Jackal Squad Gift Codes (January 2023)
Looking for all the latest work Jackal Squad Gift Codes?
Jackal Squad is an arcade shooting game created, developed and published by ROCKET GO GLOBAL PTE. LTD. for Android And iOS.
In Jackal Squad, you experience World War 2 in a top-down experience. You will be asked to drive your legendary jackal jeep behind enemy lines and rescue the allied hostages captured by the fascists. You have to eliminate enemy armored vehicles and bosses, buy upgrades for your jeep weapons and end WW2 with victory.
Jackal Squad gift codes help you in the game as you can redeem them for free coins, cash and other resources.
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Searched for latest working codes January 12. Added latest working code on January 11.
All Jackal Squad Gift Codes
Below are all active and expired Jackal Squad gift codes. We don’t know when the codes will expire, so make sure you redeem them as soon as possible.
Looking for more freebies for mobile games? Check out our ever-growing list of mobile game codes!
New & Working Jackal Squad Gift Codes
Below you will find all new and currently working Jackal Squad gift codes:
- IEZCGH – Redeem code for free rewards and resources (expires January 25, 2023) (New code – Added on January 11)
- WCNCC0W – Redeem code for free rewards and resources (expires January 14, 2023)
Expired Jackal Squad Gift Codes
All codes listed below have expired:
- QYCLRK – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- XTCSMQ – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- SLEUXW – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- 2A6QKUM – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- IZTSC – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- QTCHN – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- IALCT – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- RNAPV – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- geom – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- UCQIF – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- PUVTD – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- CDTHL – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- AESTH – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- OCEIH – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- YDBFG – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- Gold medal – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- FJVUE – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- labor day – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- KDHBVU – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- JGRUNF – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- Survival1 – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- DFGHJK – Redeem code for free rewards and resources
- server – Redeem code for free rewards Coins x3000, Cash x50 and other resources
- AHPNE1K6 – Redeem code for Coins x3000, Cash x50 and other resources
- HQAOT612 – Redeem code for Coins x3000, Cash x50 and other resources
- HPNY2022 – Redeem code for Coins x3000, Cash x50 and other resources
- NOEL2021 – Redeem code for Coins x3000, Cash x50 and other resources
- NEWRUSH – Redeem code for Coins x3000, Cash x50 and other resources
- JSBLFRD – Redeem Code for Coins x5000, Cash x100, Revival x2, HP Booster x2, Evasion Booster x2 and Blueprints
- Halloween – Redeem code for exclusive rewards
How do I redeem Jackal Squad gift codes?
To redeem Jackal Squad Gift Codes in game you need to follow below steps:
1) Start Jackal Squad.
2) Once in the game, tap the Settings button at the top right corner of the screen to open the game Settings menu.
3) Press Enter the giftcode button to open the code redemption menu.
4) Copy and paste or type the working code and paste it in the textbox with “Enter the giftcode” placeholder text. Copying and pasting the codes is recommended to avoid typos and case sensitivity issues.
5) Press Send the code button to redeem the code and claim your free rewards.
What are Jackal Squad Gift Codes?
Jackal Squad Gift Codes are promo codes released by the game developer to celebrate seasonal events, game updates, and popular milestones on the platform (downloads, installs, awards, etc.). Players can redeem codes for free in-game rewards such as coins, cash, revivals, HP boosters, blueprints and evasion boosters.
Where can I find more Jackal Squad gift codes?
You can follow the game officially Facebook page And Facebook group For the latest Jackal Squad gift codes, news, updates and announcements.
Ideally, we recommend bookmarking this page by pressing CTRL+D on your keyboard or using the Save Bookmark button on your mobile device and returning to BORDERPOLAR often, we always provide the latest codes on schedule.