Two fake Twitter accounts still managed to get verified gold business tokens.


Digital development

Twitter continues to deal with confusion surrounding its new system for verifying accounts. Today, two Twitter pages that had a gold badge for verified business accounts were removed after they were found to be fake.

Twitter charges entrepreneurs $1,000 a month to get a certified gold checkmark on their accounts. however, deadline A fake account, which claimed to be the official Disney Junior UK page, got the gold badge, and then started posting messages that would never have been posted on the real Disney account, the report said. will not be done. These included posts containing insults and racial slurs. The account was closed earlier today.

Then, the deadline was announced. On another fake Twitter account With a gold seed. It claims to be the official account of the MTV reality show. Challenger. He also posted violent video content before being suspended today. No word on how one of these Twitter pages got the gold badge.

This weekend, days after Twitter removed the blue checkmarks from legacy verified pages, it reinstated many of them with large followings. Accounts, some of which were for people who had died, had not paid for new ones. $8 per month Twitter Blue service This was supposed to be the new and only way to get a blue certified badge.


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