WordPress ditches Twitter API due to sudden price hike


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WordPress announced that it is ending Twitter auto-sharing as we know it via Jetpack Social. In early April, WP clients experienced unannounced outages when posting to Twitter via Jetpack Social. This happened when Twitter suspended access to its API on April 3, 2023 without any warning. After a while, WP made another post on his blog. About accessing it again.

WordPress is the latest major organization to say goodbye to Twitter integration over massive API price hikes. Twitter currently does not offer any free API plans to developers for app integration. Now, they have to subscribe to the $42,000 per month Enterprise tier to do so.

The price hike resulted in WP ditching Twitter integration into its Jetpack social platform. Jetpack released a blog post about the matter. And the title makes their position clear. It says it tried to work in good faith with Twitter to negotiate new terms, but no deal could be reached.

The Twitter connection to Jetpack Social will stop working, and your blog posts will not be automatically shared on Twitter. – Christina P.

Jetpack Social is currently working towards adding an auto-share feature to Instagram and Mastodon. Clients can still use the service to share on other platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.

Source: Jetpack


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