Demon Slayer Legacy Breathing Tier List [2023]


Demon Slayer Legacy Breathing Tier List has ranked all the breathing techniques in the game, as some breathing techniques are better than others. Demon Slayer Legacy is a Roblox game, and there is an anime series with the same name.

Key highlights

  • There are 7 breathing techniques in the Demon Slayer Legacy game – some truly unusual and some poorly performed.
  • Demon Slayer Legacy Breathing Technique rankings are based on the overall support each option offers and whether or not it’s worth it during combat.
  • Thunder is the best of all Demon Slayer Legacy Breathing. It has exceptional offensive moves and packs a set of advantages for players who like to knock down enemies with lightning effects.
  • Demon Slayer Legacy’s weakest performing breathing style is vocal breathing. Aside from quick displacement, breathing won’t let you do much.
  • Advanced Breathings in Demon Slayer Legacy will help you excel in every situation.

Seven breathing patterns in the game give players a defensive boost. Here, we’ve ranked the breathing styles from best to worst, so you can choose one for yourself.

Demon Slayer Legacy Breathing Tier List Breakdown

We have ranked the breathing techniques from S-Tier to C-Tier with the best breathing techniques, while C-Tier has the worst breathing techniques. Breathing techniques available in the game are Sound, Love, Thunder, Mist, Beast, Snake and Insect.

S. Tire Thunder Breathing
A tire Beast Breathing, Mist Breathing, Snake Breathing
B tier Worm breathing, breathing loving
C tire The sound of breathing

S. Tier

Demon Slayer Legacy S Tier
S-Tier Breathing

The best breathing techniques are rated in the S Tier. You can never go wrong with choosing the S Tier breathing technique. In short, Thunder Breathing boosts are the best in Demon Slayer Legacy.

Thunder Breathing

Thunder Breathing is the absolute best in Demon Slayer Legacy. As the name suggests, Thunder Breath mimics lightning with lightning-fast movements that rip through the sky. The movements of this technique are fast enough to overwhelm the enemy in seconds.

Players who have mastered the Thunder Breathing technique consider themselves adept at calculating with lightning, which produces high-pitched sounds that cause the air to vibrate.

It’s not hard to get the perfect breathing technique either, as you can travel through the rice fields. There you will find Zentsu standing in front of one of these buildings. You will click on this to get your first search. This quest will be completed only when it rains.

One look at his moves and you’ll know that Thunder Breathing is the best in the game. The breathing movements of thunder are discussed in detail.

  • Thunderclap and Flash Where players sheathe their swords in an instant.
  • The spirit of rice Causes players to slash multiple times to create a Slash Ball.
  • Distant Thunder The player thrusts his sword at the enemy, striking hard
  • Rumble and Flash Will charge you forward in a zigzag pattern. You can strike the opponent like thunder.


Demon Slayer Legacy
One-level breathing

Breathing technique performance in Tier A is above average. This means they are better than most breathing techniques in the game but not perfect.

Mist Breathing

This is a common breathing technique often used by players offering them offensive buffs. You can learn this technique from Muichiro Tokito behind Hokkaido Town. There are different forms of the technique, but the most useful is the seventh form which enables players to create a large mist around an area.

This enables players to attack stealthily and stealthily. This allows players to disappear for 2.25 seconds each time they use this move.

The first form allows for a minor attack that deals damage if an enemy is in the way. Another form creates a barrage of mist slashes. A form of mist breathing enables players to create a mist projectile that causes collateral damage over a fairly long range. Using the first and third forms together has a very high chance of damage, making mist breathing a Tier A Breathing Technique.

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Breathing of the animal

Beast Breathing is another technique that can cause a lot more damage to players than using a blade. You can learn this technique from Inosuke Hashibira, who is lying between the stone pillars. The technique is fairly easy to disable, as the lower the HP, the more damage players can deal. It can take six hits at once. Some important aspects of the technique are mentioned in detail below.

  • The Fourth Fang or slice “n” dice forces players to advance with both swords. Swinging both swords protects them from minor damage.
  • The Tenth Fang Or the spinning fangs cause players to move forward, slowing down the enemy and dealing a lot of damage.
  • The Fifth Fang Or Crazy Cutting will enable you to swing your blade, creating a whirlwind that tends to deal massive damage.
  • The Sixth Fang Or a sudden throwing strike causes the user to throw both of their swords forward to deal medium damage.

The Beast Breathing Technique’s ability to deal moderate damage in most cases classifies it as an A-Tier technique.

Snake breath

Serpent’s Breath also provides a good mix of defensive and offensive buffs and thus falls under the A Tier technique. It imitates snakes and snakes. Their powerful movements are proof of this.

Players who have mastered snake breathing tend to perform better at making snakes using this technique. The main focus of the technique is twisting and turning the sword to inflict damage.

The Breathing Technique has some useful moves to rank as A-Tier in the Demon Slayer Legacy Breathing Tier List. A detailed overview of the breathing movements of a snake is given below.

  • Of Kaburamaru The children call upon the players’ snake companion to release venomous venom to stun the opponent.
  • Slithering strike Enables players to summon a snake to move at a very high speed.
  • Tie the coil Binds the enemy and makes them unable to move. This is a very useful move to attack the opponent.
  • The slithering snake Moving forward involves a flowing dance, surrounded by fellow snakes.

B tier

Demon Slayer Legacy B Tier
B-tier breathing

B Tier breathing techniques have an average rating of efficiency. They perform significantly better than the worst breathing techniques but are not the best option in the game.

Insect respiration

The name of the technique describes what it does in the game; It mimics insect-like stings and movements to attack opponents. Shinobu Kocho created this breathing technique only to make up for his lack of stamina and physical strength so that he could fight the demon.

You can get it from Shinobu Kocho in Butterfly Estate. It has an average performance rating compared to the above techniques. A detailed analysis of its moves is mentioned below.

  • Butterfly dance Unleashes a cloud of butterflies as it moves forward, releasing poison towards the opponent.
  • Dance of the bee sting Involves saying two words backwards and then moving forward, spewing venom at the opponent.
  • Dance of the Dragonfly Forces players to move forward while swinging the sword with the intention of poisoning the enemy.
  • A centipede’s dance Enables players to move a short distance that creates images of players and attackers.

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Love to breathe.

This breathing pattern is based on the feelings of love. The whip attacks in this technique are very fast for opponents. Players using this technique create Pink Strikes created by Mitsuri Kanroji. It gives flexibility to the players and creates strong blows to fight the enemy. However, it would be best if you make sure to use a whip-like katana to use this technique.

You will go to the Ubuyashiki mansion to get it from Mitsuri Kanjoruji. Love breathing movements that classify it as B grade are mentioned below.

  • The tremors of first love Move players forward and hover around the target. This attack has a larger radius than any other attack in Breath of Love.
  • Pains of love Enables players to unleash various AOE whip slashes. The last hit is the strongest.
  • Catlove shower There is a trick where the player wraps enemies in a sword and then sends them flying through the air. You need to remember that this is an intimate technique.

C tire

Demon Slayer Legacy C Tier
C tire breathing

Finally, the C-Tier breathing technique is the worst performer in the game. Only a few players who think that this breathing technique goes well with their playing style choose them.

The sound of breathing

Acoustic breathing is not superior to other breathing techniques simply because of its ability to produce and mimic loud sounds. It enables players to travel at the speed of sound as well as use the human sense of hearing. Tengen made this technique unique, and thus could only be used with certain weapons. Knowing the vocal breathing technique will give you a sense of the reasons for its classification at C level.

  • roar In it, players pick up their swords and then throw them down with great force. It will detonate a bomb that deals damage.
  • Continuous echoing slashes. Force users to grab their swords and drop bombs while spinning rapidly.
  • I String performanceUsers move forward holding one sword and swing another that is attached to a chain that deals damage.

Sound breathing is not bad. If you feel the damage is enough for what you want you can use it. However, when compared with other breathing techniques, it ranks lowest on the list.

Grade List Criteria

We’ve compiled this Demon Slayer Legacy Breathing Tier list by spending hours playing the game and doing outside research. Rankings in the rank list may vary based on the players’ approach to a particular breathing technique.

We made sure to test all techniques in all possible situations and see which techniques work best against enemies.

The main purpose of the tier list is to inform Demon Slayer Legacy players of the breathing techniques and tricks that make some of them superior to others.

You can switch between using these techniques depending on your playing style or preferences, and the list above will be very helpful in this regard.

next: Artery Gear Tire List

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