A few hours ago, we learned this. Apex Legends Mobile Being discontinued by EA and Respawn Entertainment. We also found that several games including high-profile entries such as Go away 2, The Witcher 2, Mass effect 2, Prince of Persia, and many more are being removed from the Xbox 360 marketplace. Now it has been revealed that Epic Games The Rumblers is the latest to bite the dust, just six months after launch.
For the uninitiated, The Rumblers is a free-to-play melee battle royale multiplayer title developed by Iron Galaxy and published by Epic Games. Fortnite, for Windows, PlayStation, and Xbox. The title hit the gaming scene in August 2022, but despite some good reviews, it’s now being discontinued just six months after launch.
In a blog postIron Galaxy has announced that The RumblersThe servers will go offline on February 28th, 10AM CST. Details of the reason behind the sudden death have not been shared but the developer has assured players that refunds will be offered to anyone who has spent money on the game. Although the developer is shutting down the game, it has interestingly asked users not to give up. The Rumblers In a ___ Blog post on his own websiteSaying that:
It’s our sincere hope that this news doesn’t signal the end of the Rumbleverse. You haven’t seen the Rumble in its final form yet. If we can welcome people back on the deck of a battle barge, we hope you’ll be there, prepared and ready to take your rightful place in the cannon.
Iron Galaxy will continue to make games. This is our passion and our goal. Our people are full of skills and motivation to keep the world playing.
Thanks for playing. This isn’t the last time you’ll hear from us. This is not the last time we will invite you to play.
As of February 28, the game’s servers will be online for play, but the store is being closed to prevent further purchases. The final update has already been released (Check the changelog here.), the current Battle Pass is being given to everyone, doubling XP gains, and unlocking new emotes and accessories. Farewell The RumblersWe hardly knew you.