YouTuber Remakes McDonald’s In Far Cry 5’s Map Editor


FPS has become one of the most popular genres of contemporary gaming. Its meteoric rise is remarkable for a medium that only started to gain popularity in the late 90s, and is credited to its mega-franchises. Shooting games have the most diverse roster of popular ones. AAA Titles ranging from Call of Duty far cry.

We all know about the former, but the latter has made a name for itself by combining great stories and villains with good old FPS action.

of Ubisoft The franchise is immensely popular, and its success Far cry 5 It was exhibited in 2018. Even though it’s been 5 years since its release, this game still keeps on giving as well as anyone ever made it. McDonald’s Inside it using the map editor.

Key takeaways

  • Creator Mojo Swoptops recreated his local McDonald’s in Far Cry 5.
  • This reimagining of the franchise was done through the game map editor in Xbox Series X.
  • We can see how the YouTuber kept the horror nature of the game in his McDonald’s.

YouTuber Mojo Sweep Tops is responsible for this strange creation in Far Cry 5. Using the game’s in-game map editor on the Xbox Series X, the creator was able to accomplish this feat. And as you can see in the video below, it looks great.

I 101 seconds video, we get a full tour of this McDonald’s franchise in Far Cry 5’s. Hope County. According to the video’s description, the YouTuber first went to his local McDonald’s to get the footage. It was only then that they managed to recreate the fast food franchise in a Ubisoft game.

According to Mojo Swoptops, the process was really fun, and he enjoyed adding details to the location. But, it really wasn’t as easy as it almost took the creator. 5 hours To fully complete this project. When you see the results, however, it all feels worth it.

As the video begins, we can see the famous McDonald’s sign in Far Cry 5. Upon entering the location, it is apparent that this is not just any ordinary franchise of the fast food giant. It is completely empty, with Fast food At the tables, no one behind the counter, and The blood under a broom.

In the video, someone’s birthday balloons are still hanging on the table, and we can see paper all over the floor. So, the YouTuber didn’t just recreate a McDonald’s but took inspiration from a real location and fit it into Far Cry 5’s theme. This effect is evident when we go behind the counter.

Far Cry 5 McDonald's
Inside Far Cry 5 McDonald’s

There is electricity in the kitchen. walk around From several devices, showing that they are broken and left behind. A person is lying on the floor in the corner, and we can only see their legs. If you blink, you might miss it because it’s off the screen in seconds.

gave Lifeless body It resonates with the theme of Far Cry 5 and maintains its angst even at this happy point. So, the reinvention of McDonald’s in the game is remarkable and fits it like a glove. It doesn’t even feel like a third-party creation because of its emptiness and state.

Mojo Swoptops has done this before, and created several iconic entities in Far Cry 5. Greggsa Lidl storeand a Tesco car park In-game via the Xbox Series X in-game map editor. You can watch these videos and see that this creator has obvious talent.

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