The Files app preview gets a dedicated widget for tags.


Files app preview logo with color tags behind.

The Files app is a great alternative for those unhappy with the somewhat lackluster upgrade to Windows 11’s stock File Explorer. This program comes with features that you might miss in File Explorer and gets frequent updates with new capabilities and improvements. The latest preview update adds a neat widget to the home page, allowing you to access tagged files more quickly.

You can enable the Tags widget in Files Preview version Go to Files’ Settings > Preferences > Widgets and toggle on Tags Return to option. Home page, and you’ll see a new section with all tagged files and folders (right-click a file or folder and select Edit tags. to assign a tag). You can customize the tags. Advanced > Experimental feature flags Section

The Files app in Windows 11

The Files app should get the new Tags widget in a stable release in a couple of weeks. According to recent reports, Microsoft is also working on a tagging system for the stock File Explorer. This feature upgrade has yet to be completed and passed through the Windows Insiders program, so users can get the features they want in the Files app now.

The Files app is available. On the official website for free. If you want to support the developer to keep releasing updates frequently, buy the files. for $8.99 in the Microsoft Store. Those who want to test the preview updates for the Files app can download the pre-release version. From the official website (It can run alongside the stable release without problems).

If you want to know about other must-have apps for Windows 11 and 10, check out our recent “Top 11 Apps Every Windows 11 User Should Have” article.


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