Top 10 God Of War Ragnarok Best Builds


The Best Builds in God Of War Ragnarok, on the surface, might seem limited in options for players, but once you dive deep enough into acquiring every equipment piece, that is when the creative RPG aspect truly shines. While players can certainly control Atreus during several sections of the game, Kratos will always be the main star of the show, and there are quite a few builds that can give you the edge in combat or during intense boss fights.

Key Highlights

  • The 10 Best Builds in God Of War Ragnarok can provide players with the optimal play style to use with Kratos.
  • These builds contain every essential piece of equipment that will make them shine during combat, even down to the Best Amulet Enchantments for each build.
  • The Best mid-game builds include using the Dragon Scaled Armor Set, which, when paired with a few other pieces, can provide a balanced play style.
  • Players can also use Luck or Runic-based builds from our list to take full advantage of Kratos’ hard-hitting special attacks.
  • The Boss melt build prioritizes commitment and focus to effectively use it to shred through the health bars of endgame boss fights.
  • Lastly, the top builds in our list for GOWR take advantage of the Poison status effect, as well as a build focused entirely on the Spartan Rage meter of Kratos.

10. Pure Strength Build

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Strength build (Image Captured by us)

The following build is as simple as it gets; it catered for players who want nothing more but to hack and slash away at their foes or just relive the nostalgia of the old God of War games where button mashing sort of worked out one way or another. The ultimate goal of this build is for you to maximize the Strength stat so much that you exceed its limit of around 500+ or more.

It strictly emphasizes dealing raw damage on your foes. While it certainly isn’t the best build in our list for God Of War Ragnarok, there’s a reason why it ranks below and why some players may be enticed to use it. Regardless of which, the equipment is pretty simple as you will be using the Vidar Armor set, which boasts high strength stats across the board, and the best part is that it’s available for you pretty early on in the game.

Lastly, the weapon attachments all consist of boosting the strength parameters even more. Furthermore, if you are indeed looking to add some sort of variety to the build, then you can also swap the Vidar chest piece with the Berserker Cuirass when paired with a Relic such as the Hilt of Hofud, you can slow down time and demolish foes. Keep in mind that the Strength difference won’t be as much, but your attacks will still hit hard.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

The following weapon attachments provide a substantial boost to your strength stat, which will help you cross the 600 value threshold easily at the highest upgrade tiers.

  • Vidar’s Pauldron of Might: Combo finishers have a high luck chance to increase Kratos’ strength and stagger resistance for a duration.
  • Vidar’s Bracers and Waist of Might: Both pieces only increase Strength stat parameters.
  • Stonecutter’s Knob: Adds a concussive wave at the end of the R1 button Axe combo.
  • Deadly Obsidian Handle: Low luck chance to grant a Rage burst on any blades of Chaos kill.
  • Hind of the Four Winds: Adds a concussive wave at the end of the R2 button Spear combo.
  • Any shield of your choice: Rond of Purification (When Kratos is afflicted with Frost, Burn, Poison, or Bifrost, Shield Strike hits will cleanse the status and deal that element’s damage to enemies.)
  • Spartan Rage: Fury


As stated previously, the Hilt of Hofud can work great here as you will constantly be dishing out melee attacks on your enemies in a quick fashion. It doesn’t hurt to activate the relic in order to create a realm shift and squeeze in a moment of intense DPS on enemies or bosses. You can obtain the relic after defeating the main story boss of Chapter 13 in the Creatures of Prophecy quest.

Amulet Enchantments

It is worth stating beforehand that the enchantments listed here are equipped only for the sole purpose of boosting the strength stat, so feel free to check which one you have to increase the parameters:

  • Niflheim’s Justice
  • Helheim’s Force
  • Muspelheim’s Force
  • Alfheim’s Vigor
  • Svartalfheim’s Safety
  • Vanaheim’s Fortune
  • Asgard’s Virtue
  • Alfheim’s Fortune
  • Alfheim’s Honor

The Alfheim Set bonus will empower Kratos’ next attacks based on his strength stat, which is a great bonus to have if you’re going for this build.

9. Runic Rampage

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Runic Build (Image Captured by us)

Kratos’ Runic Attacks are certainly a glamorous sight for anyone craving pure and utter destruction from the Ghost of Sparta, hence the reasoning behind the name for this build. The build incentivizes dishing out a constant barrage of Runic attacks from every weapon, whether it’s the Draupnir Spear or the Leviathan Axe.

However, do keep in mind that we chose a few specific Runic attacks here, such as Wrath of The Frost Ancient and Ivaldi’s Anvil for the Axe, but you can swap to almost anything which works in your favor here. The point is that you’re always going to want to unleash as many runic attacks consistently as soon as they’re recharged.

Our main focus will be using the Enlightenment Armor Set for Kratos, which works wonders for our current build here since it provides a moderate luck chance for the Blessing of the Runic buff alongside its additional set pieces that can boost your overall Runic attack damage.

We are trying to aim for a high Runic stat so if you are looking to maximize the potential of the build, then try to upgrade every armor piece here to at least Level 7. Lastly, try to use your charged weapon states as much as possible since the runic rampage build revolves around recharging runic attacks based on how much you use the Permafrost, Immolation, and Maelstorm abilities across each of Kratos’ three main weapons.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

A few of the weapon attachments here can be swapped out to your personal preference since most may depend on the situation, whether it’s a crowd-clearing battle or a challenging boss fight.

  • Spaulders Of Enlightenment: Frost Awaken and Flame Whiplash hits have a moderate luck chance to provide a blessing of the Runic buff.
  • Bracers And Belt Of Enlightenment: Runic Attacks do increased damage against status-afflicted enemies. The effect is increased by 15% from each piece, maxing out to a total of 30% for both pieces equipped.
  • Runic Hailstone Knob: Moderate luck chance on hitting a frosted enemy to gain a blessing of Runic.
  • Radiant Warden Handles: While charging Flame Whiplash, all incoming projectiles will be deflected.
  • Hind of Attuned: Elements Spear attacks against burning or frosted enemies and deal bonus damage.
  • Shatter Star Shield: Rond of Absorption (The permafrost, Immolation, and Maelstorm skill gauges increase when parrying or blocking)
  • Spartan Rage: Wrath


The Glaive of Dodher works great with the build as the Bifrost Chakrams can provide great leverage against a group of enemies. Not to mention, since we will be working on applying status effects to enemies to use the build to its full potential, the Bifrost will be an excellent application to fulfill those criteria.

Amulet Enchantments

  • Muspelheim Set: Three of the Muspelheim amulets equipped will increase Kratos’ melee damage when the Permafrost, Immolation, or Maelstorm gauges are fully charged. The increased melee damage will scale off of his total Runic stat.
  • Vanaheim Set: Increases Kratos’ melee damage against status-afflicted enemies based on his total Luck stat.
  • Sigil of Doom: Axe and Blades of Chaos melee attacks against Hexed enemies have a high luck chance to trigger bonus sigil elemental explosions.
  • Attuned Runic Gem: Increases the damage of Runic attacks when the Permafrost, Immolation, or Maelstorm skill gauges are fully charged.
  • Memento Of The Ailing: The Permafrost, Immolation, or Maelstorm skills charge up faster when hitting a status-afflicted enemy.

8. Luck Of The Spartan

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Luck of the spartan (Image by eXputer)

The idea behind the following build comes via the Luck stat of Kratos, and although many may not like the fact of an RNG feature being a part of the build, it should work naturally here as long as you execute it properly. The main benefactor of the build that makes it super overpowered to use when used correctly is one of the best relics called the Hilt of Skofnung, which can be obtained by defeating all of the berserkers.

The playstyle revolves around refreshing your cooldowns of both the Runic and relics as quickly as possible. It is done by equipping the centerpiece of the build, Giptumadr‘s Breastplate, which provides a moderate luck chance to restore 70 percent of your cooldowns when using a relic or runic attack.

You can pair that with the Berserker Armor’s gauntlets which can provide an additional cooldown for the Relic. Lastly, you can, of course, end up equipping the Berserker waist piece too for the set piece bonus benefits, but we encourage you to use the Waist Guard of Guiding Light instead, which can significantly boost your Luck stat.

Finally, we can’t help but stress the fact that you need to have equipped the Grip of The Nine Realms on the axe due to its high-luck stat plus the excellent Momentous shift perk on it. Feel free to substitute it with Haur’s Lucky Knob since it has a higher luck stat, but we prefer the former option for its perk. The Cursed Empress Handles the Blades, and the Hind of Weightless recovery for the spear works wonders for the build too.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

For a detailed look at each of the attachments, as well as the shield you need to be using, we have listed them down below with their perks for your convenience. Feel free to use any Runic attacks for your weapons since they are hardly a concern for this build.

  • Giptumadr’s Breastplate: Moderate Luck chance when using a runic attack or relic to restore 70% of its cooldown immediately.
  • Berserker Gauntlets: Low luck chance for successful hits to cause a Soul Explosion, dealing damage and restoring some cooldown of the relic.
  • Waist Guard of Guiding Light: Melee attacks have a lucky chance to strike critically, creating a damaging explosion.
  • Grip Of The Nine Realms: Activating Glacial Permafrost (While the Permafrost gauge is full) triggers a Realm Shift. If you’re unfamiliar with it, the realm shift perk allows you to briefly slow down time around you.
  • Cursed Empress Handles: Low luck chance on any Blades hit to grant an increase of Strength and Runic (Stacks up to three times).
  • Hind of Weightless Recovery: When the Maelstorm skill gauge is fully charged, successful spear attacks have a moderate luck chance to grant a blessing of Cooldown.
  • Onslaught Shield: Rond of the Nine Realms (Low luck chance to trigger a realm shift when parrying enemies)
  • Spartan Rage: Use whichever you want


The Hilt of Skofnung shreds enemies as it allows you to summon these magical green swords, which can rip and tear through enemies. Unfortunately, you will need to conquer all of the Berserker Gravestones in order to claim the relic, but once you do, the build shines as the best, especially if you’re looking to use it later down the line when the NG+ update launches for another playthrough.

Amulet Enchantments

  • Vanaheim Set: Increases Kratos’ melee damage against status-afflicted enemies based on his total Luck stat.
  • Sigil of Doom: Axe and Blades of Chaos melee attacks against Hexed enemies have a high luck chance to trigger bonus sigil elemental explosions.
  • Seal of Runic Storm: Using Runic attacks of three different weapons in quick succession grants a buff of increased stagger resistance and creates a storm of Bifrost.

However, for the rest of the enchantment slots, we recommend slotting in any ones that can increase your luck parameters as we are looking to reach past the threshold. Other singular enchantments, such as Muspelheim’s essence, Alfheim’s Virtue, and Svartalfheim’s Fortitude, can work great to increase Kratos’ Luck.

7. Balanced Build

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Balanced build (Image by eXputer)

Just as the name refers, the balanced build for Kratos revolves around an equal stat spread as well as providing all-rounder gameplay for you to use from the mid-game towards the late-game events. The main meat of the piece here is the Dragon Scaled armor set, as all three armor pieces provide an almost even split of stat values for both Strength and Defense, making it one of the best-balanced builds to use in God Of War Ragnarok.

Moreover, the chest piece offers a fantastic perk that can further boost both stat values we mentioned above with successful blocks and parries. There is nothing else too extraordinary here aside from the fact that you will be both tanky enough to withstand damage as well as deal enough to feel like Kratos in his prime. We have entailed the specifics of the equipment and loadout down below.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

The weapon attachments that we used all comprise of helping provide additional values to both your Strength and Defense stats. Additionally, since you will want to block or parry in order efficiently use the build, the Rond of Absorption here will become vital to use.

  • Dragon Scaled breastplate: Blocks and parries grant a buff of increasing Strength and Defense with each stack. Resets when damage is taken.
  • Dragon Scaled bracers and Girdle: Increases all shield damage, and successful blocks and parries deal shield damage to nearby enemies.
  • The Furious Maul: High luck chance to grant a gift of Strength on any axe kill
  • Pommels of the Undying Spark: Increases the damage that the burn status effect inflicts on enemies.
  • Warrior’s Echo Sauroter: Spear attacks against Sonic-afflicted enemies deal bonus damage and build bonus Maelstrom skill charge.
  • (Any shield of choice): Rond of Absorption (The permafrost, Immolation, and Maelstorm skill gauges increase when parrying or blocking)
  • Spartan Rage: Fury or Valor


The Hilt of Hofud once again works remarkably well with the following build, as it allows you to create a Realm Shift, providing you with a free window to annihilate your foes with heavy damage. Since it’s a build focused both on being tanky and having a large amount of Strength, it is easily a relic that can go hand-in-hand here.

Amulet Enchantments

  • Svartlfheim Set: Increases Stun damage inflicted based on Kratos’ Defense stat.
  • Niflheim Set: Increases Kratos’ melee damage when his health is above 75% based on his Defense stat.
  • Seal of Runic storm: Using Runic Attacks of three different weapons in quick succession grants a buff of increased Stagger Resistance and creates a Storm of Bifrost.
  • Emblem Of the Nine Realms: Increases Melee damage during Realm Shifts.
  • Boon of Valor: The Valor Spartan Rage heals less but provides a powerful buff of Strength and Lifesteal for a duration.

6. Healer Build

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Healer build (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)

While most of our list focuses on the best late-to-end game builds in God Of War Ragnarok, it doesn’t hurt to mention a fantastic healing-focused build that can help you fairly overcome the mid-game stages. It revolves around using the Nidavellir Armor Set‘s chest piece, as it can heal you on stun finishers.

However, instead of using the full set here, we strongly encourage you to use the Bracer and Girdle of the Raven Tears Armor Set, which can you can obtain by hunting down at least 12 of Odin’s Ravens around the Nine realms. Furthermore, if you’re skilled with your parries, then the Dauntless Shield will be excellent, as when paired with the Rond of the Nine Realms then, it can provide rare opportunities for you to slow down time amidst combat.

Now the playstyle is pretty straightforward enough, as you simply need to chain stun grabs, and the rest of the equipment we have entailed will more or less share a connection with the stunning aspect of the build. But it is also worth mentioning that you may not find the build viable much on boss fights since it is instead generally tailored to help you continuously stun-grab enemies during crowd-control fights of the game.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

  • Nidavellir’s Finest Plackart: Stun-grabbing an enemy grants a health burst
  • Raven Tears armguards and waist guard: Increases the healing gained from health stones, rage, and gear.
  • Grip of Weighted recovery: Stun grabbing an enemy provides a blessing of cooldown buff.
  • Pommels of Brutal Might: Stun grabbing an enemy grants a gift of strength.
  • Hind of deadly vitality: Moderate luck chance to grant a health burst on any successful spear hit.
  • Dauntless shield: Rond of the Nine Realms (Low luck chance to trigger a realm shift, temporarily slowing down surrounding enemies when parrying.)
  • Spartan Rage: Valor or Fury


The ideal relic for this build is the Motsognir’s Call which creates a shockwave that deals high stun damage to surrounding enemies. The relic will allow you to lock an enemy into a stunned state instantly, but we encourage you to use it when enemies overcrowd you since it will prove highly advantageous during that kind of situation.

Amulet Enchantments

  • Svartlfheim Set: Increases Stun damage inflicted based on Kratos’ Defense stat.
  • Emblem of the Nine Realms: Increases melee damage during Realm shifts.
  • Stunning Fang: Hitting stunned enemies unleashes shockwaves and has a chance to grant a stack of increasing strength and stun damage.

The important amulet enchantments here are, of course, the set of Svartlfheim enchantments and the Stunning Fang. The rest of the enchantments can come down to your choice since, at the mid-game point, you will hardly have the entirety of the enchantment slots unlocked for Kratos.

5. Endless Realm Shift

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Realm shift build (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)

We’ve already mentioned Realm Shifts being a key component for a few unorthodox builds of the game, but there is no denying how overpowered it was back in God Of War 2018. But after our personal testings in-game, we can safely confirm that the Realm Shift-focused build still maintains its popularity as one of the best builds to use in God Of War Ragnarok.

However, before we even go into the details, it is worth mentioning how the playstyle of this build works since it might be your first time trying it out. Realm Shifts from any source will slow down time during combat whether it’s via the Hilt of Hofud relic or by activating certain abilities of your weapons. It will in turn, slow down enemies during their attack animations too, which is the pivotal moment to strike using the build.

We’ll be using the Surtr Scorched cuirass, which does bonus damage to enemies as they’re attacking, along with the bracers and waist piece belonging to the Radiance armor set, which will provide us with Realm shifts when evading at the last second.

Lastly, you can opt to use the Nine Realms attachments for each weapon, such as the Pommels of the Nine Realms, which are arguably one of the Best Blades of Chaos Handles. But instead of those, we opted to use alternatives that strongly boosted our strength stat value in order to deal more damage to bosses and enemies. You can swap them and vice versa if you feel like having more capabilities for Realm shifts.

Finally, we cannot stress enough that you should be ideally practicing your dodges in order to make the build shine for yourself. As to reiterate, the build will strongly emphasize an aggressive play style, plus whenever you use realm shift to hit enemies during their attacks, it will interrupt them entirely, making it ridiculously strong.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

  • Surtr’s scorched cuirass: Kratos’ attacks that hit enemies during their attack animations do bonus damage.
  • Gauntlets And Belt of Radiance: A last-second evade activates Realm shift, temporarily slowing down surrounding enemies.
  • The Furious Maul: High luck chance to grant a gift of strength buff on any Axe kill.
  • Deadly Obsidian Blades: Low luck chance to grant a rage burst buff on any Blades kill.
  • Hind of the Four winds: Adds a concussive wave to the end of the R2 Spear combo.
  • Dauntless Shield: Rond of Disruption (low luck chance to create an Elemental Storm when interrupting double Blue ring attacks or Parrying.)
  • Spartan Rage: Fury or Valor


While it may be obvious to use the Hilt of Hofud with this build, we urge you to use the Talisman of Meign instead, as it will boost your melee damage for a short duration.

It is due to the fact that once you get the gist down of the build, you will be in a state where Realm shiftas will frequently occur, especially against tough bosses such as Gna, so activating the Talisman at that moment will drastically boost your DPS, allowing you to tear through anything with ease.

Amulet Enchantments

  • Alfheim Set: Last-second dodges empower Kratos’ next attack based on his strength.
  • Muspelheim Set: Increases Kratos’ melee damage when the Permafrost, Immolation, or Maelstorm skills are fully charged based on his Runic stat.
  • Seal of Runic Storm: Using Runic attacks of three different weapons in quick succession grants a buff of increased stagger resistance and creates a storm of Bifrost.
  • Emblem of the Nine Realms: Increases melee damage during Realm shifts.
  • We ended up using Niflheim’s Justice enchantment as the final piece to boost our total strength value.

4. Poison Build

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Poison build (Image credit: eXputer)

When in doubt, even the most challenging foes will become a cakewalk when you use the Poison build for God of War Ragnarok, which in our opinion, is the best for any type of player who just wants something simple and effective to help them mow down any enemy or boss with relative ease.

The gear and armor set that lays out the foundation for the build in the first place is, of course, Lunda’s Armor Set, which is also a popular choice for several game players. But despite being worn by many, creating a proper build for the armor can yield better results, especially when using attachments and enchantments, which can help with the poison buildup on enemies and bosses.

However, for the endgame version of the build, you are much better off swapping to a hybrid with the Dragonscale armor pieces, which is going to be our main focus here since it offers better DPS. The Stone Wall shield will prove rather useful here due to its strong defense capabilities. Furthermore, since we are exclusively going to use the shield for the build, the Rond of Affliction works flawlessly due to the extra damage from it.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

  • Lunda’s lost cuirass: Bare-handed attacks, parrying, and blocking have a high luck chance to deal bonus damage and poison enemies, lowering their power level.
  • Dragon Scaled bracers and girdle: Increases all Shield damage, and successful blocks or parries now deal shield damage to nearby enemies.
  • Stonecutter’s Knob: Adds a concussive wave at the end of the R1 button Axe combo.
  • Deadly Obsidian Handle: Low luck chance to grant a Rage burst on any blades of Chaos kill.
  • Hind of the Four Winds: Adds a concussive wave at the end of the R2 button Spear combo.
  • Stone Wall shield: Rond of Affliction (Shield strikes against status-afflicted enemies consume the element, causing a damaging elemental explosion)
  • Spartan Rage: Valor


The relic honestly comes down to your own personal choice here, as we found almost anything to be effective, but most players will most likely go for the Hilt of Hofud due to its ability to slow down time.

But, if you are like us and trying to maximize damage output, then the Talisman of Meign will likely benefit you in the long run because we will constantly be using the shield for damage, and the melee damage bonus from the relic is a must-have for that purpose.

Amulet Enchantments

  • Vanaheim set: Increases Kratos’ melee damage against status-inflicted enemies based on his luck.
  • Svartalfheim set: Increases stun damage inflicted based on Kratos’ defense.
  • Niflheim set: Increases Kratos’ melee damage when he is above 75% health based on his defense.

3. The Maximum Healing Tank Build

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Tank/Healing Hybrid (Image credit: eXputer)

The following build is an evolution of our previous healer build using the Nidavellir set. But the key difference is that this build has a completely different gear, taking advantage of a hybrid selection of armor as well as the biggest aspect being that you can make Kratos indestructible and built like a tank. The defense stat will be maximized in order to accommodate limitless damage mitigation.

The armor set that we will be using consists of the Steinbjorn Armor‘s Plackart along with the Raven Tears gauntlets, and lastly, the Surtr’s Scorched girdle will help mitigate additional damage, making you more resilient as you are engaging in combat. Another integral element to note here is that your Vitality stat should be preferably around 170 via the loadout in order to use the healing-focused enchantments we have enlisted.

Aside from that, the build is primarily geared toward players who want to take as many hits as possible without even thinking of dying, which is especially great for the higher Difficulties in God Of War Ragnarok. It will greatly help inexperienced players as this is easily one of the best Tank-focused builds or play styles that you can recreate in God Of War Ragnarok.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

  • Steinbjorn Plackart: After significant damage is taken, Kratos’ attacks will restore some lost health for a time.
  • Bracers of Raven: Increases the healing from Healthstones, Rage, and gear.
  • Surtr’s Scorched Girdle: Kratos takes reduced damage and has increased stagger resistance during his basic attacks and skills.
  • Banahogg Knob: Successful precision throws increase bare-handed attack damage for a short duration.
  • Hardened War Handles: The Hyperion Grapple and Hyperion Pull skills do extra damage and stun.
  • Hind of Volatile Might: Elemental siphon-imbued spears do increased melee damage, but the siphoned element now fades after a short duration.
  • Stone Wall Shield: Rond of Restoration (On taking damage, Kratos has a luck chance to gain defense for his next shield strike hit to restore health. The chance increases with lower health.
  • Spartan Rage: Valor


You can freely use any relic of your choice for the build but if you want an extra layer of protection, then feel free to use the Hilt of Frosbandr, which pushes enemies back and grants an aura of protection. But we strongly suggest using any offensive-type relic instead since you will hardly need that resiliency.

Amulet Enchantments

The enchantments for the indestructible tank build will be the main building blocks in order for it to work properly so we suggest grabbing each one here and equipping them. They are all pretty much based on healing as well as adding multiple layers of resiliency to Kratos, which makes him almost unkillable:

  • Regenerating Essence: Adds a small amount of constant health regeneration.
  • Greater regenerating essence: Adds a greater amount of constant health regeneration.
  • Crest of Desperate heroics: When Kratos’ health drops to a critical level, it grants a short invincible barrier, buff to strength, and health burst when complete.
  • Stone Idol of Souls: Using healthstone or ragestone grants soul steal, during which a small amount of health and rage is restored when striking enemies.
  • Eir’s Armament: Very high luck chance to grant a health burst on any successful runic attack kill.
  • Celestial Panacea: 25% resistance to all status effects. It includes Frost, Burn, Blind, Daze, Poison, Shock, and Bifrost.
  • Poison Protector: Increases resistance to poison by 50%.
  • Bright-eyed emblem: Increases resistance to Blind and Daze by 50%.
  • Boon of Valor: Valor heals less but provides a powerful buff of strength and lifesteal for a duration.

2. The Spartan Rage Build

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Spartan Rage build (mage Credit Copyright: eXputer)

The following build came to us in mind for fans who adored the prime era Kratos where his only sole goal was to wreak havoc on the Greek pantheon Gods.

But going more into details about the play style, the build focuses on using Kratos’ rage bar from the Redemptive Rage perk of Sol’s spaulders of courage to heal yourself from any incoming damage using the bar. The build is also slightly similar to our Tank/Heal hybrid we mentioned previously, with the core emphasis from this one being that you’ll be unkillable.

The Fate Breaker Wraps and waist will help with gaining Rage at a faster rate, but more so, our play style will mainly involve using one of the Best Skill Upgrades for the Blades of Chaos; Furious Immolation, and of course, the weapon itself. You can combine that with the Deadly Obsidian Blades, and you will be building up rage in a matter of seconds, which makes it even more fun to use for crowded fights against enemies.

The reason why the build ranks up high on our list is solely due to its fun factor, but we take it as being subjective for us since it is almost as good as the rest on our list. In our experience, we found the build immensely helpful against the various Muspelheim Trials you will most likely tackle during the endgame. It will also gladly help players looking for the best unique builds in the upcoming NG+ mode of God of War Ragnarok.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

  • Sol’s Spaulders of Courage: Kratos’ melee damage increases based on his rage. Incoming damage that would be lethal is absorbed by the available rage.
  • Fate Breaker Wraps and Belt: Increases the rate at which rage is gained.
  • Banahogg Knob: Successful precision throws increase bare-handed attack damage for a short duration.
  • Deadly Obsidian Handle: Low luck chance to grant a Rage burst on any blades of Chaos kill.
  • Hind of Volatile Might: Elemental siphon-imbued spears do increased melee damage, but the siphoned element now fades after a short duration.
  • Stone Wall Shield: Rond of Restoration (On taking damage, Kratos has a luck chance to gain defense and for his next shield strike to restore health. The chance increases with lower health.)
  • Spartan Rage: Valor


The Hilt of Gram will undoubtedly prove great for the build here, as upon activation, it will grant you a burst of rage and applies stun to nearby enemies. The best time to use it is when you’re looking to quickly gain rage when it’s run out and when enemies are swarming over you.

Amulet Enchantments

  • Jotunheim set: Increases Kratos’ maximum rage based on his vitality.
  • Helheim set: Increases Kratos’ melee damage when he is below 50% health based on his vitality.
  • Stone idol of souls: Using Healthstone or Ragestone grants Soulsteal, during which a small amount of Health and Rage is restored when striking enemies.
  • Crest of desperate heroics: When Kratos’ health drops to a critical level, it grants a short invincible barrier, buff to Strength, and Health Burst when complete.
  • Greater regenerating essence: Adds a greater amount of constant health regeneration.

1. Soulless Warrior Melt Build

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The Soulless Warrior build (mage Credit Copyright: eXputer)

Players who have constantly been running into a struggle on how to defeat Berserker King Hrolf can no look further than the Soulless Warrior build, which is designed to annihilate the health bars of bosses absolutely and is, quite frankly, one of the best builds to use in God of War Ragnarok.

The following endgame build is a little tricky to explain, but the main gist is that you will be pouring an absurd amount of damage onto the enemy in a short time window to destroy their health pool. In terms of total damage output, the soulless warrior build is easily one of the best to fulfill that quota in God Of War Ragnarok.

Once again, we’ll be taking advantage of the Berserker Armor Set‘s Cuirass piece, which can be obtained by defeating the Berserker Svipdagr And Sisters Of Illska in the Barrens area located in the realm of Alfheim. The rest of the pieces include the Vidar’s bracers and belt, which will help boost our strength stat for maximum DPS.

However, the main thing you want to remember is the fact that the runic attacks we use here will be crucial to making the build work. We will have them listed down below, so we recommend equipping them in the utmost haste if you have them available.

Heading into the strategy to use the build for the boss battles, the first thing you will need to do is unleash every runic attack on your weapon as quickly as possible when the window to attack is available. Make sure to launch Freya or Atreus’ hex arrows into him during that moment as well as detonate your spears from their runic attack.

After which, you need to use your Valor rage to power yourself up and then use the relic to slow down time. Finally, during that moment, you need to spam both your Double L1 Shield strike and the Flame whiplash ( Hold Triangle + R2) in order to drop your foe’s health down quickly. The timing can be tricky to master, so we urge you to practice beforehand when to use Flame Whiplash in conjunction with your rapid shield strikes.

Loadout And Weapon Attachments

  • Berserker Cuirass: Using a relic massively increases the damage of Kratos’ melee attacks but also the damage received for a short duration.
  • Vidar’s Bracers and Belt: Increases Strength stat.
  • The Furious Maul: High luck chance to grant a gift of strength on any axe kill.
  • Deadly Obsidian Blades: Low luck chance to grant a rage burst on any blade kill.
  • Mighty Olympic Sauroter: Detonating Thrown spears have a moderate luck chance to increase strength and stagger resistance.
  • Dauntless Shield: Rond of Expedition (Grants a blessing of cooldown when interrupting double blue ring attacks or when parrying)
  • Spartan Rage: Valor

Runic Attacks

The following is the list of the Relic attacks that you will need for each of the three main weapons for the build to function properly:

Leviathan Axe

  • Hel’s Touch: An extremely quick burst of energy that interrupts and knocks back all nearby enemies.
  • Mists of Helheim: A lingering area-of-effect attack that creates a small hazard, inflicting frost status on all enemies inside.

Blades Of Chaos

  • Flames of Anguish: Quick uppercut that creates a fiery geyser, launching nearby enemies.
  • Nemean Crush: A massive fiery shockwave attack that sends enemies flying back.

Draupnir Spear

  • Thurst of a Thousand Soldiers: Perform a flurry of stabs with Draupnir, which embeds spears into the enemy. Press the R1 Button for extra stabs!
  • Vindsvalr’s Windstorm: An array of chaotic clones rampages through the field, damaging all enemies in their path


The Hilt of Hofud once again takes center stage again as you will be using it slow down time to pour out the tons of damage we stated previously. Without it, the build will be missing a consequential component to make it work efficiently, so we urge you to grab it if you haven’t already in GOW Ragnarok.

Amulet Enchantments

  • Vanaheim Set: Increases Kratos’ melee damage against status-afflicted enemies based on his total Luck stat
  • Asgard Set: Increases the damage of all of Kratos’ weapon (Triangle button) attacks and abilities based on his cooldown.
  • Boon of Valor: Valor heals less but provides a powerful buff of strength and lifesteal for a duration.
  • Seal of Runic Storm: Using Runic attacks of three different weapons in quick succession grants a buff of increased stagger resistance and creates a storm of Bifrost.
  • Emblem Of the Nine Realms: Increases Melee damage during Realm Shifts.

The Wrap-Up

The best builds in God of War Ragnarok may be rich in play style, but when it comes to conquering specific gameplay elements such as the Berserkers, a Subreddit Post had various players showcase their ideas or creativity, which just goes to show how mechanically complex the entire game is deep down from the surface.

GOW Ragnarok was the winner of several game awards, including Best Narrative and Best Soundtrack, at the Game Awards 2022. Every single Voice Actor of God Of War Ragnarok reprises their role from the previous title. Not to mention, players will love the new addition of being able to switch between companions, so make sure to unlock the Best Skills for Atreus and Freya in the game as soon as possible.

The Complete Mission List of the game will allow you to get a headstart on the game if you are new to it. Otherwise, we strongly encourage you to steer away from major spoiler territory. But don’t forget to miss any of the Secrets and Easter Eggs, as they’re all pretty much worth the surprise once you discover them.

However, for now, this wraps up our guide to the Best Builds in God of war Ragnarok. If you have any other questions or queries related to the article, then please let us know down below, and we will be sure to help you out in the best way possible. As always, eXputer wishes you luck!

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