How to make evil in Little Alchemy 2


This guide explains How to make evil in Little Alchemy 2.

Little Alchemy 2 is a mobile and browser game that lets you unleash your inner alchemist. In Little Alchemy 2, you can combine elements and create new ones just like an alchemist. You start with a few basic elements (air, water, fire, and earth) and combine them to create solid, liquid, or gaseous elements. Eventually, you can create locations, deities, and even concepts!

How to make evil in Little Alchemy 2

Evil is part of the Myths and Monsters content pack in Little Alchemy 2, so the first thing to do is purchase and download Myths and Demons DLC, which costs $2.99. After you install Myths and Monsters, you can create evil by combining human being And pandora’s box (Pandora’s Box is also a Myths and Demons special element).

How to make pandora’s box in little alchemy 2

There are 5 recipes to make pandora’s box In Little Alchemy 2:

  1. Gift and Goddess = Pandora’s Box
  2. Container and Good = Pandora’s Box
  3. Container and Evil = Pandora’s Box
  4. Box and Good = Pandora’s Box
  5. Box and Evil = Pandora’s Box

#3 and #5 need to be made evil, which doesn’t work well here.

The fastest way to make a Pandora’s box is to combine Container And good (a root element The Myths and Monsters Content Pack). Note that the following recipe also creates humans, so it takes you one step closer to Evil after creating Pandora’s Box.

  1. water and Land = soil
  2. Wind and wind = pressure
  3. Earth and pressure = rock
  4. Clay and stone = mud
  5. Water and water = puddle
  6. Puddle and Puddle = Pond
  7. pond and pond = lake
  8. Lake and lake = ocean
  9. Earth and Sea = Primordial Soup
  10. Primordial soup and time = life
  11. Clay and Life = Human
  12. Rock and air = sand
  13. Sand and fire = glass
  14. Bhumi and Bhumi = Bhumi
  15. Bhumi and Bhumi = Continent
  16. Continent and Continent = Planet
  17. Planet and Fire = Sun
  18. Agni and Agni = Shakti
  19. Sun and energy = solar cell
  20. Solar cell and sun = electricity
  21. Glass and electricity = light bulb
  22. Human and light bulb = thought
  23. Human and Idea = Philosophy
  24. Clay and fire = brick
  25. Brick and brick = wall
  26. Wall and wall = house
  27. Philosophy and home = Container
  28. container and good = pandora’s box

Human Make Human 2 in Little Alchemy

There are 5 recipes to make human being In Little Alchemy 2:

  1. Clay and Life = Human
  2. Animal and Time = Human
  3. Animal and tool = human
  4. Monkey and time = human
  5. Monkey and tool = human

Easy way to do it human being Maybe mix it up the life And soil.

Here is one of the easiest ways to make a human in 12 steps:

  1. Earth and water = soil
  2. Earth and fire = lava
  3. Air and lava = rock
  4. Stone and clay = soil
  5. Agni and Agni = Shakti
  6. Water and water = puddle
  7. Puddle and Puddle = Pond
  8. pond and pond = lake
  9. Lake and lake = ocean
  10. Sea and land = primordial soup
  11. Primordial soup and energy = life
  12. Life and Clay = human being

Here’s another way to humanize that will help you find some more stuff:

  1. Agni and Agni = Shakti
  2. Water and water = puddle
  3. Puddle and Puddle = Pond
  4. pond and pond = lake
  5. Bhumi and Bhumi = Bhumi
  6. Eath and Land = Continent
  7. Continent and Continent = Planet
  8. Air and planet = atmosphere
  9. Air and water = fog
  10. Weather and fog = cloud
  11. Energy and cloud = lightning
  12. Earth and fire = lava
  13. Air and lava = rock
  14. Rock and air = sand
  15. Stone and Fire = Metal
  16. Metal and lightning = electricity
  17. Lake and electricity = the life
  18. Earth and water = mud
  19. Clay and sand = soil
  20. Life and clay = human

How to make clay in Little Alchemy 2

are below 7 Recipes that can be produced soil In Little Alchemy 2:

  1. Clay and stone = soil
  2. Clay and sand = soil
  3. Rock and liquid = soil
  4. Stone and Mineral = Clay
  5. Sand and mineral = soil
  6. Liquid and rock = clay
  7. Rock and mineral = clay

How to make life in Little Alchemy 2

are below 12 Recipes that can be produced the life In Little Alchemy 2:

  1. Electricity and Primordial Soup = Life
  2. Time and primordial soup = life
  3. Storm and Primordial Soup = Life
  4. Volcano and primordial soup = life
  5. Ocean and electricity = life
  6. Ocean and electricity = life
  7. Electricity and lake = life
  8. Sea and Lightning = Life
  9. Sea and Lightning = Life
  10. Lake and Lightning = Life
  11. Primordial soup and lightning = life
  12. Energy and Primordial Soup = Life


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