My Hero Mania Trello Link, Wiki, Discord Invite & FAQ


Thinking that My hero is Mania Featuring an official Trello board, we’re here to help you with a link to the official My Hero Mania Trello and answers to all your frequently asked questions.

My Hero Mania is a Roblox game based on My Hero Academia (僕ぼくのヒーローアカデミア – Boku no Hīrō Akademia), an anime series produced by Toho and Bones based on Hori Hori’s manga of the same name.

My hero is Mania Game created on 4/23/2020.

My Hero Mania Discord Invite Link

You can also join the official My Hero Mania community Discord server For more information about the game.

My Hero Mania is Twitter

You can follow @PoppaPengo on Twitter for the latest My Hero Mania news and announcements.

Is there a My Hero Mania Wiki?

Yes, my hero has mania wiki On fandom, though it’s very old.

My Hero Mania Trello Link

Below you’ll find a link to the official My Hero Mania Trello:

In My Hero Mania’s Trello, you’ll find information and guides about the game. Here’s some information you can still find there:

  • Game Information: What is My Hero Mania, What is Mastery, Latest My Hero Mania Codes, Game Official Links, Game Map, What is a Gym, How Rank and Fame Work, What is a Shop and FAQ.
  • All Quirks and Awakened Quirks in the game.
  • Giver of every quest in the game.
  • Every mob and boss in the game.
  • All NPCs in My Hero Mania.
  • All weapons and accessories in the game.
  • Every Daily Reward in the game.
  • All available attacks.
  • PvP information.

While you’re here, check out the rest of our Trello link database for popular Roblox games! And don’t forget to check for the latest My Hero Mania codes!

My Hero Mania Map (MHM Map)

My Hero Mania map
Image source: MHM Trello
  • Shield: Heroes Spawn
  • Dagger: Spawn of villains
  • Shopping cart: Weapon / Accessory Shop
  • fist: the forest
  • Respin: Hospital
  • Dumbbell: Gymnasium
  • Blue question marks: Hero Missions
  • Red question marks: Villain Missions
  • Yellow question marks: Civilian/Neutral Missions


How can I get a new trick?

You can get a new trick in the hospital or press the respin button

How do I get gear/equipment?

Search for the shopping cart icon on the map.

What is the maximum level in my hero mania?

320 is the current high in MHM. The level cap for Quirk skill is 250.

How do I get spins on My Hero Mania?

There are four ways to get spins.
1-Buy the spins from the hospital.
2-Every 5 levels, you get 1 normal spin.
From 3-Daily Rewards.

Are there spin codes for MHM?

Yes, you can find them here.

How do stats work in My Hero Mania?

strength: Increases your combat/twitch damage.
the speed: Increases movement speed.
protection: Increases health.
power: Increases your energy bar.

What is mastery?

Mastery allows you to unlock witty abilities and awaken your wit through evolution.

What is Jim in My Hero Mania?

You can gain EXP if you AFK in a gym in an AFK area. Premium Gym Gamepass offers permanent 2x exp and unlimited access, while the 20% exp boost is only for Roblox Premium members.

What is Trello?

Trello, a project management and collaboration tool, organizes your projects into boards. Trello is a collaboration tool that shows you at a glance what’s being done, who’s doing what, and where. Imagine a whiteboard with sticky notes. Each note is a task for you or your team. Imagine each sticky note containing photos, attachments and documents from Salesforce or Jira. There is also a place for you to comment and contribute. Imagine that you can now take your whiteboard with you wherever you go, on your smartphone and access it from anywhere via the internet. That’s Trello!

Many Roblox developer groups use Trello to provide guides, tutorials, tier lists, update logs, FAQs, and other information to players about Roblox games.


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