Fortnite Creative Mode, Epic Games Showcases For Massive Future Additions


Highlights of the story

  • Epic Games recently announced various new additions that will be coming to Fortnite in a recent Q&A post held on the official forums.
  • VR support isn’t currently on the roadmap for the Fortnite Creative 2.0 mod, but it’s an idea that could be picked up, as mentioned by the devs.
  • Custom AI, items, weapons, movement and controls, NPCs and creatures, and more are planned for future updates that will arrive throughout the year.
  • Epic Games will increase the memory limit for custom maps. Deleting custom maps will also be possible in future updates, and the team will also take action against duplicate maps.

Epic Games recently announced a number of additions that are planned for Fortnite in the future. This news comes from a recent Q&A post. Official forums, and it has confirmed how the influential team of devs will upgrade the new creative mode to a whole new horizon. The long list of questions delves into highly anticipated features, and many interesting ideas for Fortnite have been confirmed in the upcoming UEFN updates.

One of the most influential parts seems to be the plan Epic Games has to implement. Virtual reality support Inside the unreal editor. It’s not currently on the team’s roadmap, but the idea could be taken up in the future, as explained in the Q&A. Customizable AI It is also being looked at by the team after huge requests from fans in the past. Adding custom AI will make the new Unreal Engine Editor a completely different experience.

Ability to Create custom items and weapons There’s another possibility that the developers are exploring, but it’s not coming to the game anytime soon. Speaking of custom creation, Epic Games has also explained how to create. Customizable and interactive HUDs In Fortnite, that might be possible in the future. Epic Games Note releases updates for this feature throughout the year.

Custom movements and controls There are also plans for Fortnite in the future, but no specific dates have been shared for these exciting features. That’s not all; creation Customizable NPCs and creatures It will also be possible in one of the future updates for Fortnite’s unreal editor. These updates will be coming in a big way throughout the year.

It is actively being worked on! We don’t have a set date, but expect to release many of these capabilities throughout the year.“says the devs.

Fortnite will also introduce the ability to change existing weapons in one of the future updates. According to the team, the current one is the top priority Search function For the Discover tab, it makes it easy to find custom maps specific to Fortnite players. Storm Customization, like Chapter 2 Season 2’s Tsunami Storm, is also being tested for custom maps, but it will be difficult to implement and will require a lot of time for the developers.

For some technical additions, Memory limit Currently available on maps in Fortnite’s Unreal Editor will be expanding in the coming months. The team is currently exploring ways to enhance it. As the team said, capacity Permanently delete a custom map. Existence will also have a characteristic. Furthermore, Epic Games is looking for ways to deal with this.Copy mapsAnd cheaters are currently plagued with Fortnite Creative 2.0 custom maps.

Fortnite has grown massively over the years, and it shows no signs of slowing down. The recent Creative 2.0 mod update breathed new life into the game, allowing users to create a variety of custom maps, including the nostalgic Chapter 1 maps that fans know and love. A recent interview suggested that the traditional battle royale mode in Fortnite could be standalone in the future, making Creative 2.0 its own thing.

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