RE4 Gem Rebuild: Types, Bonuses and Uses


Gemstones is an easy guide to making small piles of pesetas in RE4: Remake. Like treasure items, you can use these stones exclusively. Sales objectives In the game however, unlike the original, they have a lot more versatility this time around thanks to the new and improved. Loot system. And with the right treasure item and gem combination, you can even combine them together to dramatically increase their value!

Key takeaways

  • Gems in Resident Evil 4 Remake are jewelry items that are primarily used for selling purposes. Merchant’s shop.
  • There is 6 Various gemstones with unique rarities and values, including:
    1. Ruby – 3000 Pesetas.
    2. Sapphire – 4000 Pesetas.
    3. The emerald – 5000 Pesetas.
    4. Alexandrite – 6000 Pesetas.
    5. Yellow diamond – 7000 Pesetas.
    6. Red Barrel – 9000 Pesetas.
  • These can usually be achieved by completing Expanded treasure map Side quests, defeating specific enemy types, trading Spinels At the merchant shop, or finding them lying around once or twice per chapter.
  • In addition to direct sales, these gemstones can be shipped in. Treasure items To get big rewards.
  • Players can go in and start connecting them. Important items and treasures In the inventory menu, select a treasure item, and click “Embedding Gems” option
  • By placing multiple gems on the same treasure item a Gemstone bonusA multiplier perk that adds a percentage to the total sale price.
  • These gem bonuses vary between combinations, and players can find their exact multiplier when connecting jewels.
  • A gemstone shape, either round or Rectangledetermines whether or not it can fit into a treasure item. open slot.
  • Players should try to stack similar gems and put them into treasure items with 4 or 5 open slots to get a better multiplier and thus more currency.

Types of Gemstones

There is 6 unique types Gems you can collect in Resident Evil 4: Remake You can usually find most of these as random drops during enemy encounters or quest sections. Alternatively, you can find them as items purchased from merchants, or as farmable loot from certain enemy types.

Precious stone the color Shape Selling price
Ruby Red round 3000 Pesata
Sapphire blue round 4000 Pesata
The emerald green Rectangle 5000 Pesata
Alexandrite purple Rectangle 6000 Pesata
Yellow diamond yellow round 7000 Pesata
Barrel Red Rectangle 9000 Pesata
  • Gemstones, once acquired, can be sold at any time Merchant’s shop.
  • You can usually find them once or twice per chapter depending on their rarity, or as specific discoverable loot. Expansion Map Treasures.
Yellow Diamond RE4: The Remake
A yellow diamond (grab screenshot: eXputer)
    • Some mobs also guarantee these gems as drops after killing them, such as Regenerators and The Masked Cultist Ruby and Red Barrels respectively in red clothes are guaranteed to fall.
    • Additionally, you can earn certain gems as rewards for taking down particularly strong enemies, such as Amped. Iron first In the request of the Wandering Dead Merchant who drops one. Alexandrite hit once.
Alexandrite RE4 Iron Maiden
Collecting alexandrite from Iron Maiden (photo by eXputer)
    • Another unusual way to get them is to trade. Spinels meet you Blue Notice Requests. Or as a random loot at a merchant shop.
A list of items with the merchant at his shop
Yellow Diamond buyable at the merchant shop for 3x Spinel (Image courtesy of eXputer)

Uses of Gemstones

  • In addition to simply selling gems as such, a key feature added to the remake is the ability to connect multiple gemstones together. Treasure items which eventually become more valuable than their constituents.
  • These treasure items are unique Slot To fill you with many jewels.
Gemstone inlays in treasured items
Attaching the treasure item with sapphire and yellow diamond (screenshot taken by eXputer)
    • One of the main distinguishing factors of a gemstone that determines whether or not it is compatible with a particular treasure slot. Shape.
    • Once a gemstone is fitted into an item, the newly created specimen takes on the value of a stand-alone gemstone and treasure item.
    • On top of that, you can also get Gemstone bonuswhich is an extra. Multiplication Artifact value, increasing it by a considerable margin.

How to connect gemstones?

  • Open your inventory and proceed. Important items and treasures menu.
  • Here, you’ll find all the keys, gems, and treasure items you’ve collected so far.
  • Click and select any treasure item with an open slot. “Embedding Gems.”
  • Now, you can put the jewels in the treasure chest. Rectangle or Circular Money Slot.

Just remember that you can only be fit. Ruby, SapphireAnd yellow Diamonds and in the circular slot The Alexandrites, Red BarrelAnd The emerald On the other hand, since most treasure items can be attached to several gems at once, you’ll want to pay more attention to their appearance requirements. For a complete list of decorative treasure items in RE4 Remake, you can find them below along with other details:

Treasure item Basic selling price Gemstone Slots
flag 4000 pesetas 2 goals
Magnificent wide 4000 pesetas 2 rectangles
Beautiful bangles 5000 pesetas 2 goals
Beautiful mask 5000 pesetas 3 goals
Butterfly lamp 6000 pesetas 3 goals
The cup of atonement 7000 pesetas 3 rectangles
Extravagant watch 9000 pesetas 1 rectangle + 1 round
Golden Links 15000 pesetas 1 rectangle + 2 round
Beautiful crown 19000 pesetas 3 rectangles + 2 rounds

What are Gem Bonuses?

  • Fitting a pair or trio of jewels into a single treasure item can grant a bonus that ultimately gives the item additional value.
  • This mechanic is the main way how RE4 Remake gems guide the player to fully maximize their inventory potential. Maximum profit.
  • Bonuses vary with each jewel combination, and since bonuses are The multiplier rather than Increases fixed’ll get more pesetas for putting rarer and more expensive gems into a treasure item.
  • For more detail, here’s a list of all gem combinations and the bonuses they give:
Name of combination Description of the collection Additional reward Sample combination
Two colors Two gemstones of different colors x1.1 1x Ruby | 1x Emerald
pair Two gemstones of the same color x1.2 2x Yellow Diamond
Three colors Three precious stones of different colors x1.3 1x Emerald | 1x Sapphire | 1x Ruby
All three Three gems of the same color x1.4 3x Alexandrite
Two pairs Two atomic gemstone combinations. x1.5 2x Ruby | 2x Sapphire
Four colors Four precious stones of different colors x1.6 1x Red Barrel | 1x Sapphire | 1x Emerald | 1x Alexandrite
Quartile Four gems of the same color x1.7 4x Red Barrels
Duos and Trios A combination of a duo and a trio x1.8 2x Yellow Diamond | 1x Emerald
A quintal Five gems of the same color x1.9 5x Sapphire
Five colors Five precious stones of different colors x2.0 1x Red Barrel | 1x Ruby | 1x Alexandrite | 1x Emerald | 1x Sapphire
  • As seen, the bonuses become more significant as more jewels are attached to a single treasure item.
  • For the best possible payout, wait. 4 or 5 slots Treasure the item and stack as many gems into the item as more gems will equal more incentive due to multiplier.
  • This way, you can guarantee the best price for all the jewelery you have at the same time.
Bonus system of Re4 Remake gem
All gems bonuses on treasure items (screenshot taken by eXputer)

Important: Notice how you get a bigger bonus when you combine the same gemstone. This is another aspect of the RE4 remake’s revamped loot system, which encourages you to collect gems instead of spending them until you have a set of the same type.

Final remarks

That wraps up our RE4 Remake gems guide that can easily reward you with a fortune with a little strategy. Made it modern Loot system The franchise has a warm welcome, which teaches players not to rush and wait for the right time. Cash their valuables. It is a simple concept that too Subreddit post Explains well going into more detail.

If you’re struggling to kill Regeneradors to farm gems, you might want to read our guide to getting a thermal scope beforehand. For more interesting items to sell in Resident Evil 4 Remake, check out our Viper Locations Guide to learn more about additional sources of income. And just to advance the main game, consider reading up on how to beat all the bosses in the game.


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