The year 2022 is almost over, and the folks at Telegram have a special way to celebrate the end of the year that millions of people won’t miss. Messenger has traditionally and impressively received another major feature update with a large number of new capabilities and improvements. Telegram’s last update in 2022 added hidden media, zero storage usage, new drawing tools, improved profile pictures, better privacy tools and more.
Media Blur. A year ago, Telegram introduced text spoilers that let you blur text in messages. The same feature is now available for Media, allowing users to blur photos and videos with a glowing layer that requires a tap to “break the spell.”
Zero storage usage. With the latest update, Telegram gives users much more robust and granular control over storage usage. Users can add separate automatic removal settings for different types of Telegram storage, such as media from private chats, groups and channels. In addition, you can set exceptions for specific conversations.
On top of that, Telegram now offers a detailed storage pie chart to help visualize what’s taking up space and how much.
New drawing and text tools. Built-in drawing tools now smooth line with dynamic width that depends on drawing speed. Also, when you send photos or screenshots, you can blur parts of the image to protect sensitive data.
Another notable change is the ability to choose the background, font and size when adding text to images. Also, you can add animated emojis to pictures, and they will be visible to all Telegram users, not just premium subscribers.
Set profile images for contacts.. You can now add your photos to your contacts, visible only to you. However, Telegram lets you suggest a profile picture for a specific contact, which is a handy tool when you have a good picture of someone without a profile picture.
New privacy settings for profile images. Telegram allows you to hide your profile pictures from selected (or all) users. With the latest update, the feature gets even more options, allowing you to choose a public photo separate from the one your contacts see, or just select users.
Hiding group members.. Admins of groups with 100+ members can disable the member list, preventing people from accessing those who do not send messages. When the setting is turned on, only admins will see the list of people in the group.
More. The latest release of Telegram on Android adds new animations, a few sets of animated emojis, and more interactive emojis that play weird animations when you tap them.
You can find links to download Telegram on your device. On the official Telegram website. Full release notes are available. In a post on the official blog.