How to cook in survival game? (Roblox)


Cooking is once yours in Roblox the survival game hunger Reaches zero, starts losing 3 health every few seconds until you die or eat food. Dying reduces a portion of our loot, so you want to avoid this.

So let’s see how you can make food in The Survival Game.

How to cook in a survival game

To cook in Roblox the survival game, you need one cold fire. You can find one around the map or build one yourself. Building a campfire is easy.

How to Build a Campfire – Materials Needed

Campfire Materials
Image source: Survival Game/ Borderpolar

To build a campfire, you need a hammer. You also need to build a crafting table first to unlock the campfire recipe.

Materials you will need to build a campfire 2 Wooden logs and 3 Chiseled Stones.

  • You can get Wooden logs By cutting down trees with your ax or sharp stone.
  • You can craft chisel stone By pressing or pressing the F next to it on your crafting table b on your keyboard. The chisel stone All three are required Stones Designed, so you need 9 stones to make a chisel stone big enough for your campfire.

Once you’ve done that, set up your hammer, then tap Change the building button on the left side of the game screen. the head product Tab and click on the campfire icon.

Once you’ve built your campfire you can tap F While standing next to eat to access your cooking recipes and craft food.


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