25 Best Skyrim VR Mods In 2023
To this day, Skyrim is kept alive, not only by its re-releases but also by its community that keeps bringing all kinds of mods whose scale ranges from small QoL changes to ambitious projects that add new areas and side quests into the game. Likewise, the community has also actively worked on many mods for Skyrim VR that bring tons of meaningful changes to the VR version of the game to increase player immersion. The VR version of the game is built on the same engine Skyrim Special Edition was on, so naturally, the mods of the Special Edition are compatible with the VR version.
Key Highlights
- The VR version of Skyrim is built on the same engine as Skyrim Special Edition, which makes all the mods available for Skyrim SE compatible with Skyrim VR.
- At the same time, Skyrim VR doesn’t come with all the necessities required for an authentic VR experience, which is why downloading some community mods before diving in is highly recommended.
- The mods recommended for increasing the beauty of Skyrim VR are JK’s Skyrim, Flora Overhaul, Realistic Lightning Overhaul, SMI, and Onyx VR Weathers.
- In terms of mods that bring QoL changes and make the game more optimized for the VR version are SkyUI, Clear HUD VR, No Stagger Mod, HIGGS, and PLANCK.
- Mods that aim to increase player immersion are Bandolier, Weapon Throw VR, Immersive Speechcraft, Open Cities, Reputation, Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks, Sounds of Skyrim, Dragon Speaks Naturally, and VRIK Player Avatar.
- The combat of Skyrim is designed with the base game version in mind and not the VR version, and naturally, its combat can feel clunky if played in VR. Mods that enhance the combat experience of the game are Smilodon, Simple Realistic Archery, and MageVR.
- Forgotten Cities and Project AHO are highly recommended mods if the player wants additional content in the game, comparable to the size of DLCs.
- Lastly, it is recommended to install Unofficial Skyrim Patch to iron out the bugs present in the game.
25. Bandolier – Bags and Pouches Classic

Bandolier brings a noticeably small yet very effective change to Skyrim VR. On paper, these mods basically increase the amount of weight or weapons, potions, or items you can carry at a given time, and while, yes, this can be done through other means as well, it’s the bags and pouches that are visible on your character is what makes it really great.
The bags and pouches are compatible with various types of armor sets in the game and really make you feel like an adventurer carrying a huge pile of essentials with him.
24. JK’s Skyrim
JK Skyrim is an overhaul mod that breathes new life into the major cities of Skyrim in terms of graphical fidelity. The improvements brought by this mod are not just surface-level improvements to the overall visuals of the game. This mod changes everything that is present in the cities, from bells, entrances, weather effects, taverns, citizens, the exteriors and interiors of the buildings, sewers, trees, stores, and more.
The city overhaul mods are available separately as well, but JK Skyrim is the definite mod by JK, which includes all of his city overhaul mods, making it the most sensible choice. JK has also worked on other various overhaul mods for Skyrim, and we highly recommend checking those out too.
23. Flora Overhaul

While you are not in the cities, castles, holds, taverns, or colleges, you’ll be out in the wilds exploring the terrains and lands of Skyrim. The nature part takes up most of the space in the Skyrim map, and most of your adventure will mostly be in these regions.
Flora Overhaul SE is a complete overhaul of Skyrim’s Flora by adding 18 new tree models, and 65 new grasses and plants, increasing the size and width of trees and grasses and increasing the snow density in snowy regions of Skyrim.
22. SkyUI
As mentioned above Skyrim VR is fundamentally the same as Skyrim Special Edition, which also means that there are dozens of things that don’t work well for VR since VR is not just a first-person view with more control or immersion. One of those issues is toggling through the inventory. While in VR, searching through the inventory is quite problematic when using the game’s normal UI.
SkyUI fixes this issue by introducing a much more streamlined version of the inventory interface, that works well for not only the PC version but also for the VR version of the game.
21. Realistic Lightning Overhaul

Realistic Lightning Overhaul makes the lighting of interiors and exteriors as realistic as possible. With this mod, the developers aimed to use light sources to produce lightning in a way that looked realistic and removed illuminations with no light sources. This means that rooms with few candles will look dark and more realistic.
What’s really great about this mod is that it uses no post-processing power at all and works within the confines of the Skyrim engine. According to developers, this mod has no effect on performance whatsoever and will actually improve performance since it removes the game’s bloom. So there is little to no reason why you shouldn’t download this mod and make your game’s lightning more realistic.
20. Weapon Throw VR
One of the biggest gimmicks of VR games is throwable objects and weapons to knock out your opponents. Since Skyrim doesn’t have the option to throw your weapons at the enemy, you can’t do that in VR as well, robbing the VR version of one of its most remarkable features. Weapon Throw VR allows you to do that and brings VR’s coolest feature to Skyrim.
This mod is compatible with all six melee weapon types, shields, and torches. It also includes Auto-Aim and Auto-Return functionality and comes with a configuration menu as well. The mod doesn’t come with its own weapons but supports all vanilla game’s weapons.
19. Clear HUD VR
One of the best ways to soak yourself into the vast worlds of any RPG is by clearing the screen of its HUD. While the importance of HUD cannot be neglected, at the same time, it comes at the cost of immersion, which is also very important, especially if you are playing the game in VR.
Clear HUD VR is a mod for the VR version of Skyrim, that allows you to clear the screen of its HUD. By default, it will clear everything on the screen, but at the same time, if you feel like there should be some bars or parts of the HUD visible on the screen, you can turn them on at any given time by going to its configuration menu.
18. Smilodon – Combat Of Skyrim

While Skyrim has a lot of things worth praising, melee combat is definitely not one of them and as time goes on, the combat system of Skyrim looks more and more aged and clunky. While playing as a mage or an archer is still a viable option, the thrill of melee combat is different. Thankfully the modding community of Skyrim thinks the same, and there have been many combat overhaul mods over the years for Skyrim, but the one we recommend for Skyrim VR is Smilodon.
Smilodon brings various improvements to Skyrim combat which include: Improved enemy AI, timed blocking, faster and more responsive combat and attack animations, and a configuration menu to enable or disable several mod features. If you really want to go into Skyrim VR with a melee build, consider downloading Smilodon mode beforehand.
17. Project AHO

Like the Forgotten City, Project AHO is also a free expansion-like mod that adds hours of new content within the game. Project AHO adds a brand new region of Sadrith Kegran that is built upon the ruins of Dwarven City.
It adds new locations (over 40), brand new houses, new civilizations that have their own distinct routine and habits, side quests, sounds and music, armor, weapons, and much more. According to the developers’ Project AHO is comparable to the size of a medium-sized DLC. This leaves little to no reason why you shouldn’t install this mod, as it adds more content to the game, giving you more incentive to spend more time in Skyrim VR.
You can read more detailed info about its various additions on Project AHO wiki.
16. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
Bethesda is infamous for releasing buggy games at launch and not bothering to fix any of its issues, even in the re-releases. Skyrim, at this point, has multiple re-releases now, yet it’s still riddled with issues that Bethesda probably thinks are features. Thankfully the modding community of Bethesda is always on it whenever Bethesda releases a buggy game.
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch fixes hundreds of gameplay, quests, NPC, items, and object placement bugs and transforms the game into a much better and playable state. It is highly compatible with other mods and makes no harmful changes in the game in order to ensure an authentic experience without the bugs.
15. Immersive Speechcraft SE
Immersive Speechcraft SE expands the number of dialogue options you can select when interacting with an NPC. This isn’t just about selecting more or fewer questions, but it actually expands the dialogue trees with meaningful options that you can utilize to gain some sort of benefit.
With Immersive Speechcraft installed, you can make an NPC follow you, negotiate, order them, give them gifts, beg for some gold, trick them, provoke them, train with them or just comment on usual things such as the weather. It’s an excellent immersive mod that gives the NPCs of Skyrim more personality and makes the world look more lively and interactable.
14. The Forgotten City

While all the graphical and QoL improvements are great, replying to a huge RPG that you have already played through multiple times takes some motivation. However, the enthralling expansions made by the community will give you more than a reason just to revisit Skyrim since they don’t just add additional content; some of them are even better than the main game as well.
The Forgotten City is one of those modes that adds a brand new city in Skyrim and all of the essentials that should be with it, like a community, puzzles, side quests, NPCs, and music. It offers an 8 hours murder mystery campaign with several different endings. The Forgotten City has won Writer’s Guild award, too, and is a must-play for any Skyrim fan.
13. Open Cities

One of the biggest technological leaps made by Open World games is their commitment to “no loading screens” while exploring the world. Entering various cities and regions and having the loading screen cause an interruption can ruin your immersion, and in this age, these loading screens can look kind of old and outdated.
Open Cities removes those loading screens and allow you seamlessly travel between cities and the overworld without any interruption. Moreover, due to the removal of the loading screen, you will also be able to take your horse inside the cities and explore it while mounted. The dragon battles that got interrupted due to loading screens will now flow seamlessly, giving a massive boost to your immersion.
12. Reputation

Reputation adds a morality system to Skyrim, where actions you take will have consequences. This is a great immersion mod if you want the world and the people that live in it to have a reaction to your actions, both moral and immoral. Likewise, the dialogue you select, the choices you make, and the alliances you form will have an effect on other NPCs, for better or worse.
Furthermore, this mod adds a special menu to the game, too, which allows you to see what choices you have made and what quests you have completed for which faction. New dialogue choices will open up based on your decisions, and based on your reputation, the guards and townsfolk will have a hostile or non-hostile reaction.
Also certain options can also be toggled on or off if you feel like they are interfering with the game too much. Overall, a great mod that increases the player immersion and makes you think before making certain decisions.
11. Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks
Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks is an enhanced and more immersive version of Amazing Follower Tweaks that replaces some of the video-gamey options with more immersive and natural lines, such as substituting “Tweak Options” with “Let’s talk about your abilities.”
It brings a lot of QoL changes to the previous iteration of the mod, like giving the followers the ability to relax while waiting, reducing carrying weights, increasing follower count, disabling message pop-ups, and much more. It also introduces a new power called Leadership which allows you to recruit all non-essential NPCs as well and also increases the number of followers to 30
If you want to role-play Skyrim like a conqueror traversing the lands of Skyrim with a loyal army behind, Immersive Follower Tweaks is a must-install.
10. SMIM – Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Skyrim is filled with a wide variety of races, terrains, forests, cities, armor sets, weapons, and more. With a game that big, it is obvious that not every object and 3D model of the game will not look as good as the others. The 3D models in question are those background objects which may not be the core focus of the screen all the time but are pretty noticeable once you see them.
SMIM mods add thousands of improved meshes and placements that make those objects look just as good as the others. In VR, where every immersion is very important and can be ruined once you start seeing these little inconsistencies, SMIM guarantees a consistent experience where the low-poly models will no longer ruin your immersion.
9. Sounds of Skyrim
While all of the fancy weather effects, and graphical enhancements are nice, a big part of the building atmosphere is dependent on the sound design of the game. Entering cities in the daytime without the playful sounds of children or banter between the citizens or walking around the jungles at night without hearing the shivering winds and howls of the wolves can affect the immersion.
Sounds of Skyrim is a massive mod that adds more than 460 sound effects to the world of Skyrim. The aim of this mod is to make the environments feel authentic and immersive. It merges various Sounds of Skyrim modules such as The Wilds, The Dungeons, and Civilization, overhauling almost the entire game with various sound effects, which also change in accordance with the time of the day.
8. Simple Realistic Archery
If you want to play as an Archer in Skyrim VR, we highly recommend going with the Simple Realistic Archery mod. This mod allows you to map different arrows to different buttons while also being able to change the position and size of the quiver along with the attribute costs.
The way this mod works is that you assign an arrow type to a keybind and then press that keybind in the battle to instantly take out that arrow. Additionally, you can bind the arrows to button taps as well. Like a single tap for the X arrow and a double tap for Y one. A highly recommended mod if you want to play as an archer realistically in Skyrim VR.
As evident from the name, MageVR adds a much more realistic mage playstyle in Skyrim VR. This mod allows you to cast spells on the go by drawing various signs and glyphs by your hand instead of selecting them from the menu.
While this looks very immersive on paper, the developers warn the players about the difficulty curve that comes with this mod, as you won’t be able to pause the game for casting spells and instead will have to rely on muscle memory.
At the same time, casting spells by drawing glyphs with your own hand is way more immersive than selecting spells and really makes you feel like a Mage traversing the Nordic lands of Skyrim.
6.No Stagger Mod
Due to no VR-exclusive enhancements made in Skyrim VR, the combat system, especially melee, can fall apart since it was not developed with the VR version in mind. Getting staggered in VR is janky and ruins the flow of the combat.
No Stagger Mod makes causes you not to get staggered by enemy attacks and allows you to continue the flow of the combat without making you feel dizzy or nauseous.

Skyrim VR has many features missing that are integral to the VR experience. Luckily, the Skyrim community has developed such mods that turn Skyrim into a proper virtual reality game, and HIGGS is one of those mods. HIGGS basically adds real-world interaction similar to other VR games.
Additions such as weapon and hand collision, the ability to two-hand weapons, picking up objects with either hand, grabbing distant objects through “gravity-glove,” grabbing and moving bodies around, real-time looting, and much more are possible thanks to the HIGGS mod.

PLANCK complements HIGGS by making further adjustments to the improvements and changes brought in by HIGGS mod. The most notable ones are the adjustments to the player’s and enemies’ ragdolls. Actions such as petting a dog, holding someone else, or throwing any weapon or object at others feel more natural and accurate, which obviously you can’t do in the base game.
Apart from the adjustments made to weapon attacks and their hitboxes, PLANCK also allows you to use grabs as a means to stop a character, whether an NPC or an enemy, from performing a stabbing attack. A highly recommended mod to use alongside HIGGS.
3. Onyx – VR Weathers

Some weather aspects, like volumetric lightning, are disabled in Skyrim VR, and according to the creators of the mod, trying to make the foliage look consistent and balanced is very tricky, and more so in VR. Onyx VR Weathers balances the lighting so that flora and fauna look consistent and parts of the environment don’t have different colors, which kind of ruins the look of the scenery overall.
It includes five different versions of night-time darkness, as normally night-time doesn’t have one color, and depending on the time of the night, the sky and the scenery can look less or darker. This mod makes the environment looks more natural and consistent due to accurate volumetric lightning and weather colors to ensure a consistent VR experience.
2. Dragon Speaks Naturally
Dragon Speaks Naturally is another immersive mod that allows you to interact with NPCs via actual speech. Upon interaction, instead of selecting any option, you’ll be able to speak out the option out, adding a layer of immersion in Skyrim VR.
It is basically a speech recognition mod and plays a vital role in adding immersion to Skyrim VR. It should be noted that this mod isn’t compatible with the Anniversary Edition, and the developers have advised the players to stick with Skyrim Special Edition for this mod to work.
1. VRIK Player Avatar

Diving into huge RPGs via VR increases the player immersion tenfold, but that is often ruined when you start to notice that your character is just two floating hands instead of an actual character. VRIK Player Avatar aims to fix that problem by rendering the entire player model into the game along with all of the necessary animations to make it look more natural overall.
Fully configurable weapon holsters, hand gestures, drawing out weapons in real-time, compatibility with other mods, mod configuration menu, and displaying complex scenes in 1st or 3rd person are some of the features that come with the VRIK Player Avatar mod.
Keep in mind the mod discussed in this list don’t include launcher or script-loading mods that enable other mods to work. Each mod has a separate requirement for working, and we recommend referring to the linked websites in order to know the required mods for these mods to work.
If you are considering hopping out of Skyrim VR and diving back into the base game, consider checking out our guide on the best Skyrim mods. As we have talked about followers several times in our guides, you can check out our guides on Serana and Skyrim Wives. Regarding armor and weapons, you can check out our guides on the best light armor and best one-handed weapons in Skyrim.
This concludes our guide on the Top 25 best mods for Skyrim VR. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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