Fire Emblem Engage Beginners Guide [Tips & Tricks]
Being a Tactical RPG, there are tons of different complex systems implemented in Fire Emblem Engage. These mechanics and features can make it harder for newer (and some returning) players to get a grasp on the game. For example, not knowing the different types of classes along with the Weapon Triangle System can make it harder to get further in the game. Hence, it is important for all kinds of JRPG players to go through the Beginners Guide for Fire Emblem Engage.
Key Highlights
- It is important for the players to familiarize themselves with the tons of different mechanics that the game utilizes.
- Players should know how Battle Terrains work and how to draw out enemies and get the first attack.
- Learning the Weapon Triangle System can help your characters inflict Break effects on the enemies.
- Character’s Classes can also be changed by fulfilling the Level and Weapon Proficiency criteria.
- Utilizing the Emblem and Bond Rings will allow your characters to reach their true potential during battles.

Firstly, in the Beginners Guide of Fire Emblem Engage, we will cover the plot. The game tells the story of Elyos, a continent that was taken over by Sombron a millennium ago. However, a special squad which consisted of some of the top warriors of that time, was able to take Sombron down and lock him up. Unfortunately, in the present time, Somboron’s seal has started to weaken, and it now poses a threat to Elyos, which has been under peace for centuries now.
The players take the role of Alear, a Divine Dragon which has been in deep slumber since the last millennium. Alear has now awoken with only one thing on his mind; to deal with the threat of Sombron’s return. He can only defeat Sombron and his forces if he manages to find the 12 Emblem Rngs, which are scattered around the world.
Modes & Difficulty

When players start up their game as Alear, they get multiple options that can completely change the course of their playthrough. When taking on an RPG title, it is important to assess which mode will suit you the best fully. Having a mismatched mode can make the game either too easy or too difficult, which can ultimately spoil your fun.
There are 3 Difficulty settings and 2 Modes that players can choose before starting their journey in Fire Emblem Engage. First off, here are all the difficulties you can pick at the beginning of the game.
- Normal: The first and easiest way to take on Fire Emblem Engage. The normal difficulty is suited for newbies, average, or laid-back players.
- Hard: A more challenging take on the game. The combat and enemies have notched up a level in this setting. Get ready to face challenging opposition during your playthrough. The Hard setting is suited for returning Fire Emblem players or regular JRPG players.
- Maddening: The toughest setting in the whole game. It will make enemies unforgiving. You will get limited resources and will not be able to get used to the game at a normal pace. The Maddening setting is recommended for players who have already played through the game once or twice.
You can later change the difficulty in the Somniel. After you have picked your Difficulty Setting, it will be time to go through the options of different Fire Emblem Engage Modes. These Modes can either add even more difficulty to your playthrough.
- Casual: A regular mode that is common in most JRPGs. If any of your units die during the battle, they will get respawned later on and will be accessible in future battles too.
- Classic: A Challenging mode that can test your strategies to the fullest. In the Class Mode, if any of your units die, they will never return to your team later on. Hence, you will be forced to replace them with another unit. Of course, the main characters are immune to this because they have a role in the main storyline. However, in this mode, the other characters are always at risk of permanently dying.
It’s crucial to understand that in Fire Emblem Engage, the game’s Modes cannot be changed at a later time. Therefore, choose wisely since if you change your mind later, you will have to start the game over.
Explore The Somniel

After you have played through the game for a while, you will eventually come across a place called The Somniel. Alear has been in deep slumber in the Somniel for 1000 years, and now it serves as a base for him and his companions. Because the Somniel doesn’t have any main missions going on within it, many players tend to ignore it completely.
However, if you care to come back to the Somniel from time to time, you will be able to gather different resources, interact with other units, cook meals, take part in side activities, and even set up a farmyard. You can also drop by the Training Arena to boost up some of your stats and practice the combat system. Beginners should also know that they can purchase various items at the Somniel as well in Fire Emblem Engage.
Similarly, you can also take part in various side activities while exploring Somniel. For example, players can invest their time in fishing on the dock to catch different kinds of fish, which can later be cooked. Outside the Somniel you can also play plenty of side quests, also called the Paralogues. Completing Paralogues will bring you and the characters a lot closer. On top of that, Alear and the other units will also gain money and unique items for completing the side missions.
Players can also take part in Skirmishes battle, which is a great source of EXP in Fire Emblem Engage. They also help in improving your combat technique.

In RPGs, you can never overlook the resources. They are one of the most important things in Fire Emblem Engage. Having the right resources can allow you to cook meals which will let you create bonds with other Characters. Other than that, you can also collect resources and eventually upgrade your weapons. Upgrading Weapons will obviously improve your combat skills in the game.
Resources can be collected from the battlefields after you defeat certain enemies. They can also be gained after completing side missions. However, one of the best ways to get ingredients and craft items is by keeping specific animals at your Farmyard in Somniel.
In Fire Engage Emblem, players can adopt animals from different locations and keep up to 5 of them at their Farmyard. After you complete any task or a mission, simply head back to your farmyard, and you’ll notice that your animals have dropped an item (resource) for you.
Battle Terrain

In Fire Emblem Engage, players get to experience a top-down play style while exploring hostile lands. While in the top-down view, you will carefully choose the path of your character as he/she treads around the field. Usually, Alear’s movement will be followed by an enemy turn, in which they will move a few blocks as well. The battle terrain can confuse many players in the beginning. However, a quick guide about it will set you on track right away.
First and foremost, it is important to know that certain terrains can either grant you stat boosts or resistances. You will need to keep this in mind while treading across the fields. For example, if you stand inside a bush, your unit will receive 30 Avoidance, which means that the chances of you being hit by the enemy will decrease. Similarly, if you manage to get on top of a fort, you will gain 10 HP, 30 Avoidance, and the Unbreakable buff.
Whereas on the other hand, shallow water and quicksand can make your unit move slower. Therefore, it is essential to know all these tiny bits of advantages and disadvantages that you can gain in battle terrains. It is also worth mentioning that flying units are almost immune to all terrain effects.
While you’re exploring battle terrains, you need to be careful of how far the enemy can reach with their attacks. You can check the enemy’s attack range by pressing ZL on Nintendo Switch. Always try to inflict the first move on the enemy to get a headstart in the battle.
If you fail to do so, you could instantly be on the back foot while the battle ensues. The best strategy while moving across battle terrains is to bait enemies out and get the chance to make the first move in battle. Implementing this strategy will make combat a lot easier for you in Fire Emblem Engage.

After you move through the battle terrain and come face to face against an enemy, the battle will get initiated. Now there are tons of different Characters in Fire Emblem Engage that you can deploy on the battle terrains. Each of these characters belongs to a different class and equip a specific type of weapon. All of these things will matter a lot when you take on enemies.
When you get close to an enemy, you will get an option to Attack it. If you get the first move off, then the battle will ensue turn by turn until either the enemy or your unit dies. Before attacking, players will also get to choose the weapon they want to use in the battle. Weapons like Bows can be used from range as well, which means you won’t need to get close to the enemy to inflict damage.
At the start of the game, the battle animations are turned on. However, as the game progresses, the animations can get a bit annoying and repetitive. Luckily, you can turn them off by pausing the game and going to “System” then “Settings.” From here, simply turn off the Combat Animations. There are a couple of other things linked with the combat system of Fire Emblem Engage, which is very important to know.
Weapon Types

A quick rundown of the Weapon types is one of the most crucial bits in our Fire Emblem Engage Beginners guide. There are 8 Weapon Types in Fire Emblem Engage that you need to be aware of. Each of these weapons can be equipped by a particular type of class. Knowing the weapon types that your units use is important because of the Weapon Triangle System (explained later).
With that said, here are the 8 Types of Weapons found in Fire Emblem Engage.
- Sword
- Lances
- Axes
- Bows
- Magic
- Knives
- Body Arts
- Staves
All of these weapon types come in multiple variations. For example, there are five different kinds of Swords in the game. Among them, the Iron Sword is considered the weakest, whereas the Liberation and Folkvangr are among the strongest blades in the game. As we mentioned earlier, each weapon can be used by a specific class. For instance, Bows can only be used by Archers. As you progress through the game and upgrade the Class level of your unit, you will be able to equip another weapon type as well.
Staves work as special equipment rather than a weapon. These can be used to heal units, light up dark battle terrains, and even teleport the player to a different place.
Weapon Triangle System

Even though it may sound a bit complex but the Weapon Triangle System is one of the easiest mechanics to understand in the game. The triangle system is inspired by the ‘Rock, Paper, and Scissors’ game. According to the system, the game determines that a particular weapon type is automatically dominant over another. As per the system, the player’s weapon efficiency in battle can either greatly increase or decrease.
The Triangle system holds only 3 weapons like rock, paper, and scissors. Hence, memorizing the sequence of weaknesses and strengths is quite simple.
- Axe is dominant over the Lance.
- Lance is dominant over the Sword.
- Sword is dominant over the Axe.
Based on the above-mentioned sequence, if you use the Axe and the enemy has a Lance, you will automatically gain an advantage over them. Additionally, you can also cause a Break effect to the enemy if you use a weapon based on the sequence. However, be aware because the enemy can utilize these advantages too. It is important to use the Weapon Triangle System because it can help you inflict the Break effect on the enemy.
The Break effect will disarm the opponent and make it impossible for them to counterattack for a turn. This will give you a huge advantage over them and enable you to eliminate them through repeated attacks easily. Therefore, especially for beginners, it is crucial to understand the rules and sequences of the Weapon Triangle System.
Character & Weapon Stats
Of course, in every RPG, stats are a huge element that can help players improve their gameplay. In Fire Emblem Engage, characters and weapons have loads of stats that you need to be aware of. Each stat section will boost a specific department for the character or weapon. While you’re creating teams it is important that you make use of a diverse range of units by looking at their stats.
As you progress the game by defeating enemies and completing missions, you will level up your units. After each level-up, the stats of that particular character will increase, ultimately making it stronger. With that said, here are all the Character Stats that you will encounter in Fire Emblem Engage.
- HP
- BLD (Build)
- STR (Strength)
- MAG (Magic)
- DEX (Dexterity)
- SPD (Speed)
- DEF (Defense)
- RES (Resistance)
- LCK (Luck)
- Rating (Overall rating after examining all stats)
Apart from that, there are also some important Weapon Stats that you should familiarize yourself with.
- PH Attack: Physical damage stat.
- Hit: Accuracy of weapon hit.
- Crit: Chances of inflicting a Critical hit.
- Spd: Increases the avoidance rate. The higher the number, the higher the chance of landing the first blow.
- Avo: Chances of avoiding the opponent’s move.
- Ddg: Dodge stat.
- Rng: Range of the weapon.
Changing Classes

Unlike most JRPGs, you can also change your character’s class in Fire Emblem Engage. It may seem a bit odd, but it’s a cool feature that allows you to diversify your gameplay over time. For example, you can simply switch your Archer to a Sword Fighter if you want to. The procedure to change your class is quite simple; however, if you reach Level 10 or higher for a particular class, then you will need to meet some requirements before being able to make the change.
Changing Class helps in creating the most effective unit in Fire Emblem Engage. Let’s suppose that you’re lacking a good healer in your team. On the other hand, you have tons of Knights. In this case, you can easily choose to switch one of your Knights into a Healer to take your team to the next level.
In order to Change Classes in Fire Emblem Engage, simply pause the game and choose the option which reads “Inventory.” From here, select the unit of your choice and from the drop-down menu, click on “Change Class“. In the Change Class menu, you can choose any class you want to change your character’s base class. Each class will have a set of requirements that you need to reach in order to make the change.
These requirements can vary depending on the level of the unit. For example, if your character is level 10 or above in its current class, then you will need to meet higher requirements in order to change its class. There are three things that need to be met for a successful class change. These three requirements are:
- Required Level
- Required Weapon Proficiency
- Item Cost
If you’re changing classes early on then the item cost will usually be One Second Seal. On the other hand, if the character is higher level, then the change could cost you Two Second Seals. As for Weapon Proficiency, you will need to make relevant progress with the assigned weapon of that class in order to unlock the option to change. For instance, if you’re aiming for the Bow Knight Class, then you will need to make your character get familiar with a Sword and a Bow.

Let us now move on to how Skills work in the game on our Fire Emblem Engage Beginners guide. Regular RPG players would be well accustomed to the mechanics of skills in a game. For newer players, skills are types of upgrades that enhance the stats or apply a certain boost to the character. Skills have the ability to take your combat expertise to the next level and will help you progress the game with ease.
Fire Emblem Engage has included 5 Skill categories for each character. Each of these categories holds different skills. However, not every category is changeable, which means that certain skills are locked in for the units and can not be swapped by the player. With that said, here are the major Skill Types in Fire Emblem Engage.
- Inherited Skills: These skills can be acquired by certain characters after they reach Bond level 5 with their emblem. You can pick two Inherited skills per character in the game.
- Personal Skills: These are skills that are unique to each character. They can not be changed and are locked.
- Class Skills: These are unique skills for each advanced class. They can be unlocked after your unit’s Advanced Class reaches level 5.
Other than these, you will also notice two other Skill types while managing skills in the game. These are; Sync and Engage Skills. Sync Skills are the skills your unit will gain from the Emblem ring it holds. Lastly, the Engage Skills are the ones you get to use whenever you Engage during battles.
To access the skills for your unit, you will first need to pause the game and head to “Inventory.” From here, choose the unit of your choice and pick the “Manage Skills” option from the drop-down bar. Each Skills section will be unique. You can always switch the Inherited Skills depending on your Bonds.
Interacting With Other Characters
Many JRPGs put a lot of emphasis on relationships and bonds between characters. These allow players to enjoy a social side of the game which can even help you during fights. Yes, you read that right! If you put in the time to create bonds between different characters, they will perform better when they fight together. There are a couple of ways to enhance your Support Bonds in Fire Emblem Engage.
Relationships between characters are ranked as A, B, or C. Every bond begins at Rank C, and you need to work them towards Rank A in order to get the best out of the pair. Once characters fight together against enemies, they will unlock new conversation sequences. These Support Conversations will enhance the bond between characters. Apart from that, you can also create stronger bonds between characters by training them together or gifting meals and other items.
It is to be noted that only Alear is capable of having bonds with each and every character. Other characters will only be able to have bonds with specific units.
Emblem & Bond Rings

Next up in our Beginners Guide of Fire Emblem Engage, we will cover the Special Rings. The Emblem Rings are one of the most important items in the Fire Emblem Engage. These rings are part of the main story which means you can not miss them at all. As you progress through the game, you will eventually acquire more and more Emblem Rings. These Rings can then be handed over to any of the characters.
So, what do the Emblem Rings do in the game? Well, the Emblem Rings contain the souls of some of the most powerful warriors from the Fire Emblem series. These include characters like Byleth, Lyn, Ike, and Marth. Equipping these special rings will allow your character to get backed by some of the heroes of the past. Emblem Rings will increase the character’s skill and abilities. On top of that, you will also get access to Inherited Skills.
As the Emblem units help your characters, the bond between them will increase. Not only will the stats of your character get better, but from time to time, the Emblem unit will also help you out physically in battles. Other than that, you can also choose to “Engage” in battles. This is a rather new element in the new Fire Emblem game, which is why we have decided to include it in our Beginners Guide.
Whenever you choose to Engage in battle, the character and the assigned unit to the Emblem ring will fuse together. Hence, the abilities and the skills of both characters will get combined and create something devastating which can wreak havoc on the battlefield. Engage mode lasts three rounds, after which your character will get back to their normal form.
Other than the Emblem Rings, you will also come across Bond Rings in Fire Emblem Engage. Bond Rings can be created by using 100 Bond Fragments. A good way to get Bond Fragments is by interacting with Sommie in Somniel. When you create a Bond Ring, it will be assigned a rating, which can either be low (Rank C) or very high (Rank S). In simpler words, the Bond Ring crafting follows a gacha system in the game.
However, Bond Rings are not as strong as Emblem Rings. They offer specific stat boosts to the character that equips it. Apart from that, the Bond Rings will also help you earn Skill Points during battle. Bond Rings are a great item to hold during the early and mid parts of the game. Although, as the story progresses, you should focus on replacing them with Emblem Rings.
You can manage both Bond and Emblem Rings by going to the Ring Chamber. You can find the Ring Chamber in Somniel.
The Arena

You can not solely rely on the main storyline to level up your characters or solidify their bonds. For that, you can always head to The Arena, which can be found in the Somniel.
By taking part in The Arena, you will allow your unit to enhance its bonds with other characters as well as their Emblem unit. Apart from that, you will also get some EXP by taking part in The Arena. It is to be noted that the Arena unlocks once you complete Chapter 5 in Fire Emblem Engage. The Arena can be found inside the Cafe Terrace. Inside the Arena, you get to choose a unit that gets to face a random character for 3 rounds.
Regardless of the result in these three rounds, you will be guaranteed a chunk of EXP as well as an increase in the bond between the two characters. However, the EXP amount may seem good enough at the early stages of the game. However, later on, the EXP gained from the Arena becomes insignificant and doesn’t do a lot.
SP, EXP, & Bond Fragments

In our previous sections of this Fire Emblem Engage Beginners Guide, we used terms like SP, EXP, and Bond Fragments. Even though these may seem like easy terms to go by, it’s still important to get familiar with them before you begin your heroic journey. Let us now quickly run down what each of these terms means and how their mechanism works in the game.
- SP: Also known as Skill Points, these can be used to acquire different Inherited skills after you equip an Emblem Ring. You can earn SP by battling enemies or wearing Bond Rings.
- Bond Fragments: These are more like a collectible that can be used to create Bond Rings for the characters. You can get Bond Fragments by interacting with Sommie or by exploring battlegrounds.
- EXP: Also known as Experience Points, these are one of the most common leveling metrics used in video games. In Fire Emblem Engage, you gain EXP by taking part in battles and Arena. After gaining a particular amount of EXP, your character’s Class will level up.
Inventory Management
Managing inventory is a big element in most RPGs. However, inventory hasn’t been that much of a problem in the Fire Emblem series, but this time around, you will need to keep an eye out for the items you pick up. If you frequently explore the battleground or interact with your animals at the farmyard, chances are that your character’s inventory is filled to the brim.
So every now and then, check in on your character’s inventory and swap out the unnecessary items. You can also pick the important things before heading into the Terrain. Either way, we think it is worth sorting out your inventory in Fire Emblem Engage. You can Manage your Items by pausing the game and heading to the “Inventory” menu. Now choose a character and then press on “Manage Items” to swap, discard, or sell the items for some extra money.
Using The Draconic Time Crystal

As you continue the main storyline of Fire Emblem Engage, you will eventually come across a unique relic called the Draconic Time Crystal. At first, the ability of this relic will remain a mystery for Alear and his companions. You will get the Draconic Time Crystal during Chapter 3 after you clean up the Lythos Castle. Fortunately, once you reach Chapter 4 the true function of the Crystal will get revealed.
Once you learn the true nature of the Draconic Time Crystal, you will be able to use it to reverse time. Yes, you read that right! You can use the Crystal to reverse time when you’re exploring the Battle Terrains. In the Battle Terrains, you will occasionally find yourself moving in the incorrect direction. In these situations, feel free to use the Draconic Time Crystal to reverse your error. You can also rewind time if any of your units die.
To use the Draconic Time Crystal you will first need to wait for your turn inside the Battle Terrain. Once your turn begins, pause the game and pick the “Time Crystal” option from the menu.
Wrap Up
So there you have it! Our complete Fire Emblem Engage Beginners Guide. We dug deep during our gameplay to extract the most vital bits of information that could help new FE Engage players. When heading into a huge RPG, it is important to familiarize yourself with the different mechanics beforehand. Knowing these things will make your Fire Emblem Engage playthrough a lot more fun and engaging.
After reading through our Beginners Guide, feel free to check out our related articles, such as the Romance Options in Fire Emblem Engage. You can also check out how you can Order of Heroes bonuses. While you’re recruiting different characters to use in the Battle Terrains, it is worth learning a bit more about Alfred and Etie. Finally, also educate yourself on how long FE Engage is so that you can plan your playthrough accordingly.
Thank you for reading through our detailed beginner’s guide. For more stuff related to Fire Emblem Engage, make sure to stick around at eXputer!
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