Side Hustle: Join us and write for Navon.


We are looking for enthusiastic, passionate people to join us. The most important qualities you should possess are fluency in English and a passion for Microsoft and all things tech. If you read Niven, we expect you to know what we cover. Primarily Microsoft news, but also tech-related topics on new phones and technologies that enrich our readers’ lives.

Our needs

We would love to hear from applicants with experience covering technology news, but previous experience is not strictly necessary to apply. Enthusiasm, a positive attitude, and a desire to continuously improve and develop professionally – Applicants with these qualities are just as important to us as those with years of reporting experience.

In fact, many of our correspondents have had no previous experience over the years, but that hasn’t stopped them from doing a great job. Some very well-known faces in the tech journalism community made their names at Nevin with little or no prior experience. We offered them a solid foundation on which to build their careers.

Of course, even without reporting experience, We require that applicants have sufficient knowledge of technology.. Our coverage includes Microsoft, Apple, Google, Linux, gaming, software, devices, accessories, and more, with analysis and insight into what’s happening in the tech industry.

We need applicants. Be proficient in English, and although this is a preference, it does not mean that English should be your first language. We will accept applications from anyone aged 18 or over, from anywhere in the world who accepts PayPal and Payoneer as a method of receiving payments, and we welcome applications from people of all backgrounds. We warmly invite you to

Nevin has a zero discrimination hiring policy. Regardless of your race, gender identity, or sexuality, and whether you prefer Linux over Windows, or Xbox over PlayStation, what matters most to us is your passion for technology, work Your drive to make and continuously improve, and your ability to report impartially. And talk about what’s happening in the tech world.

  • Be agile: We need no less than four articles a week, but the more, the better. We pay our writers for original articles based on unique hits. It probably won’t replace your full-time job, but it’s a great way to earn some extra cash while gaining valuable reporting experience with one of the most established brands in tech news.
  • To be original: We expect all articles to be originally written, as we have strict guidelines for approval. We understand that no one is perfect, but we strive to maintain high standards for approving a post on the main page.
  • Be good: You should be able to bite your tongue when it comes to negative criticism. This happens from time to time, but remember, you will represent Nevin on and off the site.
  • to be there: Although not absolutely essential, living near a convention/tech hotspot like London, Las Vegas, Seattle, New York, or Tokyo is a plus.

Although We strive to promote timely coverage on all things Microsoft.Unlike some other news sites, we don’t assign or require people to write only in certain areas or at certain times of the day. This means our reporters can write about different topics whenever they want!

What will you get from us?

Our payouts are hit-based rewards. Low-performing articles are paid less than viral ones. Only one article can earn $100+ if it reaches the Unique Hits threshold, and we pay a monthly bonus for the number of hits as well as the article with the most hits in a month. The fact is that our payouts are based on merit and article success, so you are rewarded when you perform well, but you get less for poorly performing items. .


You can find out more about our requirements and how to apply on this page.

We look forward to hearing from you, and if you find what it takes, we hope to welcome you to the Nevin team very soon 😁👍

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I don’t want to apply — how else can I help Nevin?

I’m glad you asked. There are different ways to help Nuven, such as:

You can purchase an annual subscription. We have two tiers, one that is ad-supported and the other that is ad-free, the former is $14 and the latter, $28 for one year. This money goes towards our dedicated servers and hosting, as well as paying our staff for their news, or site-related expenses.

Buy a t-shirt/mug.
We have a partnership with Threadsquad for merchandise, including t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs and more. You can check us out. Branded store hereSelect the logo you want, and then apply it to any item the store supports.

New Wayne Store
Along with Daily Neowin Deals we earn a commission for every sale in our branded StackCommerce Neowin Deals store, we also have a page here for some software partners like Stardock, Ivacy, NordVPNH, and software with private internet access. presents

Finally, the best thing you can do as a Neowin reader is to participate in the community, if you’re not registered yet, create an account! join discussions and comments; Just adding your own opinion moves the topic to the top of the pile and keeps it fresh. Tell your friends about Neowin, and share articles of interest on social media.

There are many ways to help Neowin, it’s up to you!


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