FIXED: Fall Guys Invite Not Working – PS4, PS5 & PC


What is Fall Guys Invite Not Working? 

Quite typically, you press the “Triangle” button on the main lobby screen of Fall Guys, and the system UI of the respective console you’re playing on pops up. Right afterward, you select players that you want to invite to your session from a drop-down list and confirm your selection accordingly.

However, when the Fall Guys invite not working PS4 hassle manifests, it usually bars players from doing any of that. 

Key Highlights

  • When Fall Guys invite system stops working, it prevents you from inviting any of your friends to play the duos mode.
  • Make sure to restart your system and the game before trying the following solutions.
  • If you are on the PlayStation 5 console, then you should try getting the PlayStation 4 version of Fall Guys and see if the error persists there.
  • Make sure your internet connection is working properly and you can run Fall Guys.
  • For PC users, verify the integrity of your game files. If that does not work, then try running Fall Guys with administrative privileges.
  • If you have the FRAPS utility running on your PC, then you should disable it.
  • Additionally, you should make sure to disable MSI Afterburner or RivaTuner.
  • Try to see if accepting an invitation before launching the game works; if not, then try to reinstall Fall Guys entirely.
  • If none of these solutions work for you, then it is best that you wait for the developers of Fall Guys to release a patch and fix the invite not working issue.

9 Ways To Fix Invite Not Working In Fall Guys

The following is our round-up of the best ways you can employ to fix “Invite not working” in Fall Guys on the go. Do note that the potential fixes outlined ahead take confidence in the fact that you’ve already tried restarting Fall Guys and the system you’re playing on a couple of times.

In the case that you haven’t, go ahead and perform a reboot. That said, continue reading from the next subtitle if restarting didn’t make the cut for you. 

Download the PS4 Version of Fall Guys

First off, we’ve got nothing but one of the definitive fixes to the Fall Guys invite not working PS5 issue. Apparently, the Social hub feature on Sony‘s frontrunning console is temporarily out of order specifically for Fall Guys.

The latter means that you won’t be able to accept invites or send them out on your PlayStation 5 using the PS5 version of the title. This is something that has been tried and tested at this point in time. 

Users who’ve tried uninstalling the game and getting the PS4 version of the party royale on their system have reportedly fixed the hassle without breaking a sweat. Other than the fact that you have to get rid of the game and install it back again, of course.

Therefore, if you’re trying to use this functionality of the title on your PlayStation 5 but currently having no success, try what we’ve outlined in the subtitle at hand and let us know how it goes.

As iterated earlier, if you’re not on PC, this is how you’ll be fixing your inability to interact with invites in Fall Guys on the PlayStation 5. We know that reinstallations are always tedious, but in this case, it’s outright necessary.

With that said, if you still didn’t manage to fix the game or you already had the PS4 version installed on your home console, keep on reading to try other measures. You’ll definitely get to the solution in due time. 

Test Your Network Connection

To look at the Fall Guys invite error scenario from a clear perspective, what we have here is purely an internet-centric concern. Whether the issue lies on the side of the developers or it’s you that needs to work things out with their system, the problem pertains to connectivity—that’s for sure.

Before plunging into the more complicated fixes we’ve got on the list for you, let’s try something fairly uncomplicated first. 

What we have here is best done on the PlayStation 4 console, although it can be tried out on the PlayStation 5 as well. Since the issue has mainly been bothering PlayStation users, we wouldn’t advise doing the same on PC.

That’s because plenty of players managed to dig out the root cause of the issue just by testing their network connection using the ingrained feature of the PS4 and determining their connectivity’s insufficiency. 

Get started by following the steps outlined below. Make sure to implement the instructions diligently for the best results. 

  1. The first step is to shut down Fall Guys completely if you haven’t done it already and make way to the “Settings” portion of your PlayStation 4 console.
    Opening the "Settings" Section
    Opening the “Settings” Section 
  2. After arriving in the “Settings” section, scroll down until you see “Network.” Tap on it to get to the next step.
    Clicking on "Network"
    Clicking on “Network”
  3. Upon completion of the previous step, you’ll see a bevy of options present on the screen for you. Move forward by selecting “Test Internet Connection.” 
    Selecting "Test Internet Connection"
    Selecting “Test Internet Connection”
  4. Right after that, the contents of the screen will change for you and the system will begin checking the speed and strength of your internet connection. Wait until the process concludes for the best results and don’t quit just yet. 
    Fall Guys invite not working PS4
    Network Connection Fully Tested

In the case that you have finally gathered that your internet connection isn’t working right, make efforts to fix it straight away. This can be one of the most prominent reasons you cannot get the invitation compartment of the title to work in Fall Guys. With that said, if your internet never was the culprit to blame, keep on reading to implement other potential solutions.   

Check for Corruption in the Stored Game Files

Fall Guys might have been corrupted on your PC. The chances of this happening are fairly mediocre, so this does come across as a possibility we have to entertain. The good news is that the Epic Games Launcher—where Fall Guys can be played for free at the moment—comprises a unique feature where it lets users fix problems with games. It works quite similar to “Verify integrity of game files” on Steam. 

Begin by firing up the famed game launcher and hovering over to your “Library” section. The latter is where all of your installed games are present in a list form. Once done, spot Fall Guys and double-click on the game.

You’ll then observe several options popping up for the title. Out of all the different options, choose “Verify” and the process of cross-checking Fall Guys’ locally stored files with the ones on official servers will begin.

Check out the following screenshot if you’re after visual information on how to get it done.   

Fall Guys invite not working PS5
Verifying integrity of Fall Guys’ Files

After the process concludes, try launching Fall Guys to see if you can now finally start playing. Chances are that the invite system will start working now, but in the slim case that it doesn’t, keep on reading to try more plausible solutions. 

Provide Fall Guys With Admin Privileges 

Fall Guys, or any other game on PC for that matter, works best when you provide it with administrator privileges. An obstruction of some sort could be barring the party royale from running in full flight and thereby preventing some features from operating.

A quick and easy way of doing that is to double-click on the app icon on your Windows PC. Doing so is bound to get you several options on the screen. The next step is to select “Run as administrator” and that’ll be it.

In the case that you’re after a more solid implementation of this functionality on your Windows PC, you can even fire up the “Properties” of the “FallGuys_client_game” file and tick “Run this program as an administrator.

Fall Guys invite not working
Running Fall Guys as an Administrator on PC

However you do it, just get the operation done and proceed toward firing up Fall Guys on your Windows PC. Chances are you will be able to experience the title swimmingly now. With that said, keep on reading until the end if you still couldn’t fix the game yet. 

Remove FRAPS From the Background

After researching around in forums and community posts, we’ve managed to dig up a potential fix to the issue at hand. One user suggested disabling the FRAPS utility if you have it running on your Windows PC to resolve Fall Guys invite not working. To our surprise, the measure did bear fruit and many players were able to start playing with their friends again, all thanks to this swift pointer.  

In case you’re not aware already, FRAPS is a benchmark-grade software that can be downloaded for free on Windows PCs. The program at hand can be utilized for a wide variety of functions, such as screen recording, displaying the FPS, and taking screenshots.

The application works with all those games that support DirectX or OpenGL technology, so it’s pretty well-regarded in that sense. 

Similar to Steam Overlay—an in-built feature of the famous Valve launcher—FRAPS can attribute to a fair bit of trouble at times. Try removing it from the face of your PC and confirm whether the Fall Guys issue in question is resolved by it or not.

This shouldn’t take any more than a couple of minutes, given that you can effortlessly go to the “Add or remove programs” section of your Windows PC and get the job done. 

Check out the following sample screenshot to get an idea of how to remove apps from your device on the fly.

Uninstalling From the Windows PC
Uninstalling From the Windows PC

Uninstalling FRAPS didn’t make a dent or you never had the utility in the first place? Try out this next potential fix to hop right back into the game. 

Disable MSI Afterburner or RivaTuner – Definitive Fix for PC Players

PC players who cannot get the better of Fall Guys invite not working must try disabling MSI Afterburner or RivaTuner, depending on what they have installed on their device. Both of these programs are highly capable of proving their worth as overclocking freeware. You can adjust your hardware to a certain extent with these and even adjust your graphics settings and PC optimization without breaking a sweat. 

Those who frequently play games on their laptops don’t need a dummy lesson on the functionality of RivaTuner or MSI Afterburner. The popularity of these utilities is up there in spades and anyone remotely familiar with PC gaming has either one of them up and running on their PC.

Some even have both for different purposes, and if you’re one of them, try turning off their functioning to see whether you can now send invites in Fall Guys. 

Similar to how we spotted disabling FRAPS, what we have here is yet another community-centric solution that has seemed to work for a ton of people. Try it on your end and let us know how it goes down in the comments section.

Accept Invitations Without Launching the Game

Don’t expect a robust fix from what we’re about to tell you next. The fact of the matter is that accepting Fall Guys invitations without launching the game is a decent workaround to most invite-related issues in the domain of online gaming. It’s something that’s exceptionally commonplace on consoles, such as Xbox One, and does happen to get the job done at the end of the day. 

What you need to do is stay on the home screen of your console, whatever it may be, and tell your friend to send you an invite. Do keep in mind that you must not launch Fall Guys prior to receiving the invitation.

However, as soon as the invite gets through and the notification for it pops up, simply use the dedicated button (the Xbox button on the Xbox One controller for instance) to launch the game through that notification.

You’re advised to follow a similar game plan for the Epic Games Launcher if you’re on a PC. Get your friend to invite you but don’t start the game yourself first. Doing so should take you straight to the session where your squad is already present, provided that everything goes right.

Reinstall Fall Guys

We know uninstallations are boring, onerous, and a massive pain in the behind. However, they do happen to be one of the most prominent solutions one can ever try on their preferred system to fix a certain game.

Reinstalling a title, no matter whether you’re doing it for Dislyte Not Loading or Valorant Error Code Van 6, is mostly bound to come in handy. Therefore, waste no further time and get right down to chops with the measure at hand.

That is if you’ve tried everything entailed by our curated guide, but nothing still came to fruition. It’s not like you’re trying to reinstall something like Call of Duty: Warzone to fix the Dev Error 5761.

We’d be talking about a 100 GB give or take for that matter. Fall Guys is much more scanter in this regard and features a base download size that’s somewhere around 7-8 GB. 

In the case that you were playing on the latter, uninstall the title from the Epic Games Launcher since Fall Guys has been delisted on Steam. However, the PlayStation version of the game will be uninstalled from the PS Store.

Comment down below to let us and other similarly troubled players know whether you got the party royale to work after giving it a fresh reinstallation. 

Wait for a Patch

You caught that right. The developers are hard at work trying to maintain quality assurance for one of their best-performing IPs. Although the ubiquitously prevalent bugs, glitches, and issues like the Fall Guys Error Code 201_003 are currently frustrating players to their core, Fall Guys is seemingly receiving updates, patches, and hotfixes in a scheduled manner. 

Therefore, Mediatonic is focusing on one glitch after another and restoring Fall Guys to an optimal condition. What you can do in the meantime is stay up to speed with the developer’s official Twitter handle for real-time updates and everything of the like.

That way, you’d know when the servers have been pulled for maintenance purposes and when the people up high have acknowledged a certain issue within the mix. 

The next step is when the developers work toward a fix to the problem. That is why we strongly advise keeping pace with official updates and always staying in the loop of things.

If you’ve tried all there is and still cannot somehow get the title to work on your end, then it’s almost imminent that the game-crushing bug is bound to receive an official patch soon. Just hold on until that happens and you’ll be fine. 

Do let us know down in the comments section whether you got the title to work or not. As always, eXputer wishes you good luck! 

Before You Go: 5 Ways to Fix Valorant Error Code 46.

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