King Legacy Map: First & Second Sea – Mobs, Bosses, Quests, Drops
Our goal in this post is to provide the complete King Legacy map after Update 4, with every available NPC, Boss, Quest, and notable location in the game.
This is a work in progress, and all the information will be filled in as I progress through the game’s Second Sea in the upcoming days.
King Legacy Map: First Sea Map & Locations

0+ Starter Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Boss: Tashi (Drops Tashi Blade)
- Boss: Smokey (Drops Jitter)
- Black Market NPC
- Dinosaurs
- Fruit Gacha NPC
- Katana Seller
- Sailor
- Nishi
- Drago (NPC)
- Elite Pirate
- Bounty Leaderboard
- Map
- Set Spawn
- Triple katana
- Quest NPCs
Quests in Starter Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 0+ | Kill 6 Soldiers 5 seconds |
$250 Beli 540 EXP |
None |
Level 10+ | Kill 7 Clown Pirates 5 seconds |
$300 1,810 EXP |
None |
Level 20+ | Kill Smoky 15 seconds |
$500 3,630 EXP |
Jitter |
Level 30+ | Kill Tashi 15 seconds |
$750 5,440 EXP |
Tashi Blade |
Special Quest Level 0+ |
Find 3 Fried Chicken Legs 30 seconds-1 minute |
$5,000 2,470 EXP |
None |
50+ Pirate Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Sailor
- Set Spawn
- Boss: The Clown
- Map
- Quest NPCs
Quests in Pirate Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 50+ | Kill 5 Clown Pirates 5 seconds |
$1,000 9,070 EXP |
None |
Level 75+ | Kill The Clown 15 seconds |
$1,250 13,600 EXP |
None |
100+ Soldier Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Map
- Boss: Axe Hand (Drops Barbaric Axe, Stainless Jaw)
- Soru Seller (required to get to Sky Island): $50,000 Beli
- Quest NPCs
Quests in Soldier Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 100+ | Kill 6 Commanders 5 seconds |
$1,500 18,100EXP |
None |
Level 120+ | Kill The Captain 15 seconds |
$1,750 21,700 EXP |
None |
Level 145+ | Kill Axe Hand 15 seconds |
$2,000 26,300 EXP |
Barbaric Axe Stainless Jaw |
180+ Shark Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Shark Man (Drops Shark Blade)
- Cyborg Fighting Style Seller: $1,000,000 Beli
- Quest NPCs
Quests in Shark Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 180+ | Kill 5 Fishman 15 seconds |
$2,250 32,600 EXP |
None |
Level 200+ | Kill 1 Karate Fishman 15 seconds |
$2,500 36,300 EXP |
None |
Level 230+ | Kill Shark Man 5 seconds |
$2,750 41,200 EXP |
Shark Blade |
250+ Chef Ship
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Dark Leg Seller
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Chef Ship
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 250+ | Kill 4 Chef Soldier 15 seconds |
$3,000 45,300 EXP |
None |
Level 300+ | Kill Dark Leg 15 seconds |
$3,250 54,400 EXP |
None |
Level 350+ | Kill Weapon Man 15 seconds |
$3,500 63,500 EXP |
None |
400+ Snow Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Snow Island
Quest Requirement | Mission & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 400+ | Kill 5 Snow Soldier 15 seconds |
$3,750 72,600 EXP |
None |
Level 450+ | Kill King of Snow 15 seconds |
$4,000 81,600 EXP |
None |
Level 500+ | Kill Heavy Man 15 seconds |
$4,250 90,700 EXP |
None |
500+ Rocks
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Dark Leg Seller
- Triple Katana
- Quest NPC
Quests at Rocks
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Target |
Level 500+ | Find 3 Diamonds | $25,000 16,500 EXP |
None |
525+ Sand Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Gear 4th (Snake Man) Seller: $1,000,000 Beli
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Sand Island
Quest Requirement | Mission & Respawn time | Reward | Target Drops |
Level 525+ | Kill Candle Man 15 seconds |
$4,500 95,200 EXP |
None |
Level 625+ | Kill Bomb Man 15 seconds |
$4,750 113,400 EXP |
None |
Special Quest Level 625+ |
Find 2 Ancient Item | $27,500 19,800 EXP |
None |
Level 725+ | Kill King of Sand 15 seconds |
$5,000 131,500 EXP |
None |
800+ Sky Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Boss: Rumble Man: (Drops Pole)
- Map
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Kenbunshoku Haki Seller: $1,500,000 Beli
- Flight for Gear 4th (?)
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Sky Island
Level Requirement | Mission & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 800+ | Kill 4 Sky Soldier 5 seconds |
$5,250 145,200 EXP |
None |
Level 850+ | Kill Ball Man 5 seconds |
$5,500 154,200 EXP |
None |
Level 900+ | Kill Rumble Man 15 seconds |
$5,750 163,300 EXP |
5% Pole |
1,000+ Bubble Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Map
- Pipe Seller: $500,000 Beli
- Black Market NPC
- Busoshoku Haki Seller: $500,000 Beli
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Bubble Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 1000+ | Kill 5 Soldier 5 seconds |
$6,000 181,400 EXP |
None |
Level 1100+ | Kill Leader 15 seconds |
$6,250 199,600 EXP |
None |
Level 1150+ | Kill Pasta 5 seconds |
$6,500 208,700 EXP |
None |
Special Quest Level 750+ |
Find The Key | $30,000 24,700 EXP |
None |
1,250+ Lobby Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Lobby Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Target Drops |
Level 1250+ | Kill Wolf 15 seconds |
$6,750 226,800 EXP |
None |
Level 1325+ | Kill Giraffe 15 seconds |
$7,000 240,400 EXP |
None |
Level 1400+ | Kill Leo 15 seconds |
$7,250 254,100 EXP |
None |
1,500+ Zombie Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Shadow Master: Has a chance of dropping the orb required to summon the raid boss Oars/Monster/Troll King (Drops Moms Blade)
Quests at Zombie Island
Quest Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 1500+ | Kill 5 Zombies 5 seconds |
$7,500 3,840,000 EXP |
None |
Level 1600+ | Kill Shadow Master 5 seconds |
$7,750 4,335,000 EXP |
1% Red Orb |
1750+ War Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Boss: Quake Woman (Drops Bisento – 5% Chance Chance)
- Boss: True Karate Fishman
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Beauty Girl (Gear Third & Fourth Questline)
- Golden Arena
- Mini Mace Seller: $3,000,000 Beli
- Traveler NPC (Second Sea Quest – Level 1500+): You must bring the map dropped by Seasoned Fishman or Fishman Soldiers in Fishland to War Island to continue the quest to unlock the Second Sea.
- Quest NPCs
Quests at War Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 1750+ | Kill 6 New World Pirates 5 seconds |
$8,000 4,860,600 EXP |
None |
Level 1800+ | Kill 6 Rear Admirals 5 seconds |
$8,250 5,133,750 EXP |
None |
Level 1850+ | Kill True Karate Fishman 15 seconds |
$8,500 5,558,437 EXP |
None |
Level 1925+ | Kill Quake Woman 15 seconds |
$8,750 6,000,000 EXP |
5% Bisento |
Special Quest Level 1,500+ |
Bring Map to Traveler | $100,00 15,000 EXP Unlocks Second Sea Go to Elite Pirate at the Starter Island to teleport to Second Sea |
None |
Special Quest Level 1000+ |
Starts Gear 4th Questline | Gear 4th (End of Questline) |
None |
2000+ Fishland
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Set Spawn
- Sailor
- Fishman Karate Seller: $1,500,000 Beli
- Fishman mobs drop Map (required for Second Sea Quest): The Map will drop even if you have not taken the Quest from the Traveler NPC at War Island. However, to avoid any issues, take the quest first, defeat mobs until you have the map, then head back to the Traveler NPC. The Quest should be completed, and you can go to Starter Island and talk to Elite Pirate to teleport to the Second Sea.
Quests at Fishland
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 2000+ | Kill 4 Fishman 5 seconds |
$9,000 6,303,750 EXP |
None |
Level 2050+ | Kill Combat Fishman 15 seconds |
$9,250 6,615,000 EXP |
None |
Level 2100+ | Defeat Sword Fishman 15 seconds |
$9,500 6,933,750 EXP |
None |
Level 2150+ | Kill 8 Fishman Soldiers 5 seconds |
$9,750 7,260,000 EXP |
None |
Level 2200+ | Defeat Seasoned Fishman 15 seconds |
$10,000 399,300 EXP |
Map |
Stone Arena
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Expert Swordsman/Shanks/Mysterious Swordsman (spawns every 4 hours, drops Saber)
- Santa (dropped Xmas Blade (Limited))
King Legacy Map: Second Map & Locations

2250+ Japan Island
This Island is massive, with multiple spawn points. It is meant to take you from Level 1250 to Level 3,100, when you can pick up quests on the next island of the Second Sea. You will fight NPCs that sell all the Fighting Styles you could purchase at the First Sea.
Japan Island is divided into the following regions:
- Floresco (Level 2,250+)
- Fons Land (Level 2,300+)
- Hibernus Land (Level 2,400+)
- Carcer (Level 2,700+)
- Torrefacio (Level 2,800+)
- Viridans (Level 2,900+)
The following map will give you an idea of how to move around the map, but you can also use Concentration Haki to identify mobs and levels to understand which area you should head to for the next set of quests.

Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Black Market NPC
- Set Spawn NPC
- Boat NPC
- Hint NPC
- Drago (Stat Reset)
- Expert Black Leg
- Real Water Style
- Half Robot
- Raid Boss: King Samurai: Drops Murasama (15% Chance Chance)
- Boss: Gazelle Man
- Boss: Violet Samurai
- Boss: Magician
- Boss: Duke
- Boss: Kitsune Samurai
- Boss: Duke
- Boss: Bear Man
- Boss: Bean
- Boss: Meji
- Boss: Patchy Woman
- Boss: Kappa
- Boss: Joey
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Japan Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 2250+ | Defeat 4 Beast Pirate 5 seconds |
$10,250 5,290,000 EXP |
None |
Level 2300+ | Defeat 4 Beast Swordman 5 seconds |
$10,500 5,522,500 EXP |
None |
Level 2350+ | Defeat Gazelle Man 15 seconds |
$10,750 5,760,000 EXP |
Gazelle Mask (5%) (+15 Run Speed) |
Level 2400+ | Defeat 4 Bandit Beast Pirates | $11,000 6,002,500 EXP |
None |
Level 2450+ | Defeat 4 Powerful Beast Pirates | $11,250 6,250,000 EXP |
None |
Level 2500+ | Defeat Violet Samurai | $11,500 6,500,000 EXP |
None |
Level 2550+ | Defeat Duke | $11,750 6,760,000 EXP |
None |
Level 2600+ | Defeat Magician | $12,000 7,022,500 EXP |
None |
Level 2650+ | Defeat Kitsune Samurai | $12,250 7,290,000 EXP |
None |
Level 2700+ | Defeat 4 Elite Beast Pirates | $12,500 7,562,500 EXP |
None |
Level 2750+ | Defeat Bear Man | $12,750 7,840,000 EXP |
None |
Level 2800+ | Defeat Bean | $13,000 8,122,500 EXP |
None |
Level 2850+ | Defeat Meji | $13,250 8,410,000 EXP |
None |
Level 2900+ | Defeat Patchy Woman | $13,500 8,702,500 EXP |
None |
Level 2950+ | Defeat Kappa | $13,750 9,000,000 EXP |
None |
Level 3000+ | Defeat Joey | $14,000 9,150,625 EXP |
None |
3025+ Skull Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Boss: Elite Skeleton (Drops Dragon Gem – 1% Chance: Used to Summon Dragon)
- Raid Boss: Dragon (Drops Authentic Mace – 10% Chance)
- Boat Seller
- Quest NPCs
Quest at Skull Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 3025+ | Kill 4 Skull Pirates (Level 3050) 5 seconds |
$14,250 9,455,625 EXP |
None |
Level 3075+ | Defeat Elite Skeleton (Level 3100) 15 seconds |
$14,500 9,610,000 EXP |
Dragon Gem (1%) |
3100+ Dead Tundra
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Boss: Anubis (Drops Anubis Axe)
- Boss: Flame User (Drops Adventure Knife)
- Boss: Pharaoh
- Boat Seller
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Dead Tundra
Level Requirement | Objective & Respawn time | Reward | Drops |
Level 3100+ | Defeat Desert Thief (Level 3125) 15 seconds |
$15,000 9,765,625 EXP |
None |
Level 3125+ | Defeat Anubis (Level 3150) 15 seconds |
$15,500 9,922,500 EXP |
Anubis Axe (1%) |
Level 3150+ | Defeat Pharaoh (Level 3175) 15 seconds |
$16,000 10,080,625 EXP |
None |
Level 3175 | Defeat Flame User (Level 3200) 15 seconds |
$16,500 10,240,000 EXP |
Adventure Knife |
3200+ Loaf Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- Raid Boss: Mrs. Mother (Drops Epic Hair – 15% Chance)
- Boss: Sunken Vessel (Drops Sunken Blade – 5% Chance)
- Boss: Biscuit Man (Drops Cookie Sword – 1% Chance, Biscuit Shoulder – 5% Chance)
- Boss: Dough Master (Drops Metal Trident – 1% Chance, Blue Scarf – 1% Chance)
- Tiger Quest NPC/Kioru Seller: Costs $25,000,000 Beli
- Boat Seller
- Set Spawn NPC
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Loaf Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Spawn Time | Reward | Drops |
Level 3200+ | Defeat 4 Chess Solider (Level 3200) 2 seconds |
$17,000 100,400,625 EXP |
None |
Level 3225+ | Defeat Sunken Vessel (Level 3225) 6 seconds |
$17,500 10,562,500 EXP |
Sunken Blade (5%) |
Level 3250+ | Defeat Biscuit Man (Level 3250) 15 seconds |
$18,000 10,725 625 EXP |
Cookie Sword (5%) Biscuit Shoulder (5%) |
Level 3275+ | Defeat Dough Master (Level 3275) (Mirror Dimension) 15 seconds |
$18,500 10,890,000 EXP |
Metal Trident (1%) Blue Scarf (1%) |
3300+ Shred Endangering
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
You must use Haki to attack mobs in Shred Endangering with your sword, as they are Logia users (Ice and Magma)
- Boat Seller
- Boss: The Ice King (Drops Tengu Mask)
- Boss: The Magma King (Drops Mnich Mask)
- Azlan (Drops Ice Crystal)
- The Volcano (Drops Magma Crystal)
- Set Spawn NPC
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Shred Endangering
Level Requirement | Objective & Spawn Time | Reward | Drops |
Level 3300+ | Defeat 4 Azlan (Level 3300) (Ice Lands) |
$19,000 11,055,625 EXP |
Ice Crystal (1%) |
Level 3350+ | Defeat The Ice King (Ice Lands) Summoned with Ice Crystal |
$20,000 11,390,625 EXP |
Tengu Mask (1-5%) |
Level 3325+ | Defeat 4 The Volcanos (Level 3325) (Burning Lands) |
$19,500 11,222,500 EXP |
Magma Crystal (1%) |
Level 3375+ | Defeat The Crimson Demon (Burning Lands) Summoned with Magma Crystal |
$20,500 11,560,000 EXP |
Mnich Mask (1-5%) |
3400+ Pirate Skull Island
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- All Mobs and Bosses may drop Dark Beard Permission.
- Pung (Buso/Armament Haki V2): He will give you Diamonds once you defeat Dark Beard
- Permission Boss: Dark Beard (Drops Dark Beard Hat – 1% Chance) – Also required for Bosu Haki V2 Questline
- Boss: Sally (Drops Soul Cane – 1% Chance)
- Boss: Supreme Swordman (Drops ?)
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Pirate Skull Island
Level Requirement | Objective & Spawn Time | Reward | Drops |
Level 3400+ | Defeat 4 Dark Beard Servant (Level 3400) 5 seconds |
$21,000 11,730,625 EXP |
None |
Level 3425+ | Defeat Supreme Swordman (Level 425) 15 seconds |
$21,500 11,390,625 EXP |
None (?) |
Level 3450+ | Defeat Sally (Level 3450) 15 seconds |
$21,500 12,075,625 EXP |
Soul Cane (1%) |
Level 3475+ | Defeat Dark Beard (Requires Permission to be able to accept the Quest and Summon Dark Beard) |
$22,000 12,250,000 EXP |
Dark Beard Hat (<1% ) |
3500+ Soldier Headquarter
Locations, NPCs, Bosses & Mobs
- All Mobs and Bosses may drop Lucidus Permission.
- Lee (Buso/Armament Haki V2): Costs $35,000,000 Beli
- Armament Shade NPC
- Stranger Uncle (Ken/Observation Haki V2): Costs $45,000,000 Beli
- Master Of Dark Leg (Dark Leg V2): Costs $30,000,000 Beli
- Permission Boss: Lucidus (Drops Lucidus Cape – 0.5-1% Chance)
- Boss: Pondere (Drops Pondere Blade – 5% Chance, Pondere Cloak – 5% Chance)
- Boss: Hefty (Drops Hefty Glasses – 5% Chance)
- Boat Seller
- Quest NPCs
Quests at Soldier Headquarter
Level Requirement | Objective & Spawn Time | Reward | Drops |
Level 3500+ | Defeat 5 Vice Admirals (Level 3400) 5 seconds |
$22,500 12,425,625 EXP |
None |
Level 3525+ | Defeat Pondere (Level 3525) 15 seconds |
$23,000 12,602,500 EXP |
Pondere Blade (5%) Pondere Cloak (5% ) |
Level 3550+ | Defeat Hefty (Level 3550) 15 seconds |
$23,500 12,780,625 EXP |
Hefty Glasses (5%) |
Level 3575+ | Defeat Lucidus (Level 3575) (Requires Permission to be able to accept the Quest and Summon Lucidus) |
Lucidus Coat (1%) |