The latest Wildhearts update modifies the claw blades among other improvements.


Highlights of the story

  • Wildhearts has received a balance patch following the release of the Murakomo update. The purpose of the screw is mainly to adjust the claw blade.
  • The update fixes some of the game’s key issues for an even smoother experience.

After the Murakomo update, the latest Wild Hearts patch made some heavy adjustments to the claw blades. gave Patch notes Discuss these modifications while outlining some other fixes to improve the game’s overall stability. It’s worth noting that this update mainly focuses on Claw Blade-related elements, along with some minor bug fixes.

As this patch, the claw will gauge turn off Lowering when performing certain movements with claws enclosed in a kimono. This measure has also had gauge consumption. Very Low When used in this condition. Also, an issue where it was possible to continue the downward spin slash even after correcting gauge depletion.

Wild Hearts balance adjustments and fixes
Wild Hearts balance adjustments and fixes

Furthermore, the Energy output Wing Blade has been of Crescent Slash. less. This is effectively a nerf but should not affect the viability of weapons and certain textures. Invincible frame The start of the move is also included when the players’ paws are encased in a kimono. In addition, the amount of Karakouri thread Created by Karakuri Katana Increased.

Finally, Stamina consumption when dodging with Bo has been reduced, along with enabling the use of resonance to restore Karakuri thread after performing a basic Karakuri combo attack. In addition to these gameplay adjustments, the latest Wildhearts patch fixes some issues for better stability.

The range problem related to Torch Basics Karaoke, Food processing information is displayed. instead of Obtained by completing it, and defeating the Talismans Murakomo Only one carrier Specific skills resolved. Also, armor images will now be grayed out on the production screen when players have insufficient items.

Wildhearts launched with an unimaginable amount of performance issues. However, these do not detract from the success of the game which is an enjoyable experience. You can check out Electronic Arts and Koi Tecmo’s take on the hunting genre on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.

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