God Of War Ragnarok Best Shields [All Ranked]


In God Of War Ragnarok, defense matters just as much as offense. Therefore, it is important to keep yourself protected from deadly bosses by using shields.

While there are a lot of options when it comes to Shields in God of War Ragnarok, it is important that you take time in the selection of your shield as it will determine whether you will win or lose a battle.

Therefore, in our guide below we have listed all Shields and ranked them from best to worst so you can see for yourself which Shields to use and which ones to avoid in God of War Ragnarok. Without further ado let’s take a look at all the Shields and their ranking in God of War Ragnarok. 

Key Takeaways

  • The Guardian Shield is the very first, and the best shield Kratos will obtain. It is an all-rounder, suitable for both blocking and parrying. It can be reclaimed during The World of Fate main quest.
  • The Stone Wall shield is designed strictly for blocking. However, you can only block a certain amount of attacks. Once that threshold is reached, your guard will be broken.
  • However, blocking against attacks with this shield also charges it up. This charge can be released by double tapping L1, which can stun even large mini-bosses. It can be purchased from Brok and Sindri.

  • The best shield after the Guard Shield is definitely the Dauntless Shield. It strictly revolves around parrying. It is purchased from Brok and Sindri.
  • The reason is that parrying is already broken in God of War, and this shield amplifies that skill. So we definitely recommend attaining this shield.

  • The Onslaught Shield is for an all-out offensive playstyle. Double tapping L1 will make Kratos charge toward an enemy while guarding against attacks. This effect is amplified the further you are from the enemy.
  • It can be obtained from a legendary chest in Helheim or purchased from Brok and Sindri.

  • The Shattered Star Shield is for knocking enemies back with the double L1 input. It can be charged up by holding L1 to amplify the knockback effect.
  • During The Reckoning quest, players can obtain the Shattered Star Shield from a Legendary Chest in Vanaheim.

Guardian Shield

Defence Runic Vitality Cooldown
55 N/A N/A 21 

Without a doubt, the Guardian Shield is one of the best Shields in God of War Ragnarok due to its powerful defensive stats. The Guardian Shield is present inside a gauntlet on the left arm of Kratos.

best shields for offense in God Of War Ragnarok
Guardian Shield [Image Captured By eXputer]

It is a retractable shield and is exceptionally good at blocking an enemy and their attacks and parrying as well. Furthermore, you will be able to unlock the offensive skills of the shield as well by combining it with the Blades Of Chaos and Kratos fists. The skill tree of the shield is diverse and the best part about it is that you can upgrade the Guardian Shield with time. 

How To Fix The Guardian Shield 

Another great thing about the guardian shield is that you will be able to unlock it from the very start of the game during the Surviving Fimbulwinter.

However, when you first get this shield it will be listed as a Broken Guardian Shield. In order to unlock its capabilities you will have to fix it and you can do so after you speak to Brok during The Word Of Fate.

The friendly dwarfs will promise to fix your shield free of cost however it will take some time to repair. Until then you will get an option to use other Shields as well however as soon as it is repaired make sure to go and get it to use in your future battles. 

How To Perform Shield Check

In order to shield check, you need to double tap L1 and you will be able to check the enemy and eventually break their guard. Now you need to parry them and in order to perform the special counterattacks press R1 or R2. 

Guardian Shield upgrades 

Now we will take a look at all the upgrades you can get for the guardian shield depending upon the level of the shield. 

  • Level 4: On level 4 of the guardian shield you will get 55 Defence. 
  • Level 5: On level 5 you will get 70 Defence and you will need Hacksilver and Honed Metal resources to upgrade it. The upgrade will require 5000 Hacksilver and 6 Honed Metal.
  • Level 6: By spending 7500 Hacksilver And 2 Luminous Alloy you will be able to increase the Defence of the guardian shield up to 85.
  • Level 7: On level 7 you will be able to bring the Defence of your guardian shield up to 100 by spending 11,000 Hacksilver And 4 Luminous Alloy.
  • Level 8: Level 8 will bring the Defence of your Guardian Shield up to 115 and you can do so by getting 25 Dust Of Realms, 6 Luminous Alloy, And 15,000 Hacksilver.
  • Level 9: The final upgrade of the Guardian Shield will bring its Defence up to 130 and you can do so by spending 3 Blazing Embers, 50 Dust Of Realms, and 20,000 Hacksilver. 

Stone Wall Shield

Defence Runic Vitality Cooldown
10 N/A N/A N/A

Another great shield to use in God of War Ragnarok is the Stone Wall Shield. This particular shield is great for players who are not fans of parrying and want to stack up more defensive stats for their equipment.

best shields in God Of War Ragnarok
Stone Wall Shield [Image Captured By eXputer]

One of the best abilities of the stone wall shield called Shield Slam will allow you to block and store all the damage. After storing enough damage it will come out in the form of an epic explosion which will damage your enemies. 

The powerful tower shield is capable of absorbing all your enemy’s attacks add delivering them back to your enemies in the form of an AOE blast. So in case you’re looking for a traditional shield to soak up the incoming damage, then there is no choice better than the Stone Wall Shield. 

Furthermore, it is also good for beginners, and by using attachments like Rond Of Restoration, Rond Of Purification, and Rond Of Deflection you will be able to make it even more powerful. 

How To Get The Stone Wall Shield 

In order to obtain the stonewalled shield you need to purchase it from the Blacksmith Shop. 

How To Perform The Shield Slam Attack 

The most powerful attack of the stone wall sheared is definitely the Shield Slam attack which makes it one of the best shields in God of War Ragnarok. Also. performing it is very easy and won’t require much effort.

To perform the attack you need to double tap L1 to Shield Slam your enemy. By blocking the attacks you will be able to absorb the damage and charge up your shield. Any of the guard break attacks launched at you will be blocked in case your shield is not fully charged. 

Stone Wall Shield Upgrades 

Following are all the upgrades of the stone wall shield at different levels and the resources required to upgrade it. 

  • Level 1: On the initial level of the stone wall shield, you will get 10 Defence. In order to upgrade your Stone wall shield to level 1, you will need 500 Hacksilver and one Slag Deposit. 
  • Level 2: By upgrading your stone wall shield to level 2, you will get a boost in Defence and your Defence will increase by 25. In order to upgrade your stone wall shield to level 2 you will need 500 Hacksilver and 4 Slag Deposits. 
  • Level 3: By upgrading your Stone Wall Shield to Level 3, not only will you get a boost in Defence but also Vitality. In order to upgrade to Level 3 you will require, 1000 Hacksilver and 8 Slag Deposits. 
  • Level 4: By upgrading to level 4, you will get 55 Defence and 11 Vitality and the resources required for the upgrade are 3 Honed Metal and 3000 Hacksilver. 
  • Level 5: In order to upgrade to level 5, you will need 5000 Hacksilver and six Honed Metal. The upgrade will bring 14 Vitality and 70 Defence. 
  • Level 6: To upgrade the stone wall shield to level 6, you will need 2 Luminous Alloy and 7500 Hacksilver. The upgrade will increase your Defence to 85 and Vitality to 17. 
  • Level 7: On level 7 you will get 100 Defence and 20 Vitality and you will need 4 Luminous Alloy and 11,000 Hacksilver resources to upgrade to level 7. 
  • Level 8: On level 8 you will be able to increase your Defence up to 115 and your Vitality 23. However, you will require a lot of resources but the upgrade is definitely worth it. To upgrade your stone wall shield to level 8 will need 15,000 Hacksilver, 6 Luminous Alloy, and 25 Dust of Realms. 
  • Level 9: On level 9 you will get 130 Defence and 26 Vitality. This is the final upgrade of Stonewall shield and it will require 20,000 Hacksilver, 50 Dust of Realms, and three Blazing Embers. 

Dauntless Shield

Defence Runic Vitality Cooldown
10 N/A N/A N/A

Next, we have the Dauntless Shield which is perfect for players who are comfortable with parrying attacks and can perform them in crucial moments of the battle. The shield is perfect for beginners as well and for players who want offensive stats for the shield as well.

Dauntless Shield
Dauntless Shield [Image Captured By eXputer]

But handling the Dauntless Shield is quite difficult as missing a parry can cause the player to take in a lot of damage. The shield definitely stays true to its name and handling the shield requires a lot of guts and confidence in their own ability for one to master it.

However, the only reason it is not ranked higher In our guide of best Shields in God of War Ragnarok is due to the fact that the parry time frames it offers can lead to the absorption of too much damage and the risk of losing health. 

Furthermore, the Shield Bash ability it provides can allow you to stun enemies and there is a lot of damage to them while empowering the shield and its defensive stats. 

How To Get The Dauntless Shield 

You can obtain the dauntless shield by purchasing it from the Huldra brother’s blacksmith shop. 

How To Do Shield Bash 

In order to perform the shield bash ability of Dauntless Shield, you need to double-tap L1 to deliver high stun damage to your enemies.

Next, you need to parry to deal stun damage to the attacker and you will be able to empower your shield for the next Shield Bash attack. If you are one of the players that can time their parry perfectly, you will be able to significantly improve the Shield Bash effect of the dauntless shield. 

Dauntless Shield Upgrades 

 Following are the shield upgrades for the Dauntless Shield and the resources required for it. 

  • Level 1: On the first level upgrade, you will get 10 Defence and it will require 500 Hacksilver and 1 Slag Deposit. 
  • Level 2: by upgrading your shield to level 2, you will get 25 in Defence and it will require 4 Slag Deposits and 500 Hacksilver. 
  • Level 3: By upgrading the dotless shield to Level 3, we will get 8 Cooldown and 40 Defence. The resources required for the upgrade are 8 Slag Deposits and 1000 Hacksilver. 
  • Level 4: On the level 4 upgrade, you will get 55 Defence and 11 cooldown and the resources required for the upgrade are 3 Honed Metal and 3000 Hacksilver. 
  • Level 5: On the level 5 upgrade of Dauntless Shield, you will get 14 Cooldown and 70 Defence. The materials required for the upgrade are 5000 Hacksilver and 6 Honed Metal. 
  • Level 6: By upgrading your dauntless shield to level 6, you will get 85 Defence and 17 Cooldowns at the cost of 7500 Hacksilver and 2 Luminous Alloy. 
  • Level 7: For the level 7 upgrade of Dauntless Shield, you will need 11,000 Hacksilver and 4 Luminous Alloy. By upgrading it to level 7 you will get 100 Defence and 20 Cooldown so the resources are definitely worth it. 
  • Level 8: By upgrading the dauntless shield to level 8, you will get 115 Defence and 23 Cooldown on the cost of six Luminous Alloy, 15,000 Hacksilver, and 25 Dust of Realms. 
  • Level 9: On level 9 you will get 130 Defence and 26 Cooldown at the cost of 20,000 Hacked silver, 50 Dust of Realms, and 3 Blazing Embers. 

Onslaught Shield

Defence Runic Vitality Cooldown
85 17 N/A N/A

Next, we have the Onslaught Shield which is a great pick for players looking for a boost in their mobility as well as their defensive stats. The Shield Rush skill it provides you with can allow you to go and attack your enemy up close at a safe distance while your shield protects you.

Onslaught Shield
Onslaught Shield [Image Captured By eXputer]

This will allow you to deal maximum damage to your enemies and from the rushing, you will be able to build enough momentum to launch your enemies into the air with a strong impact. 

How To Get The Onslaught Shield

The Onslaught Shield can be found in a Legendary Chest located in Helheim. However, you will only be able to obtain it after you fight Garm. it can be bought from the Blacksmith for 7500 Hacksilver as well in case you are unable to find it in Legendary Chest. 

How To Use The Shield Rush Ability

In order to use the Shield Rush Ability of the Onslaught Shield, you need to double tap L1 and you will be able to shield and rush forward straight into the enemy while simultaneously blocking the incoming attacks from him.

If you want to damage your enemy, even more, make sure to use the shield’s ability at a distance in order to build up momentum. 

Onslaught Shield Upgrades 

 Following are all the upgrades of the Onslaught Shield and the resources required to unlock it. 

  • Level 6: On level 6, you will get 17 Runic and 85 Defence for your Onslaught Shield. 
  • Level 7: By upgrading your onslaught shield to level 7 by spending 11,000 Hacksilver and 4 Luminous Alloy, you will be able to obtain 20 Runic and 100 Defence. 
  • Level 8: By upgrading your Onslaught Shield to level 8 you will get 115 Defence and 23 Runic. However, the upgrade will require a lot of items like 15,000 Hacksilver, 25 Dust of Realms, and 6 Luminous Alloy. 
  • Level 9: The last upgrade will be the level 9 upgrade of the onslaught shield and it will require 20,000 Hacksilver, 50 Dust of Realms, and three Blazing Embers. It will give you 26 Runic and 130 Defence. 

Shattered Star Shield

Defence Runic Vitality Cooldown
40 8 N/A N/A

Last but not least we have the Shatter Star Shield. The Shatter Star Shield has a good offensive attack however, we recommend considering other Shields instead of Shatter Star Shield as it might not be able to hold up against stronger enemies.

best shields ranked in God Of War Ragnarok
Shatter Star Shield [Image Captured By eXputer]

Furthermore, handling the Shatter Star Shield is also pretty intensive. The special ability of the shield is called Shield Punch and it will build up the charge while you block and when it is fully charged, the attack is launched toward enemies. When the charge is released, the enemies will go flying back getting damaged. 

How To Get Shatter Star Shield

You can obtain the shield from Vanaheim in a Legendary Chest during the Reckoning. 

Shatter Star Shield Upgrades 

 Following are all the upgrades of the Shatter Star Shield in the game. 

  • Level 3: On Level 3 you will get 40 Defence and 8 Runic. 
  • Level 4: By upgrading your Shatter Star Shield to level 4, you will get 55 Defence and 11 Runic. In order to upgrade the Shatter Star Shield to level 4, you will require 1000 Hacksilver and 8 Slag Deposits. 
  • Level 5: By upgrading your shatter star shield to level 5, you will get 70 Defence and 14 Runic. The resources required for the upgrade are 5000 Hacksilver and 6 Honed Metal. 
  • Level 6: On the level 6 upgrade you will get 85 Defence and 17 Runic by spending 7500 Hacksilver and 2 Luminous Alloy. 
  • Level 7: By upgrading your shatter star shield to level 7 you will get 100 Defence and 20 Runic. However, you will have to spend 11,000 Hacksilver and four Luminous Alloy. 
  • Level 8: On the level 8 upgrade, you will get 115 Defence and 23 Runic at the cost of 15,000 Hack silver, 25 Dust of Realms, and 6 Luminous Alloy. 
  • Level 9: The last upgrade of Shatter Star Shield requires 20,000 Hacksilver, 3 Blazing Embers, and 50 Dust of Realms. It will provide you with 130 Defence and 26 Runic. 

Summing It Up 

With this, we conclude our detailed guide on the best Shields in God of War Ragnarok and how to get them as well as their upgrades in the game. While you are at it make sure to check out our other guides like how old is Kratos in God of War Ragnarok.

We have also formulated a detailed guide on all PS4 and PS5 editions of God of War Ragnarok and which one is the best to get. Also, make sure to check out our detailed guide on all three of Lunda’s armor locations in God of War Ragnarok while you are at it.

With Defence, it is also important to keep your health up high that is why we recommend checking out our guide on how to heal in God of War Ragnarok and all methods to do so. Also, check out our guide on the top 10 best armor sets in God of War Ragnarok to go along with your selected shield. 

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