KEKW Meaning: What is the Twitch Chat KEKW Emote?
Wondering what that means KEKW On Twitch?
This post explains what KEKW is in Twitch chat and the origins of the KEKW emote in gaming (and streaming). With so many memes and emojis around, gamers and Twitch viewers can be expected to get confused by gaming jargon and internet gaming slang. However, we will help you clear up any confusion and understand internet slang history, meaning and terminology. kekw.
KEKW is a combination of online gamer slang (borrowed from World of Warcraft) and a popular video on YouTube. Emote is one of the most popular emotes and gaming abbreviations to originate from streaming platforms.
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KEKW sources
The popular YouTube video features an actor named Spanish Laughing Guy and a comedian named Juan Joya Borja. Even if you don’t understand a single word he says, the YouTube video that made him famous is guaranteed to make you laugh. There’s a reason for that – and the way the guy talks and laughs while delivering some amazing facial expressions is simply infectious.
It also has a great feature: because it’s in a foreign language, few people understand it, and you can use it as a template with subtitles. Many meme creators and internet comedians have done exactly that to make their message more impactful. As a result, it became a viral meme and quickly spread across the internet.
Meaning of KEKW
So what’s the connection to internet slang? Most of you have probably played or at least heard of World of Warcraft, the most popular MMO video game of all time. In World of Warcraft, players are divided into two factions, Horde and Alliance.
Not every faction understands the “language” used by the opposing faction’s players, so when a Harder player types something in chat it will appear unclear to Alliance players. So, when a Horde player types “lol” it looks like “cake” to Alliance players.
Many of us Alliance players have started using “kek” instead of “lol” for laughing out loud.
So, “cake” must mean “lol”.
Korean origins of the word KEK
It seems that Blizzard decided to use the word “keke” from the Korean word KEKEKE.
“kekeke” is somewhat of a substitute for “hehehe” or “huehuehue”. From Urban Dictionary: It’s an onomatopoeia for laughs. Its origin is the Korean onomatopoeia ㅋㅋㅋ, in which ㅋ stands for the “k” sound, as in a choked laugh.
So in short, KEKEKE is the Korean equivalent of Hehee. Another way to look at it is to use “kek” as “heh”.
How to pronounce KEKW
You can pronounce it “kek” (K – kuh | E – eh, ee, silent | K – kuh). The question you want to ask is what is the role of W? The W is not something you have to spell out, but it is needed in written form to create a squared and zoomed-in version of KEK.
The W in particular stands for Wide which represents a more exaggerated and deep laugh.
KEKW’s popularity on Twitch
Like most internet slang that originated from streaming platforms, and Twitch in particular, KEKW gained popularity thanks to multiple viral streamers with large followings like xQc (of course). Just as Among Us grew to global success thanks to Twitch streamers, KEKW became one of the most used emotes on Twitch due to its introduction and usage by popular streamers. Admiral Bulldog appears to be another streamer who has contributed heavily to the popularity of KEKW.
What is KEKW in Twitch chat and other gaming chats?
In simple words, KEKW stands for Laughter and it derives from the very funny and whimsical laughter of El Recitas. His laugh in the video is contagious, to say the least!
KEKW Original Meme Video – El Recitas (Spanish comedian and actor)
KEKW | Gamer Glossary