Regularly deploying Exchange Server updates is a daunting task for many IT admins, not only because the process is relatively complex, but also because not installing them in a timely manner can seriously compromise your enterprise environment. Is. In fact, many firms choose Exchange Online simply because they don’t have to worry too much about update management and security risk.
Apparently to make the update process more streamlined, Microsoft has now launched a survey asking IT administrators about the scale and complexity of the environments they manage. The form also asks how often updates are installed on server instances and the reason for not installing the latest security updates (SUs) and cumulative updates (CUs).
Specifically, the survey also asks whether IT administrators are open to the idea of automated installation of Exchange Server CUs over the Internet. The Redmond dev is open-minded when it comes to suggestions, as the immediate next question asks “Please let us know any suggestions you have to improve the Exchange setup or update deployment process. that help you stay up-to-date”, which means the firm will also consider alternatives.
Overall, it’s important to understand that just because Microsoft has a survey on a topic doesn’t necessarily mean the company is looking to implement it in the near future. For example, Microsoft recently opened a similar survey about installing Windows Server Insider builds flown by Windows Update, but so far nothing concrete has come out of it. the latest The survey for Exchange Server can be completed is anonymous and open until the end of this month.