Claim your complimentary copy worth $5 for free.before the offer expires later today on December 28.
With Go for DevOps, you’ll learn how to deliver services with ease and security, becoming a better DevOps engineer in the process.
Some of the key things this book will teach you are how to write Go software to automate configuration management, update remote machines, author custom automation in GitHub actions, and interact with Kubernetes. have to do
As you progress through the chapters, you’ll discover how to automate the cloud using software development kits (SDKs), how to extend HashiCorp’s Terraform and Packer using Go, Build your DevOps services, design system agents, and build robust workflows with gRPC and REST. system
By the end of this Go for DevOps book, you’ll understand how to apply development principles to automate tasks and provide operational insights using Go, which you can use to solve system bugs. This will allow you to react quickly, before your customers realize something has gone wrong.
Free offer ends today 28th December 2022.
How to get it
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Go for DevOps. ($5 value) A limited time Free download
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