The Garden of Eyes mod gives the game a solid makeover.
FromSoftware’s Elden Ring took the world by storm after its release in the early months of last year. The combination of a soul-like formula with an open-world approach has redefined the genre. The innovative title sold like hotcakes around the world and eventually won the Game of the Year 2022 award.
Players have spent countless hours logging in, and the latest anticipated Coliseum update that enabled multiplayer PvP has already proven to be quite an impressive thrill. Alden Ring fans are naturally still looking for more content to consume as they wait for more DLCs, and fan-made mods have filled that void for the community.
A unique expansive mod has been making the rounds in the Alden Ring community, adding tons of new content to quench the thirst of the community. “The Garden of Eyes overhaul mod” can only substitute for DLC content that we want to add to the title.
Major takeaway
- Prominent Alden Ring modders, Garden of Eyes developers have created a new mod that could potentially replace an official DLC with its massive size and additional content integrated into the title.
- The Garden of Eyes Overhaul mod includes tons of content including new armor, bosses, mounts, weapons, movesets, and more.
- The developers have created a YouTube playlist to publish previews of the mod, showcasing the latest footage of the weapons available to players.
- The mod is locked behind a paywall on the developers’ Patreon page and is accessible by subscribing for $5 a month.
After waiting a long time for a major Elden Ring DLC, the Garden of Eyes team has decided to develop a mod that can replace the DLC for the title. It adds to the already expansive experience by adding custom weapons, armor, mounts, and the like to expand entry into new ways.
If you’re one of those players who mastered the current bosses in Alden Ring, this mod might be right up your alley with its assortment of new challenging bosses. Garden of Eyes developers describe the mod in the following words:
This mod aims to completely change the Elden ring experience, adding completely new custom made weapons, brand new armor from previous games, new boss fights, horse mounts, talismans, gun parrying, and more! He currently has over 20 new and restored weapons, and over 30 brand new armor sets, custom horses, Halloween restorations, and more coming soon!,” the Garden of Eyes team said. Posted on Patreon.
The developers have also been updating the community by creating one. YouTube playlist To highlight the mode preview. A recent video from Garden of Eyes showcases the various weapons featured in the mod, which is packed with eye-catching visual effects, mesmerizing movesets, and beautiful designs.
The video shows off all the shiny weapons we can expect to stumble upon after installing the mod. The attractive weapons were well received by the fans. Additionally, other videos dive into additional aspects of Alden Ring’s Garden of Eyes overhaul mod.
Garden of Eyes Overhaul Mod is locked behind the team’s paywall. Patreon account. In other words, the mod is not free and cannot be downloaded without subscribing to a minimum $5 monthly deal. Subscribing will give you access to the team’s exclusive “Eldon Ring Mod Launcher” and other attractive mods.
Considering the new content that the Garden of Eyes overhaul mod added to the Alden ring, this could be great for deer. We recommend visiting the page to explore the team’s other work and learn more about the great Elden Ring Mod.
Whether or not the mod serves as unofficial DLC for Alden Ring is up to you. Still, it’s nice to see modders create custom content to keep the game fresh until developers take up the mantle.
What are your thoughts on the new massive Elden ring mod being offered as a complete DLC pack for gamers who want an official DLC? Do you think the mod, with its flaming weapons, will disrupt the game’s established balance? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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