Firefox 112 is now available for download in the release channel. Mozilla has begun rolling out the latest feature update for its browser, including reduced GPU usage on PCs with Intel processors, slight improvements to password fields, and a Ctrl + Shift + T shortcut. Includes the ability to restore closed sessions, and more.
What’s new in Firefox 112?
Here is the official changelog from Mozilla:
- Right-clicking on password fields now shows an option to show the password.
- Ubuntu Linux users can now import their browser data from the Chromium Snap package. Currently, this will only work if Firefox is not also installed as a Snap package, but a workaround is in progress!
- Do you use the tab list panel in the tab bar? If so, you can now close tabs by middle-clicking items in that list.
- You’ve always been able to unclose a tab by using (Cmd/Ctrl)-Shift-T. Now, the same shortcut will restore the previous session if there are no more closed tabs from the same session to reopen.
- For all ETP Strict users, we have expanded the list of known tracking parameters that are removed from URLs to further protect our users from cross-site tracking.
- Enables overlay of software-decoded video on Intel GPUs in Windows. Improves video downscaling quality and reduces GPU usage.
Deprecated U2F Javascript API is now disabled by default. The U2F protocol remains usable through the WebAuthn API. The U2F API can be re-enabled using the security.webauth.u2f preference.
The Clear button, newly added to the date picker panel, allows users to quickly clear input with type date or datetime-local and provides a familiar experience across browsers.
You can also find it in the official documentation for developers in Firefox 112. A similar page with updated policies and specific fixes is available for enterprise customers.
Firefox will update automatically the next time you restart. Alternatively, you can force install the latest version by navigating to Menu > Help > About Firefox Section or Download the official installer from the Mozilla website..