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Learn good task management.
Good task management throughout your life is a nirvana that app developers around the world have tried to solve. You need it to be efficient, effective and successful in today’s work world.
There’s a reason there are thousands of results between the Google Play and Apple app stores for task apps.
Microsoft is no different. Microsoft 365 (M365) provides many ways to track tasks — some would say too many! This causes us a lot of confusion when talking about lists and tasks in Microsoft 365.
Should you use to? Or maybe a planner? What about Microsoft Lists and Tasks in Microsoft Teams? And now Microsoft Loop also supports tasks? What should we do?!
This eBook will provide an overview and guide to the capabilities of the various task management tools offered within M365 to point you in the right direction as you consider the appropriate task tool to meet your needs.
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>> Tracking Tasks in Microsoft 365 — Free eBook
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