Shindo Life Espada Private Server Codes: VIP Grinding Access (January 2023)


Are you looking for Shindo Life Espada Private Server Codes? In Roblox Shindo LifeEspada is one of the seventeen locations where players can spawn.

If you’re going to grind some sub-abilities or ninja tools, jumping into private will save you a lot of time, as private servers are less crowded and you have a better chance of finding the spawn you’re looking for.

For more Shindo Life private server locations, check out the rest of our private server code guides:

  1. Blaze
  2. Dawn Hideout
  3. the dunes
  4. Ember
  5. Forest of Embers
  6. Great Narumaki Bridge
  7. fog
  8. Jejunes
  9. Shikai Forest
  10. A new Ember
  11. Nimbus
  12. Obelisk
  13. Ryuji Cave
  14. Shindai Valley
  15. storm
  16. Tempest
  17. Training grounds
  18. Vinland

To find out which items spawn in Espada and the exact spawn time, check out our Shindo Life spawn items list.

Shindo Life Espada Private Server Codes

Below you will find all 20 Shindo Life Espada Private Server Codes that we currently know:

  1. _XDm6Y
  2. 246oY8
  3. 3 Belpi
  4. Cy3dJK
  5. GA0r20
  6. IjtITL
  7. jLgmKK
  8. jrfGwn
  9. jyUq_b
  10. Kau0M4
  11. l8arPU
  12. lJ6yYj
  13. LL2dg-
  14. p-beaA
  15. rV_UIH
  16. TMeUVR
  17. u4ifDX
  18. wfb0Hy
  19. WFdZiN
  20. Xz-P2p


How can I use Shindo Life Espada Private Server Codes?

How To Use Shindo Life Espada Codes
Image source: Roblox/Borderpolar

To use the Espada Private Server code, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Start Shindo Life.
  2. Next, click Play in the main menu and select Espada as the location spawn.
  3. Private code” placeholder text.
  4. press (enter-private-server) Button to spawn at Espada on selected private server.

You can enter private once in the game by pressing M to open the game menu travel tab, selecting Espada and entering the private server code in the Private Server textbox.

We’ve covered everything you need to know about Shindo Life Espada Codes. While you’re here you might also want to visit our Shindo Life Codes and Shindo Life Tire List. Plus, check out the rest of our Shindo Life Guides.


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