[EXCLUSIVE] Baten Kaitos: Eternal wings and the Lost Ocean remake is in development.
- Released in 2003, Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean is currently being remade exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.
- Sources have confirmed that the developers plan to launch the game in the summer of 2023.
- It is possible that the remake could be tied in with another Baten Kaitos game.
Baton Ketos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Sea, an Immortal JRPG For the Nintendo GameCube, initially released in 2003. Japanese developer Monolithic soft Worked with another studio on a single-player action-adventure. Triangular.
Being the first game in the series, the title received a lot of hype in its day, but it was still enough to warrant a second offering in the franchise, ie. Origin of Baton Ketos– A prequel to Eternal Feathers and The Lost Sea.
But now Sources have confirmed. That the first Baten Kaitos game is getting. The remake Especially for Nintendo Switch. eXputer has seen graphical proofs of the title in development but is unable to share any of it publicly at this time.
Sources have also told that. Release date This remake has been planned for some time. Summer of 2023 And that a reveal is possible during this year’s E3.
Moreover, a remake is in the works by the game’s original developer. Monolith Studio – a company owned by Nintendo – right next door Bandai Namco. Additionally, Nintendo is involved in the new remake and will be working closely with the two developers to oversee the title’s development.
That said, it’s still unknown at what scale the remake will be produced. There is a level of uncertainty in the mix here, where the degree of Nintendo’s involvement in the IP is not fully known.
It is yet to be announced whether this will be a remake through and through. Full scale Like Demon’s Souls or a bit of a step back on that front. Sources cannot confirm this detail at this time.
other than that, There is a slight possibility that a remake could be released as part of a bundle.where the collection will contain both Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins, but don’t hold your breath.
It is worth noting that Bandai Namco Registered trademarks For both games in the series — Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins — two years ago. Although not confirmed, it is possible that the developers started working on the IP sometime before this.
Overall, this news comes as a hearty surprise to fans of the franchise as many have been eyeing a new Baten Kaitos game for quite some time now.
Again, according to the unpublishable graphical evidence that some insiders have shown us, this is something that is 100 percent happening. come summer; The official news of Baton Ketos is going to come out sooner or later.
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