IBM says it expects to hold off on hiring for about 7,800 jobs in the coming years that could be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). Job cuts will also include not returning roles that are being vacated.
Arvind Krishna, the company’s CEO, said in an interview with Bloomberg that human resources, such as back office work, would be the most affected by the job freeze. “I can easily see 30 percent of that being replaced by AI and automation in five years’ time,” Krishna said.
The use of AI to automate tasks such as customer service, writing and coding has disrupted the general workforce. Krishna believes that routine tasks such as employee confirmation letters or staff transfers between departments will be fully automated, while some HR functions such as assessing workforce composition and productivity will remain unaffected for the next ten years. will remain
IBM revealed its plans to lay off about 3,900 employees earlier this year. Nevertheless, IBM continues to hire employees for software development and customer-facing roles. Krishna said IBM has added about 7,000 people in the first quarter of this year.
Source: Bloomberg