Save 94% on a lifetime subscription to FlashBooks Business Book Summaries.


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Learn more with lifetime access to self-help and business book summaries.

Today’s featured deal comes from us. Online courses Section of Niuven Deals Storewhere you can. Save up to 94%. FlashBooks Business Book Summaries: Lifetime Subscription.

FlashBooks publishes the top self-help and business book summaries that you can read or listen to in about 20 minutes or less. Formatted for every device: Kindle, iPhone, Android, iPad, iPods, PDFs, and more. Audiobooks are formatted as downloadable MP3 files so you can listen to them on the go via your favorite mobile device. Get more information in less time, on the go!

What you’ll get when you sign up for your Lifetime Membership:

  • Unlimited lifetime access to the entire FlashBooks library. With hundreds of nonfiction book summaries and new titles in the library every month, you’ll always have something new to sharpen your skills and expand your knowledge.
  • Get great book ideas in less than 20 minutes.. A 300-page book can take weeks to read. Refine your knowledge as much as possible. In about 20 minutes, you can digest the basic concepts of books you don’t have time to read.
  • Audiobook summaries. The summaries are available to members as downloadable audiobooks—each engaging and actionable. Members are always telling us about how they listen to our audiobook summaries as a refresher or whenever they need motivation.
  • Formatted for every device.. Book summaries are formatted for each device. Mac. PC iPhone Android. All you need to do is select and download any summary on your device of choice and you’re good to go.

Please note: Available to new users only.

Flash book

Here’s the deal:

FlashBooks Business Book Summaries: Lifetime Subscription Normally priced at $1740 but It could be yours For only $99.99 For a limited time, that’s a savings of $1640.01 (98%)! Please click on the link below for a complete description, terms, and instructor information.

Get flashbooks business book summaries. $99.99

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