Fire Emblem Ange loads twice as fast as Fire Emblem Three Houses.


You can’t be a brand like that Nintendo Without your fair share of internationally popular franchises. From Pokemon To Super Mario, the company has a never-ending list of IPs that everyone on Earth knows. One of them is the RPG that has ruled the Nintendo world for over 3 decades: Fire sign.

With over 20 games, including spin-offs, the series became a staple of Nintendo consoles. The 90s. The hype for new entries never dies, and it shows with the brand new ones. Fire Emblem Engage Which is releasing this month. This suggests that the title halves the load time from the previous mainline entry, Three Houses, and hence the load. Twice as fast.

Key takeaways

  • Fire Emblem Ange loads twice as fast as Fire Emblem Three Houses.
  • The upcoming title is a big tech improvement over its predecessor.
  • The overall presentation, frame rate, and resolution are much better than the 2019 mainline entry.

Ypsigon Twitter is responsible for reporting this interesting information. A Twitter user posted a video comparing Fire Emblem Engage’s load time to Three Houses. In the results, we see how much better Tech is for the 2023 title.

Actually, this comparison comes from a Digital Foundry Video In which they talk about game upgrades. First, we look at the loading time Fire Emblem Three Houses in the clip. As you can see below, this takes a lot of time.

Any transition, whether it’s from the main menu title to the game or just loading the battle, takes a long time. We see one such transition in the clip, and it takes a long time. 35 second interval Before we can play Three Houses again. In comparison, Fire Emblem Engage loads much faster due to its tech upgrades.

gave 2023 game There is a significant improvement over its predecessor in terms of load times. You can jump into battle very quickly while traversing the game. Fire Emblem Engage only loaded in-game. 16 seconds In the Digital Foundry test.

As you can calculate for yourself, it’s twice as fast as its 2019 prequel. Hence, the developer’s intelligent system has reduced the load times by almost. 55% In Fire Emblem Engage. When you add a pixel version of the characters that appear in between, it greatly improves loading times.

Although it’s a small touch, it just makes the project feel more complete. You can see this. Pixel art renditions I below of your screen when the game loads. All Fire Emblem Engage characters currently in the party will appear on this loading screen.

Faster loading times are just the tip of the iceberg in tech upgrades. Intelligent system The game is made. Eurogamer Wrote an article about technical improvements in Fire Emblem Engage. This gives us a much more complete look at how the game has improved on its predecessor.

In addition to reducing long loading times, the overall image quality is also much better. There was also one in Fire Emblem Engage. 30 fps target, but he achieved it with much more consistency. The overall presentation is also much better than Three Houses, and it feels good on the Nintendo Switch.

You can find all this out for yourself as Fire Emblem Engage unfolds. January 20, 2023. Fans will only be able to play it on the Nintendo Switch, but with the console’s dominance, we assume everyone has it. Hope the game performs really well and exceeds the expectations.

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