Microsoft has already upgraded File Explorer several times. In 2021, Windows 11 introduced a more modern UI with better visuals, redesigned toolbars, and brand new context menus. In 2022, File Explorer finally got tabs support, an updated homepage, and a slightly improved navigation pane, providing a much better experience focused on productivity.
However, as we say in each part of the “Top 10 Features Users Want” series, the work isn’t over yet. File Explorer, perhaps the most popular area of Microsoft’s operating system, still needs improvement. According to Windows 11 users and those willing to share their thoughts with Microsoft using the Feedback Hub, here’s where it’s most needed.
1. Improve performance of common actions in File Explorer – 4645+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
We are constantly working to improve your experience based on this feedback. We’ve made some changes and more are on the way.
2. Optimize the Properties dialog to make it more modern and with a dark mode. – 2225+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
We got it.
3. Support more compressed file types. (rar, 7z, etc.) – 2179+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
Looking into it.. Thank you for your suggestion and feedback. It’s great to see so much enthusiasm for supporting more compressed file types natively in Windows. While we can’t promise to address every suggestion submitted, we’ve sent this feedback to our team to let them know that this is a top File Explorer issue reported by users. Keep those suggestions and votes coming! We will keep you updated here if there are any updates in this area.
4. Improve design consistency and add more redesign bits. – 1974+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
We got it.
5. Redesign the disk storage usage indicator in File Explorer. – 1430+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
We got it.
6. Show File Explorer how much space each folder takes up. – 1312+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
We got it.. Thanks for your suggestion and feedback. It’s great to see so much enthusiasm from users about File Explorer! While we can’t promise to address every suggestion submitted, we’ve heard your concerns and forwarded this feedback to our team to let them know that this is a top issue reported by users. Is. Keep those suggestions and votes coming! We will keep you updated here about any future changes to this feature.
7. Allow File Explorer tabs to be dragged between windows. – 1295+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
Appreciate Feedback – This is not currently supported, however your interest has been shared with the team for future consideration. We’ll let you know if there are any changes to share.
Note: These feedbacks have already been addressed in the latest Windows 11 Dev build, albeit in a much smaller form, so expect an announcement soon with improvements in upcoming updates.
8. Merge context menu to remove “Show more” option. – 1203+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
We got it.
9. Add a “Refresh” option to the context menu. – 868+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
We got it.. Appreciate the feedback – it is shared with the team for future consideration.
Although Refresh is not currently a top-level option when right-clicking a folder in File Explorer, for what it’s worth, you can click the Refresh button directly in the address bar without opening the context menu. (And for those who prefer. keyboard access, you can press F5 to refresh the folder).
10. Allow users to set “Show more options” as the default menu variant. – 861+ votes
Answer from Microsoft:
We got it.. Thanks for reaching out about this – there is currently no option to make it the default on right-click, however pressing Shift+F10 or the keyboard menu key (which is available on some keyboards) will bring up the Windows 10 context directly. And will open context menu. File Explorer.
With Build 22572 (which just went live for the dev channel), we’ve added an option so that Shift+right-clicking in File Explorer and the desktop will now open a “Show more options” context menu.
These are the most popular requests that Windows users want Microsoft to address. Low-voted posts ask Microsoft to unify the tab design across all products (Edge, File Explorer, Terminal, Notepad), add Rounded Corners™ to the address and search bars, and more. Hopefully Microsoft will consider what users want in their upcoming File Explorer redesign. It would be great for the company to implement changes and features that users want, not just recommended content.
Do you agree that Microsoft should prioritize them? Maybe Microsoft should improve other areas of File Explorer? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section. Also, upvote feedback from other users or enter your feedback in the Feedback Hub.