Soul War Trello Link, Wiki & Discord Invite Link


Thinking that Soul warfare Featuring an official Trello board, we’re here to help you with the official Soul War Trello link and answers to all your FAQs! Soul War takes you to the world of Bleach where you can choose the Soul Reaper, Wizard, Halo, Arrancar or Quincy path to complete quests, fight enemies and bosses and grow into a stronger fighter. .

Bleach Project 2 Created a game currently under renovation on November 17, 2020.

Dissent invitation link

You can also join the official Soul War Discord server For more information about the game.

Soul War Wiki

You can follow it Link To find the official Soul War Wiki on Fandom. However, the main wiki page seems to be broken, but you can still access the races page.

Soul War Trello link

Below you’ll find a link to the official Soul War Trello:

On Soul War’s Trello, you’ll find information and guides about the game. Here’s some information you can still find there:

  • Game Info: Beginner’s Guide, Game Link, Discord Links, Controls, Codes.
  • All location maps in Soul War.
  • All Soul Reaper, Halo, Arrancar and Quincy variations, skills and weapons.
  • Soul War has every Shikai, Bankai, Shunko, Revival, Volstanding, Kendo, Hakuda and Speed ​​move.
  • Every weapon and weapon fighting style in the game: bows, one sword type and two swords type.
  • Every NPC and boss in the game.
  • All Arrancar and Wizard Masks

While you’re here, check out the rest of our Trello link database for popular Roblox games or check out our list of Soul War codes!


How to become a Hollow in Soul War?

To become a hollow, you must die as a human being as a hollow. This is a relatively simple route because you only have to die to get it.

How to become an Arrancar in Soul War?

Arrancars are Menos+, meaning you must be a Menos, Adjuhas, or Vasto Lord to become an Arrancar. A skill tree will allow you to develop skills.

How to Train in Soul War?

To become a trainee, you must be human and talk to the Soul Reaper NPC. The NPC will spawn in the housing town or in the hospital, so look around. You’re faster than the Halos, so you’ll outrun them.

How to become Soul Reaper in Soul War?

To become a Soul Reaper, you must be a trainee of rank 5 or higher. To get rank 5, you must do quests at the quest board near the gate.

How to become a wizard in Soul War?

To become a wizard, you need soul reaper and rank 10. Talk to the Exile NPC in Katakura. After talking to Exile, you will lose all kido skills and be forced to do the wizard raid boss to become a wizard.

How to become a Quincy in Soul War?

You get a 10% chance with it to become a Quincy.

Rank unlocks

Shikai – Rank 10 Soul Reaper
Bankai – Rank 30 Soul Reaper
Voltstanding – Rank 30 Quincy
Resurrection – Rank 30 Arrancar
Vasto Rage – Rank 30 Wizard + 10% HP

What does each statistic do?

Strength – Increases HP
Speed ​​- Reduces the CD of movements
Reiatsu – Increases the maximum amount of Reiatsu

Soul War controls

Controls (PC)
Q – Flashstep (Running) Dash (Walking)
E – Equip/Sheath Sword
W+W – Sprint
V – Release of Shikai (Soul Reaper only)
B – Bankai Release/Vasto Rage (Soul Reaper/Wizard only)
F – Block
F+M1 / Tap F – Parry
1-7 – Skills
R, T, Y – Skills
Z, X, C – Special Skills (Shikai)
`- Skill / Attachment List
M – Menu
N – Meditation (Requires Shikai Unlock)

What is the difference between a one-knife and a two-knife type?

A knife: These knives are intended for more speed-oriented gameplay. A Sword has a 95% chance on your character. You do less damage than both swords, but you’re faster.

Two Swords: These knives are intended for more strength-based gameplay. Your character has a 5% chance of Two Sword. You have more damage than a sword, but you have less speed.

What is Trello?

Trello, a project management and collaboration tool, organizes your projects into boards. Trello is a collaboration tool that shows you at a glance what’s being done, who’s doing what, and where. Imagine a whiteboard with sticky notes. Each note is a task for you or your team. Imagine each sticky note containing photos, attachments and documents from Salesforce or Jira. There is also a place for you to comment and contribute. Imagine that you can now take your whiteboard with you wherever you go, on your smartphone and access it from anywhere via the internet. That’s Trello!

Many Roblox developer groups, including Soul War, use Trello to provide players with guides, tutorials, tier lists, update logs, FAQs, and other information about Roblox games.


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