Angry Birds 2 Promo Codes [January 2023]


We all love getting something free in video games. You can get many useful things in Angry Birds 2 with promo codes. You can get a Variety of items used for customization. You can get Black pearls, gems, and other rewards from promo codes. You can use gems and black pearls for different purposes in the game.

List of Active Angry Birds 2 Promo Codes

  • Last checked. January 24, 2023

You will find both active and expired codes all over the internet. That’s why we’ve separated active codes from expired codes that you can use to redeem useful rewards. The following codes in the table are working and can be redeemed.

Code Rewards
Red hat You will get 200 black pearls.
2500 Birbs You will get 200 coins.
Birds888 Get 100 Black Pearls instantly.
1000 likes Redeem to get 100 coins.
ANGRY2022 Get 200 black pearls once redeemed.
Bird Love 22 Get 200 Black Pearls.
Red Bird Get 100 black pearls after redeeming.
AB100M Redeem the code to get 200 black pearls.
Thanks Get 100 Black Pearls.
TRYANGRY99 Redeem to earn useful rewards.
NEWAB555 Once redeemed you will get rewards.
Angry 777 Rewards can be claimed after redemption.

List of expired codes

These codes have expired, so they won’t work when you try to redeem them for rewards. Stay away from them when you’re redeeming codes.

  • 2FSLj8oD
  • ErOFYQSu
  • AjWBZXG7
  • gckMeumV
  • sLeYreAd
  • X1kyXu0v
  • Sr96kspu
  • MvQIUXtb
  • 5uV839K6
  • LT0G3Hj7

How To Redeem Angry Birds 2 Promo Codes?

How to Redeem Angry Birds Promo Codes 2
Enter the promo code screen.

Once you have these codes, the next step is to redeem them to get useful rewards. Redeeming these codes for awards involves the simple steps outlined below. So follow them step by step to redeem these codes.

  1. Once you have opened your Angry Birds 2 game, press the setting button. At the bottom left of the main screen.
  2. Once Settings menu is opened, tap on Promo Codes. button at the bottom right of the screen.
  3. write. Activate codes to claim your rewards.

Why aren’t my codes working?

Your codes may not work for various reasons. Make sure your internet connection is stable before redeeming your code. An unstable internet connection can disrupt the redemption process. So, it is important that you check your connection before starting the redemption.

Make sure you type the characters in the promo code in correct capitalization. Make sure to note the upper and lower case of the code and type accordingly. Make sure there are no spaces or extra symbols that could make the code invalid. It is recommended to copy and paste the above codes to avoid errors.

These codes are available for a limited time so make sure they haven’t expired before you redeem them. An expired code will not work to award you any rewards. We have mentioned various expiry codes which do not work above for reference. Angry Birds 2 promo codes are only available for Android devices, so they won’t work on your Apple device.

Where to find more codes?

You can get various official codes from social media sources. Angry Birds official pages, incl Facebook And Youtube These codes are posted regularly, so make sure you stay updated. You can also get codes from within the game by checking your in-game mailbox.

Final thoughts

Angry Birds 2 is an exciting sequel to the Angry Birds series. The game features various birds trying to win against the evil green pigs to save their eggs. You will need skills to use different words to destroy the structures built by the pigs.

You can get a lot of gems and black pearls through these promo codes. Earned currency can be useful for certain purposes, including continuing a level if you fail. You can also use the gems in daily deals. You can buy caps using black beads which will also upgrade your sling shot and increase your score multiplier.


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