Sniper Elite 5: All Liberation Collectibles Locations


Collectibles are optional items scattered all over the maps in Sniper Elite 5. Whether you are a completionist who is going for a 100% trophy or someone who wants to find items that might give him an edge in future encounters, you have come to the right place. Today in our guide, we’ll be covering the location of all the collectibles found in Sniper Elite 5’s Mission 6 “Liberation”.

Key Highlights

  • Mission 6 Liberation has 5 Personal Letters, Classified Documents, and 3 Hidden Items, Stone Eagles and Workbenches.
  • You can loot two Personal Letters from a soldier arriving at the abandoned village and a bald soldier patrolling outside the mansion.
  • The last three Personal Letters are in a blue window house north of the mansion, a green building at the eastern Field Camp, and next to a cannon in the northeastern trenches.
  • The Classified Documents are inside the main building at the Bridge Farmhouse, in a house across the bridge, near the fence of the eastern village, inside a green building in the east Field Camp, and a town bunker northwest of the trenches.
  • You can find the Hidden Items by taking down two enemies near the fiery smoke, inside the windmill east of the city, and the building in the north, past the bridge
  • The SMG Workbench is inside the windmill, with the Hidden Item also east of the city.
  • You’ll reach the Pistol Workbench by proceeding through the building under construction near the Bridge Farmhouse.
  • Climb into a vine-covered building from the left in the northern town to find the Rifle Workbench.
  • The Stone Eagles are on top of the windmill northwest of the starting area, the roof of an impaired building near the wrecked church, on a nazi flag in the northern town.

Collectibles in Liberation

There are 19 collectibles that can be found in each mission of Sniper Elite 5, and Mission 6 Liberation is no different in that regard. You can find 5 Personal Letters, 5 Classified Documents, 3 Hidden Items, 3 Stone Eagles, and 3 Workbenches.

While discussing collectibles, why not go through our guide on collectibles located in Sniper Elite 5’s Secret Weapons as well as Sniper Elite 5 VIP Flags and learn about the collectible, which was cut from the final build.

Today in our guide, we’ll be covering the location of all of these items. Additionally, for convenience, we’ve written this guide in such a way that you’ll find all of these items in a single rotation around the map so that you won’t have to backtrack for specific items again. So make sure to follow our guide from the start.

Stone Eagle 1

Location of first Stone Eagle
The location of the first Stone Eagle was marked on the map.

The first collectible can be found directly where you start your Mission # 6 Liberation in Sniper Elite 5. Move a little forward from your starting location and look towards your north-right. You’ll notice a damaged windmill. Take out your sniper and zoom in on the windmill.

First Stone Eagle
Karl about to shoot the first stone eagle visible in the distance

After zooming in, You’ll see your first Stone Eagle sitting on the top of the windmill. Shoot at it, and this is how you get your hands on Stone Eagle 1 in Liberation.

Personal Letter 1 ‘They’re Out There’

Location of first Personal Letter
Location of first Personal Letter marked on the map

From where you just shot Stone Eagle 1, move towards the north, and you’ll end up in an abandoned village. The soldier carrying the letter will arrive in the village in a cargo truck. So make sure to check if the cargo truck has arrived or not.

Dead Soldier
The soldier carrying the first personal letter

After the arrival of the cargo truck, take down the soldiers getting off the truck, and upon looting the soldiers, you’ll get your first Personal Letter. Also, the soldier carrying the letter goes by the name Ralph Botrich.

Classified Document 1 ‘Unfit for Duty’

Location of First Classified Document
Location of First Classified Document marked on the map

Go directly to your west from the abandoned village until you reach the Bridge Farmhouse. Go inside the main two-story building using the outside stairs. Turn right after entering the building, and there is another room at the end of the hallway.

Building containing the first classified documnet
Karl Fairburn standing near the building containing the first classified document
First Classified Document
Karl about to pick up the first Classified Document

Enter the room and get your hands on the first Classified Document, which is found on a desk.

Classified Document 2 ‘Hold the Line’

Location of second Classified Document
Location of second Classified Document marked on the map

Before getting your hands on Classified Document 2 make sure you disable or take out all the defenses near the bridge. After you are done with that, cross the bridge, and you’ll notice a double-story house with a Nazi flag.

Building containing the second Classified Document
Karl is about to head inside the building containing the second Classified Document

Enter the building and go upstairs. Go inside the first room you see after reaching the second floor and pick up the Classified Document 2 from there.

Second Classified Document
Karl standing near the second Classified Document

Pistol Workbench

Area containing the Pistol Workbench
Karl Fairburn is about to head into the courtyard, visible in the distance

You can also easily get to the Pistol Workbench while you are here. Exit the building you are in, follow the main road towards the north, and turn right towards an open courtyard. Go into the building which is under construction and go upstairs.

The under-construction building is visible in the distance
Building underconstruction
Karl heading into the building containing the Pistol Workbench

After going up the second set of stairs, you’ll notice a huge hole in the wall. Get outside the building through the hole, and after following the wooden platform, you’ll notice another hole located on the rooftop.

Get inside through this hole, and you’ll arrive right where the Pistol Workbench is located. 

Broken Wall
Karl, about to head outside the building, the broken wall
Hole in the rooftop
Fairburn is about to go inside the hole in the rooftop
Pistol Workshop
Karl standing near the Pistol Workshop

Classified Document 3 ‘A Surplus Bridge’

Location of third Classified Document
Location of Third Classified Document marked on the map

Head into the eastern fields of the map. Once there, head into the village with 2 or 3 small buildings. After you take out the enemies, pick up the classified document 3 lying on top of the wooden crate located near the fence.

Town containing the third Classified Document
Karl, heading towards the town containing the third Classified Document
wooden box
Classified Document 3 lying on the wooden box

Hidden Item 1 ‘Lucky Rabbit’s Foot’

location of first Hidden Item
Location of first Hidden Item marked on the map

Just near the previous collectible, you can find Liberation’s first Hidden Item, called Lucky Rabbit’s Foot. Exit from the gate near the fence and head towards the fiery smoke visible in the distance. There you will spot two enemies. Take them down and collect your first hidden Item.

Fiery Smoke
Karl heading towards the Fiery Smoke
taking down the infantry
Karl kills the infantry carrying the first Hidden Item of the mission

Personal Letter 2 ‘Vengeance is Nigh’

Now go to the western side of the map, where you can see a mansion with two Nazi flags displayed on it.

Location of Second Personal Letter
Location of Second Personal Letter marked on the map

There will be a couple of guards patrolling the area outside the mansion. Take them out and loot the bald soldier to collect your second Personal Letter in Sniper Elite 5’s Mission 6 “Liberation”.

Nazi Mansion
Karl heading towards the mansion
Taking down a soldier
The soldier carrying the second personal letter

Personal Letter 3 ‘Watch Your Back’

Location of third Personal Letter
Location of third Personal Letter marked on the map

Now move north from your current location until you reach a small outpost with tree houses. Go inside the house with blue windows. Climb up the ladder and collect Personal Letter 3.

Village containing the third Personal Letter
Karl, heading towards the village containing the third Personal letter
Blue door
The player enters the building through the blue door
third Personal Letter
Karl about to pick up the third personal Letter

Before reading further, why not go through our guide on Sniper Elite 5 Rat Bomb and learn about its location and various uses.

Stone Eagle 2

Move towards the location marked on the map below.

Location of second Stone Eagle
The location of the second Stone Eagle is marked on the map.

There you’ll see a church with a sniper hiding in it. Once you take out the sniper, follow the road and move towards the northwest corner of the building until where the building has a giant chunk of it missing. Take out your sniper, zoom in, and you’ll spot a Stone Eagle there. Shoot at it, and obtain your second Stone Eagle collectible of the mission.

The destroyed church containing the second stone eagle
Second Stone Eagle
Karl about to shoot the Second Stone Eagle

Classified Document 4 ‘Resistance Fanatic Located’

Location of fourth Classified Document
Location of fourth Classified Document marked on the map

Now head east from your current location and keep following the main road. As you are exiting the city, enter the last building on your left. Go upstairs and picklock the locked door. Once inside, pick up the Classified Document 4 lying on the table.

Building containg the fourth Classified Document
Karl is heading towards the building on his left
Picking lock
The player opens a locked door by picking the lock
Fourth Classified Documen
Fourth Classified Document lying on the table

Hidden Item 2 ‘Stolen Medals’ & SMG Workbench

Location of Second Hidden Item
Location of Second Hidden Item marked on the map

Keep heading east while following the main road until you come across a Windmill that provides electricity to the entire town. This windmill will be the last building on the road. Go inside the building, and you’ll see a hole in the ground patched with wood.

Windmill containing the Second Hidden Item
Hole in the ground
Karl about to open up the patch with a crowbar

Pick up the crowbar nearby and break open the patch. Go inside the hole, and you’ll find the Hidden Item 2 on the table with the SMG workbench present in the same room. Before going further, consider reading our guide on Sniper Elite 5 Mission 1 Workbenches.

Second Hidden Item
Karl is standing about to pick up the Second Hidden Item
SMG Workshop
Karl standing near the SMG Workshop

Personal Letter 4 ‘Give Me Strength’ 

Location of fourth Personal Letter
Location of fourth Personal Letter marked on the map

Make your way all the way to the east side of the map, where you’ll find the second bridge, with a Field Camp nearby. Once there, go towards the watch tower on the right beside the green building.

Area containing the fourth Personal Letter
Karl about to head towards the watch tower in the distance

Enter the green building and immediately look towards your left, and you’ll the Personal Letter 4 lying on the table near the bed. While you are it, why not go through our guide on Sniper Elite 5 Antiques Location.

fourth Personal Letter
Karl Fairburn about to pick up the fourth Personal Letter

Personal Letter 5 ‘Barely Escaped’

Location of fifth Personal Letter
Location of fifth Personal Letter marked on the map

From the Field Camps, head in the northeast direction until you come across the trenches. Enter the trenches from the northeast side and look for the artillery cannon. Next to the artillery cannon, you can find the fifth Personal Letter.

Karl standing outside the trenches
fifth Personal Letter
Karl Fairburn about to pick up the fifth Personal Letter

While you are here, you can also investigate the glider and go into the bunker in the middle of the trenches. There you can gain some intel and unlock a secondary objective as well.

Classified Document 5 ‘Incoming Armour’

location of Classified Document
location of Classified Document marked on the map

For the next collectible, make your way to the northwest corner of the trenches, from where you can make your way into the next town.

Bunker behind Karl containing the fifth Classified Document

Just before the exit, backtrack a little and enter the first bunker; here, you can find the fifth Classified Document.

fifth Classified Document
Karl Fariburn about standing near the fifth Classified Document

Rifle Workbench

Location of Rifle Workbshop
Location of Rifle Workshop marked on the map

The Rifle Workbench can be found in the northmost corner of the map, where the last town of Liberation is situated in Sniper Elite 5. Before the bridge where you plant the explosives as a part of your main objective, head towards the building on your right when facing north.

Building with Rifle Workbench
Karl Fairburn, approaching the building to the right of the bridge
Climbing Vines
Karl Fairburn climbing the vines in order to reach the Rifle Workshop

Enter the building through the vines located on the left side of the building, and once you are on the second floor, you’ll be able to see the last workbench of this mission. While you are at it, also go through our Sniper Elite 5 Soy Academy workbenches location guide.

Rifle workshop
Karl Fairburn standing near the Rifle Workbench

Hidden Item 3 ‘Engraved Lighter’

Location of Hidden Item 3
Location of Hidden Item 3 marked on the map

Additionally, you can also find the last hidden item of this mission in the same town.

Building with Hidden Item 3
Heading into the building with Hidden Item 3

Follow the bridge heading north and enter the first building on your right. Enter the building and go upstairs. After reaching the second floor of the building, you can pick up the last hidden item lying on the dresser near the entrance of a side room.

Third Hidden Item
Karl Fairbun about pickup Hidden Item 3

Stone Eagle 3

The final collectible of Sniper Elite 5’s Mission 6 Liberation can be spotted from the room where you picked up the previous collectible.

Window in Liberation
The window from where Stone Eagle is visible

Take out your sniper, look out from the middle window, and you’ll be able to see the Stone Eagle above the Nazi Flag. Shoot it, and this will be it for all the collectibles located in the Mission 6 Liberation of Sniper Elite 5.

Aiming at Stone Eagle 3
Karl Fairburn about to shoot at a Stone Eagle from the window

This wraps up our guide on the collectibles located in Mission 6 Liberation of Sniper Elite 5. Let us know what you think about our guide in the comments below.

Other Tips

Sniper Elite 5 is the fifth entry in the long-running tactical stealth franchise. With the latest entry, developers Rebellion Development have added all the quality of life changes and mechanics the series was in dire need of. Sniper Elite 5 features maps that are not only big in terms of size but also in verticality too. While you’re at it, why not go through our Sniper Elite 5 Interactive Map guide.

Additionally, players can use some of the best snipers in Sniper Elite 5 the series has to offer while also featuring this new upgrade system of workbenches located around the maps, which essentially lets you upgrade all of your weapons during the mission. On top of that, you can also engage in completing optional kill challenges, finding Raid Weapon Lab locations, or testing your prowess in the Survival Mode.

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