Xbox What is the announcement? That can play games. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II’s multiplayer mode for free this weekend. Unlike free playday events, CoD: MWII Xbox Live Gold is not required to play the Multiplayer Free Access event. The program is now live on Mondays at 10 am.
As part of the event, gamers will be able to play multiplayer games on a variety of maps including Farm 18, El Islo, and Shipment. Playable modes include Team Deathmatch, Hardpoint, Domination, and Kill Confirmed. You can also play each of these modes in third person. Elaborating further on the third-person version of the game, Xbox said:
“Get a new perspective in Modern Warfare II’s new third-person playlists. In this variant, the camera is set back over your operator’s shoulder, offering a larger view of your overall environment, and traditional Provides a unique gaming experience compared to first-person view.
Those who decide to join the Multiplayer Free Access event will need to install an additional download to start playing. The event is already live so if you haven’t got Xbox Live Gold, you can jump online for free this weekend.
For those who like free access to games, it doesn’t look like Microsoft is bringing any free Play Day games this week unless it decides to announce them later today.