Forspoken: All 9 poppet locations


The world of Athea is huge and full of all kinds of challenges and collectibles. If you are trying to defeat the Forspoken and get 100%, Then you’ll likely come across Poppets, which can be collected by chasing various cats to locations scattered throughout the apple.

These Poppets are basically little wooden dolls that you can actually use to trade for some useful items. All of these are found by completing a detour in the apple where you have to chase the cat until it comes to a stop. But unfortunately, you won’t be able to collect them all until post-game.

Key highlights

  • There is Nine different poppets In Forspoken
  • You can find Poppets by Completing the cycle Which requires you to chase cats of different colors.
  • Unlock during Detours Chapters 3, 4, 7, and 13that’s why it’s best to collect all the poppets during the postgame.
  • Poppet can be traded with a. Poppet Merchant which appears later. Chapter 7.
  • All poppets are unlocked by trading with the merchant. “A Roaring Trade” trophy.

All poppet locations

Poppets are found by completing detours (side quests) that roam Cipal while chasing the cat. There is Nine different poppetsmeaning you have to chase the cats nine different times to reveal the location of all the Poppets.

Additionally, paths open up as you progress through the story. So, it’s best if you try to collect them all after completing the main story. Here’s a summary of each Poppet and when you’ll be able to collect it, with more details listed below.

Dizzy/poppet Details
Poppet #1 – Chasing the Calico Cat Available during Chapter 3South of Siple.
Poppet #2 – Chasing the Black and White Cat Part 1 Unlocked start of Chapter 4southeastern part of Cipal.
Poppet #3 – Chasing the Gray Cat Part 1 Available in Chapter 4in the western part of Cipal.
Poppet #4 – Chasing the Black and White Cat Part 2 The part opens after completing 1 inch. Chapter 4, In the eastern part of the sepal.
Poppet #5 – Chasing the Gray Cat Part 2 Available after completing Part 1. Chapter 4 And before leaving Cipal, near the South Cipal exit.
Poppet #6 – Chasing the Striped Cat Part 1 opens Chapter 7 After completing your primary objective, “Find Robin.”
Poppet #7 – Chasing the Striped Cat Part 2 After I completed the first part Chapter 7in the upper city.
Poppet #8 – Chasing the Black Cat Part 1 Opened after the postgame, i Chapter 13.
Poppet #9 – Chasing the Black Cat Part 2 Unlocked after completing part 1.

Poppet No. 1

The first poppet location is spoken.
First poppet on the map [image by eXputer]

The first will be the poppet. Available during Chapter 3.. There will be a cycle of names. “Chasing the Calico Cat.” A cat will take birth in it. South of SipleAs shown in the image above. Talk to it and then follow it when it starts moving around.

The cat will run after you and through the archway. It’s not fast, but it will go into corners and then quickly get out of them, so just keep a decent distance, so you don’t run after it aimlessly. Eventually, it will stop behind a group of wooden crates and talking people. You will receive the poppet in a wrapped pouch.

Poppet No. 2

poppet location forpsoken
Second Poppet on the map [image by eXputer]

You can collect another poppet as soon as you do. Chapter 4 it starts. move on to South-eastern parts of Cipal, the location is shown on the map above, and you will find the cat. Talk to him, and you’ll start. “Chasing the Black and White Cat Part 1.”

The cat will start moving like before. It will pass a wooden crate behind you and take a sharp right just before the stairs. It will lead past a group of people to another set of stairs but take another sharp right before going up. After going through the courtyard, it will take another right and stop near a bunch of wooden crates where you’ll find a poppet.

Poppet No. 3

Chakra 3
Third round for Poppet [screenshot by us]

The third can be found by completing the Poppet. “Chase the Gray Cat Part 1” I Chapter 4. Detour will be available as soon as the chapter starts. As shown in the image above, you can find the cat in it. The western part of the sepal.

The cat will stand in front of a group of wooden crates and barrels. It will pass behind the guard and then lead to the right. A few steps past the guard standing on the balcony, it will lead to the left. Then it will go between the defender and his weapon and take the right again. At the end, it will stop by some wooden crates, with a poppet next to them.

Poppet No. 4

Poppet's place in dialect
Chasing the Black and White Cat Part 2 Location [image by eXputer]

The fourth poppet is only available when you complete the first part of it (get the second poppet). Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to begin. “Chasing the Black and White Cat Part 2” in Chapter 4. move on to The eastern part of the sepaland you’ll find the cat in the sheep area near the graveyard.

Just following the cat will be a bit difficult as it will likely hide in the tall grass. So, keep an eye out for his yellow sign and keep following him. The cat will pass through the pillared walkway and down the stairs. Then it will take a left and run along the edge of a pile of rocks. Eventually, it will lead you to a small rocky hill, with a poppet with a sheep.

Poppet No. 5

The fifth chakra
In the fifth poppet location for spoken [captured by eXputer]

A fifth poppet will be available in the meantime. Chapter 4 But there are two different requirements. The first requirement is to complete the first part, Chasing the Gray Cat Part 1. And secondly, the detour will be available when you are about to leave the city. You’ll find the cat near the south apple exit. If you talk to him, you’ll start “Chasing the Gray Cat Part 2.”

The cat will start running along the wooden fence and pass through the wooden structure. It will go left and to the guard, where it will go in a circle, but then turn left again, passing a group of guards standing by the gate. Eventually, the cat will turn right and lead you down to the poppet.

Poppet No. 6

The sixth poppet location was spoken.
Chasing the Striped Cat Part 1 Location [captured by us]

The next poppet will be available after you arrive. Chapter 7. Not only that, but you need to find Robin, another side quest that you must complete before you can chase the cat for the poppet. After completing the cycle, go to the top spot and talk to the cat, who will start. “Chasing the Striped Cat Part 1.”

The cat will start running and move up to your left. Then they will walk along the path and go down the stairs on the right. Eventually, it will stop by a small hut and a wooden crate under the shade.

Poppet No. 7

Seventh Chakra
Chasing the Striped Cat Part 2 Location [screenshot by eXputer]

Next poppet is also available. Chapter 7, but only if you have completed the first cycle, the striped cat chase part 1. If you’ve completed that, you can head to the place where you’ll find the cat and start over. “Chasing the Striped Cat Part 2.”

You’ll see a cat standing next to a red-robed guard. It will run in the opposite direction of the guards and turn left towards the stairs going up. But before going up the stairs, it will turn left again and head down the stairs. Keep following the cat down the stairs, and it will eventually stop by a group of covered crates.

Poppet No. 8

Black Cat Poppet for Spoken Location
Chasing the Black Cat Part 1 [taken by eXputer]

The last two poppets can only be found when you reach the postgame, Chapter 13. You will unlock Detour. “Chasing the Black Cat Part 1.” Approach the location shown on the map, and you’ll find the cat next to a bunch of wooden crates.

It will start playing when you talk to it. Follow it down, and it will go through an archway. It will then turn left into a small enclosed area where you will find a poppet.

Poppet No. 9

Last poppet location in Foraspoken
Chasing the Black Cat Part 2 – The Last Poppet Location [screenshot by eXputer]

The final Poppet can be found by completing “Chasing the Black Cat Part 2” Dizzy This will only be available if you have completed the first part of it. The cat will be found at the location marked in the image above. Talk to the cat and follow him to find the poppet. You will need to climb many stairs and take many sharp turns, so be alert while chasing the cat.

Poppet Merchant

Poppet Merchant in Forspoken
Poppet Merchant [captured by eXputer]

You can actually use the Poppets you collect throughout the game to buy some useful items. However, you will have to wait until then. Chapter 7 for the Merchant of Poppet to become visible. In Chapter 7, you can find the merchant near the sheep on the upper level of the city. However, as you progress through the game, its location will change, so you’ll need to find its map marker on the map.

Item Description Price (Puppets)
Nugget You can increase your maximum healing draft by using this crafting material. 1
Pellerin A cloak that uses critical hits to restore your health. 1
Bombardment Crafting materials used to upgrade necklaces and craft new items. 2
Strength A cloak that can heal faster than debuffs. 5

After getting all the Poppets you can buy virtually anything from the merchant. After doing this, you will unlock it. “A Roaring Trade” trophy. It’s best if you buy everything except the Bumbershoot in Chapter 7, as you can find them in the wild as well. And after getting the two poppets from the postgame, you can get the Bumbershoot to get the trophy.

With this, you know all the poppet locations in Forspoken. All of these are easily obtainable once you’ve completed the entire main story, and all you have to do is chase the cats to find the locations. And when you collect them all, you can trade them in for some really cool gear and trophies!


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