The first day of a new month means it’s time for Statcounter’s latest results. The May 2023 report is now available with details on the most popular browsers and their market share changes.
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To no one’s surprise, Google Chrome is still the number one go-to browser on most platforms. Its desktop variant has a 66.02% share with a slight month-to-month fluctuation. In May 2023, Chrome lost 0.2 points.
Apple’s Safari, the only non-cross-platform desktop browser, is consolidating its new position after Microsoft Edge takes over in April 2023. Safari’s customer base grew from 11.89% to 12.79%, giving Microsoft Edge a further edge. The latter again dipped below the 10% mark and reached a 9.91% share (-0.98 points).
According to Statcounter, Edge isn’t the only browser having trouble growing market share. Firefox is bleeding users, and in May 2023, its share fell from 5.59 percent to 5.28 percent. For reference, in July 2022, it had a market share of 8%.
Opera is the fifth most popular desktop browser, with a market share of 4.02% (+0.9 points). Finally, an honorable mention goes to Internet Explorer and its 0.45% share.
- Google Chrome – 66.02% (-0.2 points)
- Apple Safari – 12.79% (+0.9 points)
- Microsoft Edge – 9.91% (-0.98 points)
- Mozilla Firefox – 5.59% (-0.31 points)
- Opera – 4.02% (+0.9 points)

And there’s the mobile side of the market, where Google, Apple and Samsung account for more than 93 percent of users. Interestingly, Google Chrome lost a significant chunk of users over the past three months. Safari, on the other hand, continues to experience growth.
- Google Chrome – 61.09% (-0.67 points)
- Apple Safari – 27.81% (+0.81 points)
- Samsung Internet – 4.97% (+0.14 points)
- Opera – 1.8% (-0.09 points)
- UC Browser – 1.54% (-0.17 points)

You can find more information here. On the official Statcounter website.