“Weeks” of patches announced for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order ahead of release


Highlights of the story

  • EA has announced “weeks” of patches for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. This announcement was made to address reports of performance issues with the game.
  • The patches will “fix bugs”, “improve performance”, and “add more accessibility features” to the game.
  • The first patch will be released on launch day.
  • The game was previously reported to have frame issues, especially on PC. So it is assumed that most of the patches will be dedicated to dealing with issues on PC.
  • The game is set to release on April 28 for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5.

Following widespread reports of performance issues with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, EA has announced weeks of patches to “fix bugs” and “improve performance”, with the first patch to be released on launch day. is the one EA will also be “adding more accessibility features” during this time, as the studio officially announced its plans via Twitter.

It’s unclear what kind of issues these patches will address, but judging by reviews and news reports, the patches will mostly focus on fixing PC performance issues. In recent times, the PC version of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was reported to be plagued with a number of issues by a number of people who got their hands on the game early.

Most of the community is surprised by the fact that despite the six-week delay the title has taken to launch, the developers have not been able to fix the game. Many people were wondering why they are releasing the game if it is not ready for release. They are of the opinion that this is an anti-user approach from EA. For some, a further delay didn’t seem like a bad thing at all if it meant an entirely better game would see its release.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an action-adventure game developed by Respawn Entertainment, a Sherman Oaks, California-based studio known for developing games such as Apex Legends, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and the Titanfall series. The game is set to release on April 28 for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5.

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