unique traits:
- Push attack with low damage but interrupts special moves
- Agility and quick reactions allow them to dodge heavy attacks
How To Kill
In my opinion, the perfect opportunity to kill a Runner zombie is when I can catch them off-guard or isolate them from other zombies. Using stealth and surprise can give me an edge, allowing me to quickly dispatch them with a sharp weapon or cause bleed damage before they can react. Additionally, if I can maim their legs, it will hinder their movement and make them less of a threat.
Burning Walkers

Burning Walkers are terrifying zombies engulfed in flames, fueled by a mysterious metabolic process that protects the Walker from the fire itself. They pose a unique threat with their flaming claws and jaws.
Category | Description |
Speed | Moderate, similar to regular Walkers |
Appearance | Human-like, engulfed in flames |
Strength | Immune to fire, ignites flammable objects |
Weaknesses | Water, chem bombs |
Resistances | Fire damage |
Threat Level | High, especially in flammable environments |
Burning Walkers are immune to fire damage, making them resistant to attacks from flamethrowers or incendiary weapons. Their potential weaknesses lie in water or chemical bombs, which can extinguish their flames and remove fire damage from their attacks.
Under the skin, Burning Walkers have unique characteristics:
- Immunity to fire damage
- Ignition of flammable objects upon contact
- Flaming claws and jaws that can ignite players
How To Kill
The best time that I think to kill a Burning Walker is when I have access to water or chemical bombs. By using these resources, I can douse the flames and make them vulnerable to my attacks. I would also aim to eliminate them in environments that are less susceptible to fire, to minimize the risk of spreading the flames and causing additional hazards. If possible, I would try to lure them away from flammable objects before attacking.
Burning Runners

Burning Runners are terrifying, fast-moving Dead Island 2 zombie types that are engulfed in flames, igniting anything flammable they come into contact with. They combine the speed of a Runner with the fiery danger of a Burning Walker.
Category | Description |
Speed | Fast, covering ground quickly |
Appearance | Agile, human-like with flames |
Strength | Immune to fire, ignites flammable objects |
Weaknesses | Sharp and bleed damage, water, chem bombs |
Resistances | Fire damage |
Threat Level | Very high, especially in flammable environments |
Burning Runners are immune to fire damage but weak to sharp and bleed damage. Their flames can be extinguished using water or chemical bombs, preventing them from igniting players and flammable objects.
Under the skin, Burning Runners possess unique traits:
- Immunity to fire damage
- Weakness to sharp and bleed damage
- Flammable object ignition upon contact
How To Kill
I believe that the perfect way to kill a Burning Runner is when I can catch them off-guard or isolate them from other zombies. I would first use water or chemical bombs to extinguish their flames, making them vulnerable to sharp and bleed damage. Next, I would target their legs, which are weak to all damage types and easy to maim. However, players must remain cautious of the potential Burning Crawler that could still ignite your slayer if you get too close.
Shocking Walkers

Shocking Walkers are electrifying zombies, mutated by exposure to electromagnetic fields during their transformation. These mutations grant them an incredible capacity for electrical energy storage.
Category | Description |
Speed | Moderate, similar to regular Walkers |
Appearance | Human-like with electrical discharges |
Strength | Immune to shock damage |
Weaknesses | Water |
Resistances | Shock damage |
Threat Level | High, especially near electronics |
Shocking Walkers are immune to shock damage, but other zombies near them might not be. To discharge a massive shock, add water to the mix. This can be a potential weakness for these electrified zombies.
Under the skin, Shocking Walkers possess unique traits:
- Immunity to shock damage
- Discharge of massive shocks when exposed to water
- High voltage discharges from overloaded gadgets
How To Kill
I believe the best time to kill a Shocking Walker is when they are isolated from other zombies, as well as any sensitive electronic equipment. I would use water to discharge their stored electrical energy, effectively neutralizing their shock immunity and making them vulnerable to my attacks. However, players must be cautious of the high voltage discharges from their overloaded gadgets, which could lead to shocking explosions.
Shocking Runners

Shocking Runners are relentless zombies that have been enhanced for combat, boasting incredible speed, aggression, and heightened awareness. Additionally, they can generate massive amounts of electrical SHOCK energy, making them formidable foes.
Category | Description |
Speed | Fast |
Appearance | Enhanced for combat, electrified |
Strength | Speed, aggression, SHOCK potential |
Weaknesses | SHARP and BLEED damage, WATER |
Resistances | IMMUNE to SHOCK damage |
Threat Level | High, due to their speed and unique abilities |
Shocking Runners have specific weaknesses that players can exploit to defeat them. They are immune to SHOCK damage but weak against SHARP and BLEED damage. Additionally, they are susceptible to the effects of WATER, which can disrupt their electrical abilities.
Under the skin, Shocking Runners have the following traits:
- Immune to SHOCK damage
- Weak to SHARP and BLEED damage
- Vulnerable to WATER, which disrupts their electrical powers
How To Kill
The best way to kill a Shocking Runner is to lure them into a large puddle of WATER or use a water-based weapon to short-circuit their electrical powers. What I have experienced so far in Dead Island 2 is that I would set a trap near a water source and, when the Shocking Runner approaches, use a SHARP weapon to deal BLEED damage as they are stunned by the water.
Spiky Walkers

Spiky Walkers are menacing Dead Island 2 zombie types that are covered in sharp objects such as broken glass and razor wire, making them incredibly dangerous in close combat. They are a serious threat to any player who gets too close.
Category | Description |
Speed | Moderate, similar to regular Walkers |
Appearance | Human-like, covered in sharp objects |
Strength | Dangerous in close combat |
Weaknesses | Explosive damage |
Resistances | None |
Threat Level | High, especially in close quarters |
Spiky Walkers are weak to explosive damage, making nearby hazards or explosives the ideal way to take them down. Avoid close combat, as their sharp exterior can cause significant damage.
Under the skin, Spiky Walkers possess unique traits:
- Weakness to explosive damage
- Bleed-inducing attacks when kicked or slid into
- Maiming limbs reduces threat and slows them down
How To Kill
The way I see it, the perfect timing to kill a Spiky Walker is when I can maintain a safe distance and use explosive damage to eliminate them. I would look for nearby hazards such as explosive barrels or use explosive weapons like grenades to take them down without getting too close. If I must engage them in close combat, I would focus on maiming their limbs to reduce their threat and slow them down, while being cautious not to get cut by their sharp exterior.
Spiky Runners

Spiky Runners are lethal zombies covered in sharp shards of glass or coiled razor wire. Their deadly combination of speed and razor-sharp exterior makes them a formidable opponents in combat.
Category | Description |
Speed | Fast, like regular Runners |
Appearance | Agile, human-like, covered in sharp objects |
Strength | Dangerous in close combat |
Weaknesses | Explosive damage |
Resistances | None |
Threat Level | Very high, especially in close quarters |
Spiky Runners are weak to explosive damage, making explosives the best way to take them down. Avoid close combat, as their sharp exterior can cause significant injury.
Under the skin, Spiky Runners possess unique traits:
- Weakness to explosive damage
- Highly dangerous in melee combat
- Bleed-inducing attacks when kicked or slid into
- Maiming legs reduces their agility and threat
How To Kill
According to my experience, the best opportunity to kill a Spiky Runner is when I can maintain a safe distance and utilize explosive damage to eliminate them. I would employ grenades or other explosive weapons to dispatch them from afar. If forced into close combat, I would focus on maiming their legs to reduce their agility and threat, being extra cautious not to be cut by their sharp exterior.
Riot Gear Walkers

Riot Gear Walkers are heavily armored zombies that have acquired riot gear, making them immune to melee and projectile attacks until the armor is removed. Their armor also protects them from fire, shock, and caustic attacks.
Category | Description |
Speed | Slow, like regular Walkers |
Appearance | Human-like, wearing heavy riot gear |
Strength | Immune to melee and projectile attacks |
Weaknesses | Unprotected areas |
Resistances | Fire, shock, and caustic attacks |
Threat Level | High, due to their armor and resistance |
Riot Gear Walkers have some weaknesses, such as the unprotected parts of their bodies. Enhanced weapons can be used to apply harmful status effects when targeting these areas.
Under the skin, Riot Gear Walkers possess unique traits:
- Immunity to melee and projectile attacks (due to armor)
- Protection from fire, shock, and caustic attacks
- Vulnerability in unprotected areas
- Unable to grapple and bite while wearing helmets
How To Kill
To my knowledge, the best time to eliminate a Riot Gear Walker is when I can find an opening in their armor or use enhanced weapons to target their unprotected parts. I would focus on applying harmful status effects to weaken them. It’s important to avoid knocking off their helmets, as it prevents them from grappling and biting. If I can manage to remove their armor without removing the helmet, I can significantly reduce their threat level while keeping them muzzled.
Insect Swarm Walkers

Insect Swarm Walkers are gruesome zombies that have formed a symbiotic relationship with a hive of insects nestled within their abdomens. These insects attack and attempt to infect victims, just like their host zombie would.
Category | Description |
Speed | Average |
Appearance | Zombie with an insect swarm in its abdomen |
Strength | Insect swarm attack, stamina drain |
Weaknesses | FIRE, SHOCK, and CAUSTIC damage |
Resistances | None |
Threat Level | Moderate, due to their unique insect swarm ability |
Insect Swarm Walkers are weak against FIRE, SHOCK, and CAUSTIC damage. Their insect swarm can be dispersed by killing the host Walker or by using WATER or a MED KIT to drive them away.
Under the skin, Insect Swarm Walkers have the following traits:
- Host to a symbiotic insect swarm
- Insect swarm drains victim’s STAMINA
- Weak to FIRE, SHOCK, and CAUSTIC damage
How To Kill
To butcher an Insect Swarm Walker is to use a combination of ranged and area-of-effect attacks to deal FIRE, SHOCK, or CAUSTIC damage while maintaining a safe distance from the insect swarm. When the insects approach, use WATER or a MED KIT to drive them away and continue focusing on the host Walker. At least this is how I found out the best possible way to get rid of this annoying Dead Island 2 zombie type.
Caustic X-Walkers

Caustic X-Walkers were once part of the CDC’s pandemic strategy, wearing hazmat suits and carrying a pressurized tank of CAUSTIC X to help dispose of infected corpses. These Dead Island 2 zombie types have become a unique and dangerous threat due to their specialized equipment.
Category | Description |
Speed | Average |
Appearance | Zombie wearing a hazmat suit, carrying a tank of CAUSTIC X |
Strength | CAUSTIC X attack |
Weaknesses | SHARP, SHOCK, and FIRE damage |
Resistances | CAUSTIC damage |
Threat Level | Moderate to high, due to their CAUSTIC X attack |
Caustic X-Walkers are immune to CAUSTIC damage because of their hazmat suits. However, they are weak against SHARP, SHOCK, and FIRE damage. Damaging the tank on their back will cause it to leak CAUSTIC X, which can start melting other zombies around them.
Under the skin, Caustic X-Walkers have the following traits:
- Hazmat suit provides immunity to CAUSTIC damage
- The pressurized tank of CAUSTIC X
- Damaging the tank causes it to leak CAUSTIC X, harming other zombies
How To Kill
What I strongly believe is that to kill a Caustic X-Walker, you need to focus on ranged attacks targeting the tank on their back. By using SHARP, SHOCK, or FIRE damage, players can exploit Walker’s weaknesses while simultaneously turning the leaking CAUSTIC X against other nearby zombies.
Hydration Walkers

The Hydration Walker was once a zombie equipped with a pressurized hydration pack of sparkling mineral water strapped to its back, meant for refreshment. Now, the water serves a different purpose, as these zombies use it to douse fires and extinguish other fire-based zombies.
Category | Description |
Speed | Average |
Appearance | Zombie carrying a pressurized hydration pack on its back |
Strength | Ability to extinguish fires and fire-based zombies |
Weaknesses | SHARP, SHOCK, and FIRE damage |
Resistances | CAUSTIC damage |
Threat Level | Low, due to limited offensive capabilities |
Hydration Walkers have no specific resistances or immunities, but their strength lies in their ability to extinguish fires and fire-based zombies. Damaging the hydration pack on a Walker’s back will make it explode, showering water all around.
Under the skin, Hydration Walkers have the following traits:
- Pressurized hydration pack of sparkling mineral water
- Damaging the pack causes it to explode, showering water all around
- Can extinguish fires and fire-based zombies
How To Kill
Butchering Hydration Walker will require you to target the hydration pack on its back using SHARP, SHOCK, or FIRE damage. By exploiting the pack’s vulnerability, players can cause it to explode and shower water all around, potentially putting out fires or extinguishing fire-based zombies in the vicinity.
Incendiary Walkers

The Incendiary Walker is a dangerous zombie type carrying a high-pressure fuel tank filled with gasoline on its back. When damaged, the fuel tank sprays gasoline around the Walker, making nearby zombies flammable and vulnerable to fire damage.
Category | Description |
Speed | Average |
Appearance | Zombie with a high-pressure fuel tank on its back |
Strength | Ability to make nearby zombies flammable |
Weaknesses | SHARP, SHOCK, and FIRE damage |
Resistances | None |
Threat Level | Medium, due to flammable fuel tank and potential for explosions |
Incendiary Walkers are weak to SHARP, SHOCK, and FIRE damage. Shooting the fuel tank once will cause gasoline to spray around the Walker, making affected zombies flammable. Major damage to the fuel tank on the back of this Walker will cause it to explode, igniting all zombies within the blast area.
Under the skin, Incendiary Walkers have the following traits:
- High-pressure fuel tank filled with gasoline
- Damaging the tank causes gasoline to spray, making zombies flammable
- Major damage to the tank leads to an explosion, igniting zombies in the blast area
How To Kill
Killing an Incendiary Walker will require you to strategically target the fuel tank on its back using SHARP, SHOCK, or FIRE damage. By damaging the tank, players can make nearby zombies flammable, setting the stage for a more powerful attack or causing a chain reaction of fire damage. The ultimate goal is to deal major damage to the fuel tank, causing it to explode and ignite all zombies within the blast area, effectively clearing a path or eliminating a group of enemies.
Grenadier Walkers

Grenadier Walkers are dangerous zombies armed with grenade vests, which are prone to explode if damaged. Exercise extreme caution when engaging them in close combat, as the explosion can be deadly to both the player and other nearby enemies.
Category | Description |
Speed | Slow, like regular Walkers |
Appearance | Human-like, wearing grenade vests |
Strength | Deadly explosions upon vest damage |
Weaknesses | Limbs and head (avoid vest) |
Resistances | None |
Threat Level | High, due to explosive potential |
Grenadier Walkers have some weaknesses, such as their limbs and head. Focus on targeting these areas in close combat to avoid detonating their grenade vests.
Under the skin, Grenadier Walkers possess unique traits:
- Vulnerable limbs and head
- Grenade vest susceptible to detonation if damaged
- Potential for massive explosion if the vest is damaged
- Can be used as a weapon against other zombies with proper timing
How To Kill
If you want to kill a Grenadier Walker, the great time would be when you can safely target their limbs and head without damaging their grenade vests. What learned from my gameplay experience is that I would maintain a safe distance and use ranged weapons if possible. If I find myself in close combat, I would consider using a jump kick to launch the Grenadier at other zombies once their fuse is counting down to detonation, creating a chain reaction of explosions.
Hazmat Runners

Hazmat Runners are fast and dangerous zombies that were once members of medical teams studying the zombie virus. They wear hazmat suits, which provide immunity to CAUSTIC damage and allow them to move through puddles of Caustic-X with ease.
Category | Description |
Speed | Fast |
Appearance | Zombie wearing a hazmat suit |
Strength | Immunity to CAUSTIC damage |
Weaknesses | SHARP, SHOCK, and FIRE damage |
Resistances | CAUSTIC damage |
Threat Level | Medium, due to speed and immunity to CAUSTIC damage |
Hazmat Runners are weak to SHARP, SHOCK, and FIRE damage. They can be found in medical areas, CDC camps, and any locations used for corpse processing.
Under the skin, Hazmat Runners have the following traits:
- Wearing hazmat suits that provide immunity to CAUSTIC damage
- Can run through puddles of Caustic-X with ease
- Often found in medical areas, CDC camps, and corpse processing locations
How To Kill
If you’re to kill a Hazmat Runner, then you must take advantage of their weaknesses to SHARP, SHOCK, and FIRE damage. Wait for them to charge, and then counter with a well-timed attack using the appropriate weapon type. Since Hazmat Runners are fast, timing is crucial to avoid getting overrun. Players should also be mindful of their surroundings, as Hazmat Runners are often found in areas where Caustic-X puddles are present, which can be hazardous to the player if not wearing proper protective gear.
Hazmat Walkers

Hazmat Walkers are Dead Island 2 zombie types who wear personal protective equipment (PPE) that grants them immunity to caustic damage. They are often found lurking around disposal pits, medical centers, and field labs, making them a dangerous encounter in such areas.
Category | Description |
Speed | Slow, like regular Walkers |
Appearance | Human-like, wearing PPE (hazmat suits) |
Strength | Immune to caustic damage |
Weaknesses | Limbs, susceptible to other damage types |
Resistances | Caustic damage |
Threat Level | Moderate, due to immunity to caustic damage |
The main weakness of Hazmat Walkers is their limbs, as their PPE won’t protect them from the impact of sharp or blunt weapons. Additionally, while they’re immune to caustic damage, they are still vulnerable to shock and fire damage.
Under the skin, Hazmat Walkers have unique traits:
- PPE grants immunity to caustic damage
- Limbs are vulnerable to physical damage
- Susceptible to shock and fire damage
- Generally slow and easy to avoid
How To Kill
From my perspective, the best time to annihilate a Hazmat Walker is when I can safely approach it without being overwhelmed by other zombies. As they are slow, I would keep my distance and choose a weapon that deals shock or fire damage to maximize my chances of taking them down quickly. If I must engage them in close combat, I would focus on maiming their limbs to slow them down even further, ensuring a safer environment for myself.
Firefighter Runners

Firefighter Runners are fast and aggressive zombies that were once brave firefighters. They are immune to FIRE, SHOCK, and CAUSTIC damage, making them challenging adversaries in the heat of battle.
Category | Description |
Speed | Fast |
Appearance | Zombie wearing firefighter gear |
Strength | Immunity to FIRE, SHOCK, and CAUSTIC damage |
Weaknesses | SHARP weapons, BLEED damage, MAIMING attacks |
Resistances | FIRE, SHOCK, and CAUSTIC damage |
Threat Level | High, due to speed and immunities |
Firefighter Runners have a few weaknesses, including SHARP weapons, BLEED damage, and MAIMING attacks targeting their legs.
Under the skin, Firefighter Runners have the following traits:
- Immunity to FIRE, SHOCK, and CAUSTIC damage
- Weakness to SHARP weapons and BLEED damage
- Legs susceptible to MAIMING attacks
How To Kill
Murdering a Firefighter Runner is easy if exploit their leg weakness. Wait for the right moment to strike with a MAIMING attack, then swiftly move in to finish them off with a SHARP weapon, causing BLEED damage. Since firefighters Runners are fast, timing your attacks is essential to avoid getting overwhelmed.
Firefighter Walkers

Firefighter Walkers are former members of the fire service turned into undead monstrosities. They wear protective suits that grant them immunity to fire, shock, and caustic damage, making them formidable foes.
Category | Description |
Speed | Slow, like regular Walkers |
Appearance | Human-like, wearing firefighter suits |
Strength | Immune to fire, shock, and caustic damage |
Weaknesses | Vulnerable to physical damage |
Resistances | Fire, shock, and caustic damage |
Threat Level | High, due to multiple damage-type immunities |
The main weakness of Firefighter Walkers is their vulnerability to physical damage. Their protective suits render them immune to fire, shock, and caustic damage, but they can still be harmed by blunt or sharp weapons.
Under the skin, Firefighter Walkers have unique traits:
- Protective suits grant immunity to fire, shock, and caustic damage
- Vulnerable to physical damage
- Slow like regular Walkers
- Excellent source of synthetic fibers for crafting
How To Kill
From my experience so far in Dead Island 2, to kill a Firefighter Walker you must first isolate them from other zombies, ensuring that you can focus your attacks on them without being swarmed. As they are slow, I would maintain a safe distance while using a weapon capable of dealing physical damage, such as a baseball bat or a machete. I would avoid using modded weapons that rely on fire, shock, or caustic damage, as these would be ineffective against their protective suits.
Eat Couriers

EAT Couriers are Dead Island 2 zombie types that were once delivery personnel, now carrying bags filled with PROTEIN BARS and ENERGY DRINKS which can be looted upon defeating them.
Category | Description |
Speed | Medium |
Appearance | Zombie in delivery attire with courier bag |
Strength | Drops valuable loot (PROTEIN BARS and ENERGY DRINKS) |
Weaknesses | SHARP weapons, MAIMING attacks, BLEED damage |
Resistances | None |
Threat Level | Medium, due to valuable loot and vulnerability |
EAT Couriers have several weaknesses, such as SHARP weapons, MAIMING attacks, and BLEED damage.
Under the skin, EAT Couriers have the following traits:
- Vulnerable to SHARP damage
- Legs susceptible to MAIMING attacks
- Weakness to BLEED damage
- Prone to lose STABILITY faster
How To Kill
Killing an EAT Courier is easier if you utilize a SHARP weapon to target their legs with MAIMING attacks. This will slow them down, making them easier to defeat. Once they are immobilized, focus on inflicting BLEED damage to finish them off quickly and claim their valuable loot.

Crushers are massive zombies with autophage-reinforced muscle fibers that give them incredible strength. Their devastating OVERHEAD SMASH attack sends seismic shockwaves through the ground, so be prepared to jump over them to avoid being knocked off your feet.
Category | Description |
Speed | Slow, but powerful |
Appearance | Large and muscular with reinforced muscle fibers |
Strength | Powerful attacks, resistant to explosive damage |
Weaknesses | Vulnerable to bleed damage |
Resistances | Explosive damage |
Threat Level | High, due to their strength and resilience |
The key weaknesses of Crushers are their vulnerability to bleed damage and their slow speed. Their arms and head are the most susceptible to damage, while their legs are much tougher and harder to injure.
Under the skin, Crushers have unique traits:
- Resistant to explosive damage
- Weak to bleed damage
- Arms and head are vulnerable, legs are tough
- Exposed after OVERHEAD SMASH and KICK attacks
How To Kill
I truly think that the best timing to kill a Crusher is right after they execute an OVERHEAD SMASH or KICK attack. Since they are exposed during this time, they take more stability damage, giving me an opening to target their vulnerable arms and head. I would focus on using weapons that deal bleed damage, such as a serrated blade or a sharp, jagged edge. Maiming a Crusher’s arm can prevent them from using FLAIL and OVERHEAD SMASH attacks and provide me with valuable zombie parts to collect.
Inferno Crushers

Inferno Crushers are a fiery variation of the Crusher zombies. They can channel high-voltage plasma during combat, causing FIRE damage with their powerful attacks. Beware, as repeated hits from this monstrous zombie could IGNITE you!
Category | Description |
Speed | Slow, but powerful |
Appearance | Large and muscular, with flames surrounding them |
Strength | Powerful fiery attacks, immune to fire damage |
Weaknesses | Vulnerable to bleed damage |
Resistances | Fire and explosive damage |
Threat Level | High, due to their strength and elemental affinity |
Inferno Crushers have some specific weaknesses that can be exploited. They are weak to bleed damage, so using weapons that can cause bleeding is ideal. Extinguishing their flames with WATER or CHEM BOMBS can temporarily dampen their fiery capabilities, but be prepared for their flames to reignite.
Under the skin, Inferno Crushers have the following traits:
- Immune to FIRE damage
- Resistant to EXPLOSIVE damage
- Weak to BLEED damage
- Flames can be temporarily extinguished with WATER or CHEM BOMBS
- Can become AGGRESSIVE when feeling targeted
How To Kill
Based on my gameplay so far, the great timing to murder an Inferno Crusher is right after extinguishing its flames with WATER or CHEM BOMBS. This provides a short window where its fiery attacks are weakened, allowing me to focus on dealing bleed damage to its vulnerable arms and head. If the Inferno Crusher becomes too aggressive, I would briefly back off to let it calm down before continuing my assault.

Bursters are bloated Dead Island 2 zombie types that are filled with volatile gas and infectious black ichor that spreads the zombie plague. Luckily, you’re immune to the plague! When they get too close, they explode, causing massive damage to everything in their vicinity.
Category | Description |
Speed | Slow, shambling |
Appearance | Bloated and ready to explode |
Strength | Explosive damage upon detonation |
Weaknesses | Vulnerable to shock and projectile damage |
Resistances | Resilient to melee attacks |
Threat Level | Moderate, due to their explosive nature |
Bursters have some specific weaknesses. They are vulnerable to shock and projectile damage, and depleting their stability will cause them to fall over and explode. When considering their strengths and weaknesses, keep in mind that their explosions can damage nearby zombies as well as humans.
Under the skin, Bursters have the following traits:
- Weak to SHOCK & PROJECTILE damage
- Resistant to MELEE damage
- Explosions damage nearby zombies and humans
- Explosion effects can be tainted by damage effects
How To Kill
In my opinion, the perfect opportunity to kill a Burster is from a safe distance using a ranged weapon or shock damage. This will allow me to take advantage of their vulnerability to projectile damage and minimize the risk of being caught in their explosion. Additionally, if there are other zombies nearby, I can strategically use the Burster’s explosion to my advantage by damaging or eliminating multiple enemies at once.

Slobbers are grotesque zombies, bloated with caustic bile that they vomit onto their victims. Their vile appearance and dangerous attack style make them particularly nasty opponents.
Category | Description |
Speed | Moderate |
Appearance | Swollen with caustic bile |
Strength | Caustic bile vomit attack |
Weaknesses | Vulnerable to sharp, shock, and bleed damage |
Resistances | Resistant to blunt and projectile damage |
Threat Level | High, due to their caustic bile attack |
Slobbers have some specific weaknesses. They are immune to caustic damage but weak to sharp, shock, and bleed damage. They are resistant to blunt and projectile damage, so finding alternative ways to attack is crucial.
Under the skin, Slobbers have the following traits:
- Resist BLUNT and PROJECTILE damage
- Immune to CAUSTIC damage
- Weak to SHARP, SHOCK, and BLEED damage
- Can spew caustic bile at victims
How To Kill
In my opinion, the perfect opportunity to kill a Slobber is when it is exposed during vomiting. Quickly closing the distance and engaging in melee combat to prevent further bile attacks is essential. Hitting them from behind with sharp or shock weapons will drain their stability faster, making it easier to defeat them.
Putrefied Slobbers

Putrefied Slobbers are a grotesque type of zombie that vomits massive, sticky Bile Blobs. These Bile Blobs adhere to surfaces and explode when a victim comes too close, causing significant damage.
Category | Description |
Speed | Slow |
Appearance | Heavily decayed, bloated body, with visible sores |
Strength | Bile Blob projectiles |
Weaknesses | SHARP weapons, SHOCK damage |
Resistances | BLEED damage |
Threat Level | Medium to High, due to area denial capabilities |
Putrefied Slobbers are immune to BLEED damage, but they are vulnerable to SHARP and SHOCK damage. Exploit these weaknesses to take them down effectively.
Under the skin, Putrefied Slobbers have the following traits:
- Immunity to BLEED damage
- Weakness to SHARP and SHOCK damage
- Bile Blob projectile attack
How To Kill
From what I learned in Dead Island 2, if you’re to kill a Putrefied Slobber, you will need to bait them into launching a Bile Blob projectile and then swiftly dodge it. Once they miss their grapple attack, the Slobber will be EXPOSED, which is the perfect time to strike. Utilize SHARP weapons or SHOCK damage to drain their STABILITY quickly and take them down.
- Be cautious when engaging Putrefied Slobbers, as their Bile Blobs can cover large areas and create a hazardous environment.
- Use the terrain to your advantage and lure them into confined spaces where their Bile Blobs will be less effective.
- Keep your distance to avoid direct contact with the Bile Blobs and minimize the risk of being caught in their explosive radius.
Firestorm Slobbers

Firestorm Slobbers are formidable Dead Island 2 zombie types, capable of vomiting a blazing torrent of organic napalm. The air around them is thick with the acrid smell of naphtha and the sickening scent of caramelized human flesh.
Category | Description |
Speed | Slow |
Appearance | Mutated, with a fiery glow |
Strength | Flaming napalm projectile attack |
Weaknesses | SHARP weapons, SHOCK damage, BLEED damage |
Resistances | BLUNT damage, PROJECTILE damage, FIRE damage |
Threat Level | High, due to their deadly ranged attacks |
Firestorm Slobbers are resistant to BLUNT and PROJECTILE damage, making them challenging foes. They’re immune to FIRE, but weak to SHARP, SHOCK, and BLEED damage, which can be exploited to defeat them.
Under the skin, Firestorm Slobbers have the following characteristics:
- Resistance to BLUNT and PROJECTILE damage
- Immunity to FIRE damage
- Weakness to SHARP, SHOCK, and BLEED damage
- Flaming napalm projectile attack
How To Kill
Killing a Firestorm Slobber becomes easier if you maintain distance and dodge or use cover to avoid their devastating vomit attack. Lure them away from their pool of napalm to create a safer area to engage them. Once they are in a more advantageous position, use SHARP, SHOCK, or BLEED damage to exploit their weaknesses and quickly deplete their health.

Screamers are terrifying zombies with voltaic lungs that emit powerful sonic shockwaves. Their plasma-induced screams not only push opponents back but also enrage nearby zombies, making them more aggressive.
Category | Description |
Speed | Moderate |
Appearance | Emit powerful sonic shockwaves |
Strength | Sonic maelstrom, enrages other zombies |
Weaknesses | Brittle, weak to blunt damage |
Resistances | None |
Threat Level | High, due to their ability to incite nearby zombies |
Screamers have some specific weaknesses. They are fragile and weak to blunt damage. Their scream attack can be interrupted by a thrown melee weapon or any projectile attack.
Under the skin, Screamers have the following traits:
- Sonic maelstrom that pushes opponents back
- Enrage nearby zombies
- Weak to BLUNT damage
- Can be interrupted by PROJECTILE attacks
How To Kill
You need to kill a Screamer while it’s screaming; this is so far the best method that I have found to get rid of them. Since they are exposed during this attack, your attacks will drain more stability, making it easier to defeat them. Closing in on the Screamer and using a blunt weapon to deliver powerful hits can quickly bring it down. Alternatively, interrupting its scream attack with a well-timed projectile can create an opening for a swift takedown.
Voltaic Screamers

Voltaic Screamers are a terrifying type of zombie with lungs that have reached hyper-capacitance, allowing them to emit an ear-shattering sonic maelstrom that delivers a powerful SHOCK. Their electrifying screams not only cause direct harm but can also temporarily empower other nearby zombies with shocking abilities.
Category | Description |
Speed | Medium |
Appearance | Distorted face, crackling electricity |
Strength | Sonic maelstrom that delivers SHOCK damage |
Weaknesses | BLUNT damage |
Resistances | SHOCK damage |
Threat Level | High, due to their ability to empower other zombies |
Voltaic Screamers are immune to SHOCK damage, which makes them challenging opponents. However, they are weak to BLUNT damage, which can be exploited to defeat them more effectively.
Under the skin, Voltaic Screamers have the following characteristics:
- Immunity to SHOCK damage
- Weakness to BLUNT damage
- Sonic maelstrom attack that empowers other zombies with SHOCK abilities
How To Kill
The perfect opportunity to kill a Voltaic Screamer is to first identify the Screamer within a horde of zombies and prioritize it as your primary target. Keep your distance to avoid its sonic maelstrom and to prevent it from empowering other zombies with SHOCK abilities. Utilize weapons that deal BLUNT damage, such as a sledgehammer or a baseball bat, to exploit its weakness and swiftly eliminate it from the battlefield.

Butchers are gruesome zombies that feed on corpses to regrow their own bodies. If they aren’t defeated quickly, they will retreat, find a corpse, and regenerate at an alarming rate, making them a persistent and dangerous threat.
Category | Description |
Speed | Fast |
Appearance | Blade arms, grotesque regeneration |
Strength | Regeneration, damage resistance |
Weaknesses | Vulnerable when exposed |
Resistances | BLUNT, FIRE, and BLEED damage |
Threat Level | High, due to their regeneration and damage resistance |
Butchers possess several weaknesses that can be exploited. Their blade arms, while immune to all damage, can be used against them by dodging or blocking their melee attacks, leaving them exposed and vulnerable.
Under the skin, Butchers have the following traits:
- Regeneration ability by feeding on corpses
- Resist BLUNT, FIRE, and BLEED damage
- Blade arms immune to ALL damage
- Can block PROJECTILE attacks with blade arms
How To Kill
Based on my experience so far in Dead Island 2, the good event will be to kill a Butcher when it’s exposed after a perfect dodge or block of its melee attacks. At this moment, your follow-up attacks will drain more stability, allowing you to defeat it more easily. It’s crucial to prevent the Butcher from escaping to find a corpse and regenerate, so maintain a relentless offensive and exploit its vulnerabilities.
Vicious Butchers

Vicious Butchers are hyper-aggressive Dead Island 2 zombie types that cause BLEED damage with sharp debris embedded throughout their bodies. Their unique ability to regenerate health by feeding on the chunks of flesh they rip away from their victims makes them formidable opponents.
Category | Description |
Speed | Fast |
Appearance | Covered in sharp debris, bloodied |
Strength | BLEED damage, health regeneration |
Weaknesses | SHARP and SHOCK damage |
Resistances | BLUNT and FIRE damage |
Immunities | BLEED damage |
Threat Level | High, due to aggressive nature and health regeneration |
The Vicious Butcher is resistant to BLUNT and FIRE damage and immune to BLEED damage. This makes it difficult to take down using conventional methods. However, it is vulnerable to SHARP and SHOCK damage, which can be exploited to defeat it more effectively.
Under the skin, Vicious Butchers have the following characteristics:
- Resistance to BLUNT and FIRE damage
- Immunity to BLEED damage
- Health regeneration ability by feeding on victims’ flesh
- Becomes more AGGRESSIVE after suffering attacks
How To Kill
Murdering Vicious Butcher is not that easy but you must first identify it within a horde of zombies and prioritize it as your primary target. After that, keep your distance to avoid being shredded by the sharp debris embedded in its body. Utilize weapons that deal SHARP and SHOCK damage, such as a machete or an electrified baton, to exploit its weaknesses and swiftly eliminate it from the battlefield.

Mutators are deceptive zombies that blend into the horde, appearing as Walkers or Shamblers until they are triggered by loud noises, at which point they transform into a more menacing form. This ability makes them unpredictable and dangerous foes.
Category | Description |
Speed | Moderate |
Appearance | Look like Walkers or Shamblers until the transformation |
Strength | Transformation, resistance to damage |
Weaknesses | Vulnerable during transformation |
Resistances | PROJECTILE and EXPLOSIVE damage |
Threat Level | High, due to their deception and unique abilities |
Mutators have specific weaknesses that can be exploited. The key is to spot them before they transform and engage them during their transformation process, making them vulnerable to attack.
Under the skin, Mutators have the following traits:
- Resistant to PROJECTILE and EXPLOSIVE damage
- Can eject barbed bone darts from their ruptured chest cavity, causing BLEED damage
- Ruptured chest cavity with rib-like “teeth” that can be lethal in a grapple
How To Kill
Mutators type is a different ball game and I believe the best time to kill a Mutator is during its transformation process, triggered by loud noises. As a player, I would create a distraction or use a loud weapon to initiate the transformation, then swiftly close the distance and engage the Mutator in close-quarters combat while it is most vulnerable.
Wrapping Up
And we have reached the end of our Dead Island 2 zombie types guide. Have you encountered all undead creatures so far in the game? Which 10 zombies did you find hard to kill so far in the game? Let us know more of your thoughts in the comments box below.
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