All Star Tower Defense Codes: (NEW MODE) Update (January 2023)


Looking for all the latest working Roblox All Star Tower Defense codesAll Star Tower Defense (ASTD in short), a Roblox tower defense video game, was created by Top Down Games and remains among the most popular experiences on the platform. In ASTD you can summon powerful characters from popular anime and use them as tower units in battles to fend off waves of enemies and dominate the rankings.

All Star Tower Defense codes can make your life much, as you can redeem them for free games that you can use to summon more characters to eventually collect all the strongest units, free XP to level up your units, and Gold that you can spend to gear your tower units up!

While you are here, you can check our Coin Master free spins, Pet Master free spins, and codes for other Roblox games like Fruit Battlegrounds, Fat Simulator, Shattered Psycho Online, Anime Fruit Simulator, Project New World, World of Stands, Shuudan, Shindo Life, Grand Piece Online, Project Slayers, Blox Fruits, King Legacy, Weapon Fighting Simulator, Sea Piece, A One Piece Game, All Star Tower Defense, and Anime Adventures.

Searched for the latest working All Star Tower Defense codes on January 13th. Added the latest code on January 2nd.

All Roblox All Star Tower Defense Codes

Below you will find all the active and expired All Star Tower Defense codes. Make sure to redeem the codes as soon as possible, as we don’t know their expiration date in most cases. Additionally, if any newly released codes don’t work, restart the game so that you are on a server with the latest game build.

New & Working All Star Tower Defense codes (ASTD codes)

Here are all the new and currently working All Star Tower Defense codes:

  • delayp – Redeem code for 150 Stardust, 3000 Gems, 4x EXP 6 Stars (No Level Requirement) (New codeAdded on January 13th)
  • lvlreqny – Redeem code for 150 Stardust, EXP VI, and 2023 Gems (Level Requirement to Claim: 60+)
  • happyholidays – Redeem code for 89 Stardust and 2022 Gems
  • mbshutdown – Redeem code for 50 Stardust and some EXP
  • world3ishere – Redeem code for 50 Stardust, 4000 Gems, and 10x EXP IV (Level Requirement to Claim: 15+)
  • winterguy19 – Redeem code for 105 Stardust and 250 Gems
  • bigwinterupdatesoon – Redeem code for 90 Stardust and 90 Gems (Level Requirement To Claim: 40+)
  • 2milfavoriteup – Redeem code for 150x Stardust, 10x EXP IV, and 8000x Gems (Level Requirement To Claim: 70+)
  • 2yearanniversaryduo – Redeem code for 95x Stardust, 10x Exp IV, 5000x Gems (Level Requirement To Claim: 40+)
  • Halloween2022 – Redeem code for Ice Queen (Hollow)
  • 2yearanniversary – Redeem code for 100x Stardust, 10x Exp IV, 10000x Gems (Level Requirement To Claim: 40+)
  • timechamberfix – Redeem code for 100 Gems and 20 Stardust
  • newstarcode – Redeem code for 90 Stardust

For more freebies for your avatar, you can check our Roblox promo codes and our Roblox Free Items up-to-date lists. You can check our Roblox game codes library if you want rewards related to individual games, such as boosts, stat resets, skins, and more. Finally, if you are looking for guides on a specific Roblox game, you can look at our Roblox games Trello links library.

Expired All Star Tower Defense codes (ASTD codes)

All the All Star Tower Defense codes listed below have already expired:

  • stardustupdate – Redeem code for 5000 Gems
  • Hooray50k – Redeem code for 400 Gems
  • ASTDDragonoidBakugan – Redeem code for a Dragonoid Mount
  • 1millikes – Redeem code for 650 GEMS and EXP IV
  • summerwoo2022 – Redeem code for 750 Gems and EXP IV
  • owouch – Redeem code for 400 Gems
  • newcode150knoleakingplsnavyxflameyt – Redeem code for free rewards
  • changesjune – Redeem code for 350 Gems
  • ticketupdate – Redeem code for 400 Gems
  • allstarspring – Redeem code for 450 Gems
  • newaprilupdate – Redeem code for 450 Gems
  • astd1millikes – Redeem code for 1250 Gems
  • congratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300k – Redeem code for free rewards
  • ultramove – Redeem code for free rewards
  • superwoop – Redeem code for free rewards
  • 1mgroupmembers – Redeem code for 800 Gems & Gold
  • themadao – Redeem code for 1,000 Gems, 750 Gold, & EXP IV
  • -ASTDdevs – Redeem code for EXP IV
  • world2ishere – Redeem code for 300 Gems & 500 Gold
  • congratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300k – Redeem code for a Mega-Rare character
  • ultramove – Redeem code for an Ultra Capsule
  • superwoop – Redeem code for 400 Gems
  • 1mgroupmembers – Redeem code for 800 Gems and 800 Gold
  • themadao – Redeem code for 1000 Gems, 750 Gold, and 1 EXP IV
  • -ASTDDevs – Redeem code for 500 gems, 500 gold, EXP IV 
  • world2comingsoon – Redeem code for 250 Gold and 250 Gems.
  • astdx2022 – Redeem code for 500 gems & 1000 gold.
  • merrychristmas2k21 – Redeem code for 1000 Gold, 1000 Gems, and EXP IV.
  • winterbreakwhen – Redeem code for 250 gems and 250 gold.
  • KingLuffyFan200k – Redeem code for Ultra Rare King Ruffy.
  • SUBTOBLAMSPOT100kBOA – Redeem code for free reward.
  • december2021 – Redeem code for 500 gold and 300 gems .
  • -astddevs – Redeem code for Exp IV.
  • thecityofangels – Redeem ASTD code for 250 Gems and 250 Gold.
  • igot2look – Redeem code for 250 Gems, 250 Gold.
  • eatlotsonthanksgiving – Redeem for 300 Gems and 500 Gold.
  • novemberupdate – Redeem code for 300 Gems and 500 Gold (May work with private server).
  • 100ksubnavyxflame – Redeem code for 300 Gems and Mega Rare Super Koku Black (SSJ3).
  • fromastd – Redeem code for 500 Gems, 500 Gold, and Omega Rare EXP IV.
  • novemberupdate – Redeem code for 300 Gems and 500 Gold.
  • starshipway – Redeem code for Gems and EXP IV.
  • navyxflame80ksubs – Redeem code for EXP III and Gems.
  • anniversaryastd – Redeem code for 1500 Gold, 1200 Gems, and Omega-Rare. 
  • fruit100k – Redeem code for 300 Gems and Exp III. 
  • robloxyay – Redeem code for 300 Gold, 800 Gems and EXP III.
  • longwait – Redeem code for 450 Gems.
  • goldgemgold – Redeem code for 650 Gold and 250 Gems. 
  • 4partyrocking – Redeem code for 250 Gems.
  • wowshutdown – Redeem code for 200 Gems.
  • happyhalloween2021 – Redeem code for 300 Gold, 200 Gems and Pumpkin Capsule.
  • navyxflameyt60k – Redeem code for 200 gems and EXP III 
  • longmaintenance – Redeem code for 450 Gems
  • 2bcodeswagmodeblazeit – Redeem code for 400 Gems and Mega-Rare Kakashi
  • nooshutdown – Redeem code for 400 Gems
  • septemberupdate21 – Redeem code for 250 Gems
  • shutdownagaincode21 – Redeem code for 250 Gems
  • tacotuesday – Redeem code for 250 Gems
  • thursdayfun – Redeem code for 250 Gems
  • illbewatchingyou – Redeem code for 300 Gems 
  • specialkingluffy100k – Redeem code for 150 Gems and King Ruffy
  • nowherescoredeal – Redeem code for 250 Gems 
  • gamebreakingvisits101 – Redeem code for 250 Gems 
  • theotheronecode – Redeem code for 250 Gems (Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server)
  • Minishutdown – Redeem code for 200 Gems 
  • mrworldwide – Redeem code for 300 Gems 
  • morecodeforyouxd– Redeem code for 175 Gems 
  • codeofprisma – Redeem code for 250 Gems (Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server)
  • Codeoflight – Redeem code for 250 Gems (Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server)
  • listentothemusic132 – Redeem code for 175 Gems 
  • howareyoutodaymyfriendo – Redeem code for 175 Gems (Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server)
  • NAVYXFLAME4CODE – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • fruitysubmore – Redeem code for a Reward (Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server)
  • 4thofjulyupdate – Redeem code for 250 Gold, 250 Gems, and EXP III 
  • lesgolesgoyuuh – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • supertime – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • biggerthanlife1 – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • fruitgame – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • 600klikes – Redeem code for 175 Gems 
  • updatejune2021 – Redeem code for 250 Gold, 250 Gems, and EXP III 
  • addnewunitstobannerfix – Redeem code for 150 Gems (Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server)
  • fruit – Redeem code for 550 gems, 500 Gold, and 2x EXP III 
  • 2021memorialday2021x – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • Update53021 – Redeem code for 150 Gems, 300 Gold, and EXP III 
  • Lovetobrazil – Redeem All Star Tower Defense code to get 150 Gems 
  • diamondnowina – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • ohmahgawdskill – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • yellowsix – Redeem code for 150 gems 
  • tysmfor1mfavorite – Redeem All Star Tower Defense code to get 750 Gems, 750 Gold, and EXP III 
  • smoothcriminal2 – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • jahajha – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • shotofmemories – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • quickshut – Redeem code for 100 Gems 
  • lieawake – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • freedom – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • likeapartyonthelist – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • 1bvisit1b – Redeem code for 1,000 Gems 
  • 1billionvisit21drip – Redeem code for 200 Gems, 300 Gold, and Koku Drip Skin 
  • eastercoda21 – Redeem code for 150 Gems 
  • helloworld2021 – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • somemorenewcoode – Redeem All Star Tower Defense code to get 150 Gems
  • isitthenewerayet – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • hchgaming – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • handsoftime – Redeem All Star Tower Defense code to get 2 EXP IIIs
  • gameon2021 – Redeem code for 500 Gems
  • lovetofightastd – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • thisisthenewestcode – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • subtome – Redeem code for 80 Gems
  • subinferman – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • incredibledayum – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • likethegamepog2021 – Redeem code for 200 Gems and EXP III Mega-Rare
  • 700mil – Redeem code for 200 Gems and EXP III Mega-Rare 
  • updatebelike – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • epicnew – Redeem All Star Tower Defense code to get 50 Gems
  • pert – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • rainmen – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • bigtim – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • lateupdatendat – Redeem code for 200 Gems
  • codecodeyayhooray – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • omgdiscordpopoff – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • bigbangrah – Redeem code for 80 Gems
  • mytimerchamber – Redeem code for 300 Gems
  • (Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server)
  • liketo320k – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • rwarhappynewyear2k21 – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • roadto300kuwu – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • 2k20merrychristmas2k20 – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • subtosnuglife – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • 2shutdowncode12232000 – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • liketo280k – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • 100KClypso – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • kelvin500ksubs – Redeem ASTD code to get 50 Gems
  • decemberfun2020 – Redeem code for 300 Gems
  • likethegamepog – Redeem code for 400 Gems
  • nano150k – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • subtoinfer2x – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • 240kearly – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • UseCodeDessiYT – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • subtoinfernasu – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • sub2navyxflame – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • noclypsub – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • Frangosub – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • ni2 – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • codegoaliee – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • shutdowncode – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • 200knextcode – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • likeslikeslikes – Redeem code for 200 Gems
  • foreverandever – Redeem code for 200 Gems
  • watchaot – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • ALWAYSTOGETHER – Redeem code for 200 Gems
  • letsgetiton – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • spentmytime – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • showmenow – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • hunudthousand – Redeem code for 200 Gems
  • Sebbydesu9000 – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • supernaruto – Redeem All Star Tower Defense code to get 100 Gems
  • lilfavorite – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • AllStarDessi – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • supremethen – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • manylike – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • Infernasu – Redeem code for EXP II Character
  • ryukostop – Redeem code for 150 Gems
  • UnderTheWeather – Redeem All Star Tower Defense code to get 100 Gems
  • epicgal – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • update1 – Redeem code for 90 Gems
  • HappyHalloweenMyFriend – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • hallowten – Redeem code for a Broom Mount
  • Sub2Smeltzer – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • sub2shadownetwork – Redeem code for 25 Gems, 150 Coins, and a EXP II Character
  • Sub2Aricku – Redeem code for 20 Gems
  • ilikeshirafune – Redeem code for EXP III Character
  • Noclipso – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • whoisthebestguy – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • sub2razorfishgaming – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • subtokelvingts – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • codesuperrawr – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • sub2terrabl0x – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • likeandsubcribe – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • nanoislandbaby – Redeem code for 100 Gems
  • gamerelease – Redeem code for 50 Gems
  • superposition100 – Redeem code for 70 Gems
  • newgoal – Redeem code for 70 Gems
  • 5starluck – Redeem code for 70 Gems


How do I redeem All Star Tower Defense codes?

You must follow the steps below to redeem All Star Tower Defense codes in-game:

1) Launch All-Star Tower Defense.
2) Once in the game, tap or click the cogwheel ‘settings’ symbol (gear icon) in the bottom right.
3) Type or copy & paste a working code into the textbox with the “ENTER CODE” placeholder text. We recommend copying and pasting the codes to avoid any typos and case sensitivity issues.
4) Press ENTER on your keyboard to redeem the code and claim your rewards.

How to find more All Star Tower Defense codes?

Players looking for the latest All Star Tower Defense codes can find the All Star Tower Defense Discord server. The Discord server is a great community hub that will allow you to interact with other players in the game’s community, find the latest game announcements, the complete update log, sneak peeks, and much more. Of course, it is also a great place to find all the latest codes.

You can also follow @AllStarTowerDef, the game’s official account on Twitter, for the latest news, announcements, and codes.

Ideally, we recommend bookmarking this page by pressing CTRL+D on your keyboard or using the save bookmark button on your mobile device and returning to BORDERPOLAR often, as we will always ensure that we provide the latest All Star Tower Defense codes right on schedule.

What are All Star Tower Defense codes?

All Star Tower Defense codes are promo codes the game’s developer releases to celebrate seasonal events, game updates, and popularity milestones on the Roblox platform (Likes, Favorites, Visits, and Group Subscriptions). Players can redeem the codes for free in-game rewards, such as Stardust, Gems, and EXP Stars.

All Star Tower Defense Codes: 2023

All Star Tower Defense is one of the best Roblox experiences around. The purpose of this game is to defend your tower via powerful characters from various animes and mangas. As you are creating the ultimate team of characters, you will need Coins, Gems, or better anime characters or towers. As you may have learned, the quickest way to level up is to unlock codes!

BORDERPOLAR is your number one source for All Star Tower Defense codes (ASTD codes). Our codes unlock Gems, Gold, and rare character towers and help you rise to the next level!
If you want to overcome challenges in the game while using codes in conjunction with your mad skills, we are here for that. We have codes that break free some cool stuff.

New To Roblox? What’s the Point?

Roblox has become super popular because it allows people to use their imagination while socializing, chatting, and interacting with others in the metaverse. Gamers create their own world and characters while still being able to interact with other people.

Why Should You Play ASTD in Roblox?

All Star Tower Defense is a unique Roblox experience that millions of people love. It is one of the best tower defense games on Roblox that allows people to collect anime characters to defend their bases with anime tower units by defeating waves of enemies. The game consists of mobs, bosses, units, and other aspects inspired by popular anime series.

BORDERPOLAR — Your Source for All Star Tower Defense codes

At BORDERPOLAR, we stay up on the latest trends and always have the most current and up-to-date All Star Tower Defense codes. If our codes are expired, check back frequently to get the most current ones! You can redeem our codes to obtain free gems, which can be used to summon the most powerful anime characters. Better characters allow you to defeat stronger enemies and get further toward your purpose.


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